similar to: Getting the IMQ target to work.

Displaying 20 results from an estimated 6000 matches similar to: "Getting the IMQ target to work."

2004 Aug 24
IMQ on 2.6.x + iptraf = problem
2003 Mar 24
Hello I have a server with a dsl connection on eth1 and local interface eth0. Because of the NAT i cannot direct traffic to IMQ device in PREROUTING chain but have to use INPUT and FORWARD. So i use rules. iptables -t mangle -A INPUT -i eth1 -j IMQ --todev 0 iptables -t mangle -A FORWARD -i eth1 -j IMQ --todev 0 And now the strange thing: FORWARD traffic gets directed nicely to the IMQ, but
2005 Jan 30
simple questions about imq
Hi! I have read all informations i could find, but some things are still not clear. My setup is: ---INTERNET1(eth0)-\ /- Local net1 (eth2) GW ---INTERNET2(eth1)-/ \- Local net2 (eth3) I have NAT and a working setup using HTB,SFQ, classifying with the iptables -j CLASSIFY way. I shape only the traffic coming from the internet heading to the intranet. I would like
2005 May 18
HTB + IMQ + IPtables marking.
Folks, I''m so surprised what happened to my box just in the few weeks lately. Here is my setup: INTERNET <----------> [eth0] SHAPER-BOX [eth1] <----------> USER-FARM both eth0 & eth1 got public ips (202.x.x.x) Why traffic monitored at eth0 is bigger than eth1 ? eth1 shaped just exactly the same as rate i defined in HTB. I just have 1024Kbps from my ISP and i defined the
2004 Aug 23
imq question
Hi I''ve a stupid question. How can I shape upload using IMQ? Instead of putting a rule in iptables in PREROUTING should i use POSTROUTING? And another question is, can I make routing rule based on ip addresses assigned by iptables to an imq device? The idea is, let''s say i have some rules in iptables like: -t mangle -A PREROUTING -s -j IMQ --todev 0 Can i route
2007 May 07
IMQ KERNEL PANIC AND No chain/target/match by that name
After starting to shape local traffic now i am getting a lot of kernel panics in tcp_retransmit, so i decided to update my kernel from to , the problem is that after that i get: # iptables -t mangle -A POSTROUTING -o eth0 -j IMQ --todev 0 iptables: No chain/target/match by that name so i can not redirect ttraffic to IMQ device. and modules are loaded. - # lsmod Module
2004 Apr 04
Hi all, my IMQ device works OK (thanks to Andy Furniss), but now I''ve problems to attach the traffic in the qdisc''s. This is my conf: ----------------------------------------------------------------------- INET | |eth0 300Kbps ROUTER (NAT) |eth1 | LAN ----------------------------------------------------------------------- MAX=300 tc qdisc add dev imq0 root handle 1: htb
2002 Jul 04
how to control bridge traffic using imq
bridge was configured with "brctl" three NIC was bind to br0 imq and htb was used to control traffic. #modprobe imq numdevs=3 "htb scripts" #iptables -t mangle -A PREROUTING -i br0 -j IMQ --todev 1 #ip link set imq1 up but this can not do the traffic controling. please tell me how can i do _________________________________________________________ Do You Yahoo!? 银行巨头聚会中原
2002 Nov 12
pb with imq
hi stef oone more pb while shaping incoming traffic with imq .this one tc qdisc add dev imq0 root handle 1: htb default 20 tc class add dev imq0 parent 1: classid 1:1 htb rate 2mbit burst 15k tc class add dev imq0 parent 1:1 classid 1:10 htb rate 1mbit tc class add dev imq0 parent 1:1 classid 1:20 htb rate 1mbit tc qdisc add dev imq0 parent 1:10 handle 10: pfifo tc qdisc add dev imq0 parent
2005 Jan 24
Htb, imq and sfq traffic shaping
Hello, I wrote a simple traffic shaping script (below) that should have allowed me to shape my internet traffic a bit (ppp0 - adsl 128kbit/64kbit; local interface eth0). The script works only partially - the speed is being limited but too much. Without running this script my download rate is about 10kBytes (with second computer also downloading at about 6kBytes). After running it my download speed
2006 Jan 19
