similar to: GRE Tunnels

Displaying 20 results from an estimated 200 matches similar to: "GRE Tunnels"

2004 Mar 10
tc/wondershaper and RTNETLINK answers: Invalid argument
Hi, I''ve been trying out the wondershaper script, but on several of the examples I keep getting the error message:- RTNETLINK answers: Invalid argument On the following line:- tc filter add dev eth0 parent ffff: protocol ip prio 50 u32 match ip src \ police rate 512kbit burst 10k drop flowid :1 Based on other posts to this mail list, I gather it is an issue with kernel
2001 Dec 05
Problem setting up nexthop
Dear Alexey, Sorry to bother you with this small question about nexthop syntax failing, but I haven''t found anyone else who can answer it - including Matthew Marsh or those on the lartc mailing list. The problem, with 2.2.19 and 2.2.20 kernels and versions of iproute2 up to iproute2-2.2.4-now-ss001007 (the most recent that compiles for me), is that this command does not work: # ip ro
2003 Apr 24
compiling iproute
Hi there. My name is Lucas and I''m from Argentina. Firstly, forgive me for my english since it is not my native languaje. Now, I''ve been reading on how to compile iproute2 and found that I need to add the following to my kernel, which in my case it is 2.4.20, and it is also the one which this document I read talked about: CONFIG_NETLINK=y CONFIG_RTNETLINK=y # CONFIG_NETLINK_DEV
2003 Jan 13
Getting Error when starting Wondershaper 1.1a
Hello, i´ve installed a Suse 8.1 minimal System with iproute 2.4.7 and iptables, Suse default Kernel 2.4.19. When I start the Wondershaper 1.1a Script I get the following Error: CBQ: "allot" is required to set WRR parameters. /home/skripte/./wshaper: line 72: allot: command not found CBQ: "allot" is required to set WRR parameters. /home/skripte/./wshaper: line 78: allot:
2004 Oct 28
akamai problem behind linux router
Hello, This is not really a shorewall problem. But just wanted to check if this problem rang a bell with any of you. I have a linux router with slackware 9.1, and kernel 2.4.27 Everyting works ok except for access to web sites that use akamai from behind the router. >From the router machine itself I can access those sites without problems. But machines behind nat, take forever to access
2006 Mar 03
Multicast only working in promiscuous mode
Hi, I am trying to set up a uPnP server on a Linux box (Debian Sarge Stable kernel 2.6.8). uPnP works using multicast packages for locating servers. This does however seem to fail unless I set the relevant NIC in promiscuous mode. If I do so, it works well. I have added ip route add dev eth0 and echo 1 >/proc/sys/net/ipv4/ip_forward and the kernel is set up to enable
2002 Dec 09
neughbour table overflow
hi all, am getting neighbour table overflow messages very often... Dec 9 09:59:54 ICG kernel: NET: 13 messages suppressed. Dec 9 09:59:54 ICG kernel: Neighbour table overflow. Dec 9 09:59:59 ICG kernel: NET: 12 messages suppressed. Dec 9 09:59:59 ICG kernel: Neighbour table overflow. how can i stop/reduce it ?? what factors does it depends on ?? kernel configuration are...
2002 Aug 15
conditional routing based on tos/fwmark not working with ipsec
Hello all, I am working with kernel 2.2.20 with the necessary options configured into the kernel to support all of the wonderfully fancy routing features: - routing based on ToS - routing based on fwmark - multiple routing tables This same kernel is in use elsewhere, and is routing based on fwmark with success. This leads me to believe that my kernel is OK and that I have another
2002 Apr 22
RE: RTNETLINK answers: Invalid argument
Hi All, concerning the problem when running the "ip ru ls" command. I faced with the same problem, and I solved it by making sure to include the following settings into the kernel configuration (2.4.18): CONFIG_IP_ADVANCED_ROUTER=y <=== CONFIG_IP_MULTIPLE_TABLES=y <=== CONFIG_IP_ROUTE_FWMARK=y CONFIG_IP_ROUTE_NAT=y CONFIG_IP_ROUTE_MULTIPATH=y CONFIG_IP_ROUTE_TOS=y
2007 Jul 24
GRE Tunnels
Hey all, Anybody been successful running DHCPD on a GRE tunnel? When I tell DHCPD to listen on cisco1 I see this in the log Jul 23 16:21:03 atlantis dhcpd: cisco1: unknown hardware address type 778 Here is the output of ifconfig cisco1 Link encap:UNSPEC HWaddr 8B-8E-28-32-00-00-00-00-00-00-00-00-00-00-00-00 inet addr: P-t-P:
2006 Jan 28
Re: traffic shaping and gre tunnels
Hi! I read and I did that. Can anyone tell me if there is something else to do for shapeing over tunnels to work? I noticed that gre interfaces don''t have a queue attached. I''m running linux-2.6.15 and iptables-1.3.4 with no patches. Thank you in advance, Sorin.
