similar to: about the equalize patch

Displaying 20 results from an estimated 1200 matches similar to: "about the equalize patch"

2003 Jan 31
ip route + equalize and related problems ....
root ~ # ip route ls default dev eth1 scope link dev eth2 scope link dev eth4 scope link dev eth3 scope link default dev eth3 scope link root ~ # ip route ls table http default equalize nexthop dev eth1 weight 1 nexthop dev eth2 weight 1 root ~ # ip route ls table ssh default equalize nexthop dev eth1 weight 1
2004 Oct 12
Equalize Patch
There has been numerous threads etc regarding this but all that has left me is more than a little confused :-(. I have setup and environment consisting of two OpenVPN tunnels and wish to load balance at the packet level between them. I am currently running on Linux edm 2.4.21-20.EL.c0custom #2 Tue Oct 12 08:52:23 BST 2004 i686 i686 i386 GNU/Linux And have install Quagga at each end to provide
2007 Jan 19
2.6.17 kernels and equalize patch
Hi Everybody in the list I have a situation like this ------ (IP1) linux |----eth0.40------ | router | | | box | (IP2) |------|Client Router ( Destiantion Net DNET) |----eth0.41------ | | /27 subnet ------ I just want to balance the load of bandwidth per packet based between the two vlan interfaces to Client Destination network
2007 Feb 12
Equalize traffic within 1 class.
Folks, I need to know how to equalize traffic within 1 class. I have so many bulk users within 1 class and i should equalize traffic to their nodes so they get fair traffic. Does SFQ able to handle this ? Thanks - Rio.Martin -
2010 Aug 26
equalize function with zero and convert it
Dear all, I want to equalize a symbolic derivative (of a function with two variables) with zero and convert it to a variable, e.g. x. I'm computing the derivative by: (found it in the archive) library(Ryacas) f <- function(x,y) (100-x-y)*x-10*x yacas(f) # register f with yacas Df <- f body(Df) <- yacas(expression(deriv(f(x,y),x)))[[1]] Df R-Output: function (x, y) 100 - x - y -
2005 Sep 30
ip route, equalize, patch
Hi, Could you help me find PATCH for ''equalize'' option for ''ip route''. I wrote ''ip route add table 100 equalize default nexthop via weight 1 nexthop via weight 1'' but it doesn''t work as need. It have to balance my traffic if I have even one session. Thanks in advance!
2004 Dec 24
iproute2 "equalize" patch for kernel 2.6?
Hi, it has been days now that i am looking for a maybe non existent patch for kernel 2.6.x , currently run 2.6.9 for the equalize option in iproute i use : /sbin/ip route add default scope global equalize nexthop dev ppp0 nexthop dev ppp1 have one pptp link and another pppoe i am monitoring the 2 links and what i see is that for multiplie connections to the same destination it does not split
2003 Sep 05
where is "equalize" kernel patch?
I found following paragraph in the man page of iproute2. equalize allow packet by packet randomization on multipath routes. Without this modifier, the route will be frozen to one selected nexthop, so that load splitting will only occur on per-flow base. equalize only works if the kernel is patched. ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ Now, where
2006 Oct 30
DomainKey and mailing list
Hm, my previous post on subject seem to have fallen in /dev/null (can't find it even in list archives, strange). Anyhow. While on the subject of spam control. I was playing lately with Domain Key (and also newer Domain Key Identified Mail) systems. It's currently primarly used by Yahoo and Google Mail (gmail). For example, all emails from on this list have
2007 Apr 10
equalize / ecmp not working as expected in 2.6 vs 2.4
Hi, With kernel 2.4 I was able to use equalize to send our outgoing packets to two different routers (our isp supports this setup), like this: ip route add default src ip.a.dd.rr equalize nexthop via <router1> weight 1 nexthop via <router2> weight 1 The two routes were used equally on a per packet basis, not per flow or per cached route, but per packet, each line has 800k upload
2006 Oct 18
Error: subscript out of bounds (PR#9305)
Full_Name: Steven King Version: 1.16 OS: OSX vesion 10.4.8 Submission from: (NULL) ( Setting a matrix is a function - the failure occurs only on 2 X 2 matrices. x<-matrix(1:4,nrow=2) > x [,1] [,2] [1,] 1 3 [2,] 2 4 > x[x]<-2 Error: subscript out of bounds
2006 May 03
Centos Test repository
I would like to express my appreciation to the maintainers of the CentOS distribution for the degree of thoroughness evidenced in the set up of the test repository at I was casting around for how to configure my yum.repos.d/CentOS-Base.repo to handle a few packages that I must obtain from the test area (firefox, which seems to have moved since yesterday, and postgresql). I
2011 Mar 09
Dovecot LDA and Postfix/local for local users.