IMQ slows computer to a crawl
I am attempting to implement IMQ on a 2.4.31 version kernel with iptables 1.3.3. I am following the example at When I enter the line iptables -t mangle -A POSTROUTING -o eth1 -j IMQ --todev1 (eth1 is the external interface), the computer slows to a crawl. OK, the CPU is only an AMD K6 233 which is not the world''s greatest CPU, but egress shaping is
2005 Jun 17
IMQ + HTB + little script problem
I want to shape the incoming traffic ( download ) "but using only fwmark", i know there are other methods, but i want to use this one particularly... So, first i create DOWNLOAD and mark with 20 all the traffic with destination ( eth1 ) incoming from my internet device ( eth0 ). #$IPTABLES -t mangle -N DOWNLOAD #$IPTABLES -t mangle -I PREROUTING -i eth0 -j DOWNLOAD
2004 Nov 19
i''m trying to limit upload and download but something is wrong(it is about NAT) i will post here my "script" maybe someone could tell me what is wrong my kernel(2.6.9) is patch with imq( and my iptables(1.2.11) also #flush tc qdisc del dev eth0 root tc qdisc del dev eth1 root tc qdisc del dev imq0 root tc qdisc del dev imq1 root ifconfig imq0 down
2005 Jul 27
ive got such network: |--------| |-------------| | WORLD |---|ROUTER/server| ------ NATED LAN |--------| |-------------| I want to use imq on ROUTER, what behaviour to choose ? AA, BA, AB, BB ?? --
2006 Jun 02
Hello, I have eth0 - internet eth1..4 - local networks on eth0 i do $IPTABLES -A POSTROUTING -t nat -o eth0 -j MASQUERADE I want to balance out/in load for eth1..4 and localhost (mainly squid). Nat makes impossible to do it on eth0, so I installed IMQ. I need to get to on imq0 unnnated in/out traffic that I could make priorities for protocols and networks. Do somthing like this: prate=1Mbit
2005 May 24
Problem with marking packets...
Hello everyone... I have a little trouble and need some help :P How can I check on which interface the packet is going (eth0, eth1; I have two ISP and on eth3 little LAN), using to check it TC and IMQ? (HTB script) I tried to mark packets, but on chain POSTROUTING this does not work... Maybe because packets fall on IMQ before signing. I tried marking it on FORWARD but packets also
2004 Jun 13
[Help] IMQ download traffic is duplicated !?
Hi, I have a default class for my un-marked traffic (prio 5) and a prio 0 class for the important stuff, but I do not understand why my download traffic is duplicated in both. It work fine for my upload traffic (same setting except the red class but I have the same result if I create an esfq instead). Any comments/information will be appreciated. Below my config : tc commands from my scirpt :
2006 Mar 28
Please help - totally confused (NAT + FWMARK + IMQ + HTB)
Hello, I''m trying to get my shaper to work, but have only a partial success. Can someone help me with that. My setup unfortunately is not so trivial, but I think some people could have similar one... 1. There is a router connected to the internet line via interface eth0 2. There are users connected to the router via two interfaces : eth1 and wlan0 3. All users are assigned private IP
2005 Jan 31
why there is any traffic in default class?
I have: tc qdisc add dev imq0 root handle 1: htb default 30 tc class add dev imq0 parent 1: classid 1:1 htb rate 512kbit ceil 512kbit tc class add dev imq0 parent 1:1 classid 1:30 htb rate 64kbit ceil 512kbit then: iptables -t mangle -A PREROUTING -i ppp0 -s -j IMQ --todev 0 tc class add dev imq0 parent 1:1 classid 1:22 htb rate 64kbit ceil 128kbit tc filter add dev imq0 protocol
2004 Apr 26
patching kernel and iptables for IMQ
I have a linux box with kernel 2.4.22 and iptables 1.2.9 First, i patch linux kernel with Norbet Buckmuller''s .diff #cd \usr\src\linux #patch -p1 < imq-combo-debian-2.4.22.diff All correct Second, i -try to- patch iptables (following #cd /usr/src/linux/net/ipv4/netfilter I edit IMQ.pom-ng.patch and replace $KERNEL_DIR with /usr/src/linux #patch