2006 Jan 28
Re: traffic shaping and gre tunnels (addition)
Hi! I want to add to my previous post that: my setup looks like this internet --> linux router with NAT and tc ==> gre tunnel ==> forwarding router --> LAN At my NATting router I can "see" the forwarded LAN ( Now let''s say that there is a LAN workstation with the IP and I filter the traffic with tc for it. If the fowarding router has
2005 Oct 24
loadbalance/gre tunnels
Hi, I have two systems each with 2 two gre tunnels over ipsec. The tunnels are setup to loadbalance using ''ip route''. Using ping from one server to the other I get equal results via the two gre tunnels, but when I try a large ftp transfer the utilization of one tunnel is 90% and the other 10%. The two interfaces are both 100/full. What would be the reason for this, or would
2005 Jan 09
traffic shaping gre tunnels
Hi! I have successfully set up traffic shaping at our site using your and others howtos. I have a linux firewall (gateway), two leased lines. I shape only the incoming traffix now. I use HTB+SFQ and sort the packets using iptables with the CLASSIFY patch. It works very well. eth1----ISP2-\ eth2----ISP1--LINUX--internal network eth0 My problem is, that i can not shape my VPN (PPTP)
2006 Jul 15
GRE over IPSec Tunnels to a Cisco using Openswan
Hi All: Ok, here is my network: is the network behind the Cisco, the Gig0/1 interface is Linux box is behind with the Eth1 interface. I have the Ipsec tunnel up and working between them using preshared keys. So that works. Here is the Cisco tunnel setup: interface Tunnel6 ip address tunnel source
2007 Dec 06
GRE tunnel stops traffic when idle
Hello, I''ve set up a GRE tunnel between two Linux boxes and it''s working well, with or without IPSEC (under GRE). The problem is that when I have no traffic for some minutes, side A cannot communicate to side B any more, unless side B tries to communidate to side A. The same thing happens in the other direction. For example, side A pings side B. No reply. Keep pinging. Side B
2006 Jul 11
A multi-isp with priority routing and GRE tunneling network problem.
Hey guys, i have a problem with building a multi-isp gateway using a GNU/Linux box with priority routing enalbed and after all. any ideas what should i do? maybe a step by step intro? thanks in advanced. Deslay
2006 Feb 23
Gre Tos
Hi, how does gre tunnels handle the TOS/DS field in the encapsulated packet? Is the value copied to the encapsulating ip header? thx jason _______________________________________________ LARTC mailing list
2005 Oct 19
load balance with gre/ipsec
Hi, I have the following setup. Two linux systems with two [test] external interfaces encrypted with ipsec [transport]. Two gre tunnels that pass and network traffic. Testing the balanced tunnels I would setup iptraf on one and ping from the other. The results would be as expected; traffic would be split between the two interfaces. Testing with an ftp transfer of
2003 May 07
teql and gre tunnel
Hi everybody, I want to do the following setup : | | Tun1 - Link 1 | Tun1 | | Router A | teql | INTERNET Link - | | teql |router B | | Tun2 - Link 2 | Tun2 | | This should permit to agregate Link 1 and Link 2 (less the cost of the encapsulation). The two tunnels are GRE ip tunnel. It seems to work fine