Hello, I would like to configure dovecot lda for local users. My dovecot vesion is 1.2.15. Dovecot documentation for System users says that only thing I should add to is: mailbox_command = /usr/local/libexec/dovecot/deliver (path to deliver) After that should I commented postfix/local process from master cf ? regards, Jarek
2002 Feb 08
Wine don't work
Hello All version after cvs Wine version 24.12.2001 Wine don't work on my PC. All versions before are good. I got error message if I start a Windoze Programm. err:module:BUILTIN32_dlopen failed to load .so lib for builtin x11drv.dll: undefined symbol: XF86VidModeSetGammaRamp Could not load graphics driver 'x11drv' err:module:BUILTIN32_dlopen failed to load .so lib for builtin
2009 Mar 25
ASTCC and a2billing
Hi List; I am going to use a post and prepaid billing with my Asterisk vesion 1.4, can anyone advise me which of the billing software will be more stable and it is opensource to be used: ASTCC or a2billing? Any advise that might help to take the proper decision? Regards Bilal
2009 Mar 03
OpenSSL > 0.9.8b
Does anyone know if a new vesion of openssl will be available any time soon? RHEL has had 0.9.8e out since Jan 2009. Anyone? -------------- next part -------------- An HTML attachment was scrubbed... URL: <>
2003 Apr 17
Samba 2.2.8 and ldap and groups
Hi! I am running samba 2.2.8 as PDC with ldapsam and acl support. Some users must be have power users or administrators right. In 2.2.8 samba vesion how to patch ou configure samba for see more than one group for a w2k client ? example : toto first group : user second group : power users I can't use samba 3.0 alpha because the server is in product. Thank you
2002 Mar 25
Have Problem
I want have some problem is how to set samba server, I use Linux7.2, but I don't know I use samba is what vesion, so can u tell me how to set samba server!! thx!! _________________________________________________________________ MSN ¬Ûï´£¨Ñ±z³Ì²³æªº¤è¦¡¤À¨É¨Ã¦C¦L±zªº¬Û¤ù¡A½Ð²¾¦Ü¡C
2006 May 29
Install Other OS under DOMU
Hello, Anbody has already installed one version fedora 3 or 2 under DomU ? I have dom0 kernel xen vesion 3 under fedora core 4 and i would like install other version on domU. Thanks by avance Eric -------------- ALICE HAUT DEBIT : TRIPLE PLAY A 29,95 EUR/MOIS -------------- Découvrez vite ALICEBOX : avec le modem WIFI, profitez de l''ADSL, de la TELEPHONIE et en exclusivité de la
2012 Nov 01
GraphNEL object retrieve edgenumber from acc() or is it list of lists?
Hello everyone, Im working with graphNEL object and want to extract all the nodes which have adjacent nodes with at least 20 nodes in between them. acc(graph, graphnodes) obviously provides a list for the accessable nodes of every node from a node and a number of the edges between them. Like this: $`hsa:8379` hsa:100131844 hsa:10393 hsa:246184 hsa:29882 hsa:29945 1