Displaying 20 results from an estimated 3000 matches similar to: "validates_format_of nil"
2006 Jun 14
file column validates_format_of
Been manually testing file column with success except it seems to upload
the file before validating it. Also .pdf files (which shouldn''t even
validate) crash WEBrick. What am I missing to solve these problems?
(apart from a brain!)
validates_presence_of :title, :file
validates_format_of :file, :with => %r{.(gif|jpg|png)$}i,
:message => "File must end with .jpg, .gif or
2009 Feb 28
be_valid (validates_format_of ..., :on => :create)
How to write Example which will check if model''s variable''s
format is valid using :on => :create, like this:
class User < ActiveRecord::Base
validates_format_of :email, :with => /.../, :on => :create
Using following code is not right:
it "should ..." do
@user = users(:example_user)
@user.email =
2008 Jun 07
DRY validates_format_of?
In a model I have following validates_format_of. Is there an easy way to
DRY this up? It seems to be rather repetitive.
validates_format_of :expiration_date, :with =>
validates_format_of :activation_date, :with =>
validates_format_of :some_other_date, :with =>
2006 Jan 19
I am just going through the book and I come across a problem with the
code in the app/models:
validates_format_of :image_url,
:with => %r{^http:.+\.(gif|jpg|png)$}i,
:message => "must be a URL for a GIF, JPG, or PNG image"
It seems to moan when it''s empty even though I removed :image_url from
validates_presence_of. How should I make it optional?
2005 Dec 18
Log viewer for colorized logs
Is there a decent log viewer for colorized log files?
less -r for me doesn''t work well, as it sometimes clears the screen.
I''d like:
* Either a console type less viewer which just removes the colors
* Or, even better, a console one which handles the colors without
clearing the screen
* Or, best of all, a GUI viewer - maybe even with color
I use both Windows and Linux.
2012 Aug 14
validates_format_of :message not working, validates_length_of :message is working
I''m using validates_format_of and the validation I want to do works, but I
can''t get an error message to be displayed if the data is invalid:
validates_format_of :mobile, :with => /\A[\+0-9]+\Z/, :message => " - Wrong"
I have another validation some where else that does display the error
message: " - Name is too long"
validates_length_of :name,
2008 Feb 24
validates_format_of no dots allowed
I need a validates_format_of that disallow dots.
In the api there is nothing to find about how validates_format_of exatly
Is there a better documentation or is there something that can tell me
howto disallow dots.
Posted via http://www.ruby-forum.com/.
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2006 Apr 05
validates_format_of ?
Hi all,
I''ve got a form which accepts a "price" field and I''m attempting to
validate it and allow some flexibility in the way the user enters it.
It''s a numeric field but I want the user to be able to enter dollar
signs and commas naturally in the data entry.
I''m trying to understand how to use validates_format_of, and I''m not
sure what
2006 Aug 14
validating required fields during an update?
I have a User model with an email attribute. I''m using the following
validates_confirmation_of :email
validates_format_of :email,
:with => RFC822::EmailAddress,
:message => "must be a valid address in the form user@domain.com"
validates_uniqueness_of :email, :message => "address has already
been taken. If you''ve forgotten your
2009 Sep 19
validations on a field
hi, i have a model with 2 validations on a field
validates_presence_of :email
validates_length_of :email, :within => 6..100 #r@a.wk
validates_uniqueness_of :email
validates_format_of :email, :with =>
if i do the submit of form for a new object of the model with a blank
i receive 4 errors.
In this case i want receive
2010 Jan 18
validates_format_of :phone,
validates_format_of :phone,
:with => /\A\s*(?:(?:\+?(?:\d{1,3}(?:\s*|[\-.])))?\(?\d{3}[\-\/)]?\s*)
(?:[2-9][0-9 \-.]{6,})\s*\z/,
i pit it on my reuriments but error whlie entering
i want it should be ok
any one help me please
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2006 Jan 20
validates_format_of > Invalid regular expression with simple pattern
I try this :
validates_format_of :name , :with => /^[A-z0-9_.- ]*$/ , :message =>
"bad characters"
for accept any name with chars "A" to "z" , "0" to "9" , with "_" "."
"-" and " "
The pattern is really simple but I have this error :
SyntaxError in Login#register
2006 Jul 27
Introspecting validates_presence_of
Hello people,
I''d like to detect whether an attribute of a model has
vaildates_presence_of applied to it so I can automatically apply a
mandatory (*) to the field...it doesn''t look easy...any ideas?
Dan Webb
2006 Mar 14
validates_confirmation_of has stopped working
Hi Railers,
I''m past considering myself a noob in Rails land - I think what I''m up against
here is more of a bug or an anomaly that I''m unaware of (or that has changed
in a recent version).
I had a fully working validates_confirmation_of :email_address field in my app
- was one of the first things I set up, extremely simple, been working for a
long time.
Then one
2006 Apr 14
Validating Existing Models
I''ve got a user object which has quite a few attributes mapped to the
database. As of right now I''ve got some validations in the model like:
validates_presence_of :password, :message => "You must specify a valid
validates_confirmation_of :password, :message => "Password doesn''t match
the confirmation."
2006 May 10
E-mail validtor??
Does anyone have a good working e-mail validator? or even some regexp to
make the validates_format_of work right... that would be awesome. Also,
maybe an online tutorial for regexp. i''ve always been afraid of it but i
think it''s time to face the fears.
Posted via http://www.ruby-forum.com/.
2005 Aug 10
validates_format_of on an optional field using :if
Hi there,
I''ve got the following in my model:
validates_format_of :postcode,
:with => /^([a-zA-Z]{1,2}[0-9]{1,2} [0-9]{1}[a-zA-Z]{2})$/,
:message => "is not valid",
:if => :postcode
... but it''s not working - it always insists on validation, even if postcode
is empty. Basically, the postcode field is optional, but if it''s filled in, I
want to
2006 Jun 05
When adding a record in console, a parameter comes in as null even when I set it
In console, I am trying to create a User but the :account_id does not come
in. Console just gives me back :account_id => nil. Obviously I''m trying to
set it though. Silly console...
But, I can set the account_id column in my controller like so:
@user = User.new(params[:user])
@user.account_id = account.id
Here''s what I give to the controller:
User.create :name
2007 Feb 16
negate the regexp in validates_format_of
ActiveRecord''s validation system puts other database systems to shame.
However, the newbies might not know how to write a regexp that
excludes a match, instead of tests for it. Understand - I''m just
asking this question to help them. I have been using Regexps since
''grep'' on Xenix! But the newbies here might not know how to do this:
2006 Apr 13
Model is not a class
I''m trying to specify a model in a controller, but rails gives me
"Account is not a class", where Account is my model name ...
This is my model:
class Account < ActiveRecord::Base
validates_presence_of :email, :email_confirmation,
:username, :password, :password_confirmation
validates_format_of :email,
:with =>