Displaying 20 results from an estimated 110 matches similar to: "(no subject)"
2003 May 08
Forward Stepwise regression with stepAIC and step
Dear all,
I cannot seem to get the R functions step or stepAIC to perform forward
or stepwise regression as I expect. I have enclosed the example data in
a dataframe at the end of this mail. Note rubbish is and rnorm(17) variable
which I have deliberately added to the data to test the stepwise procedure.
I have used
wateruse.lm<-lm(waterusage~.,data=wateruse) # Fit full model
2012 Jun 27
Intervalos de variable de proporciones, para representar en mapa
Tengo que representar en un mapa, valores de proporciones de extranjeros
con tarjetas de residencia en vigor, según nacionalidad y país de
Los datos son de este estilo
Andalucía 0,200365823
Aragón 0,377192073
Asturias 0,205353012
I. Baleares 0,06592893
Canarias 0,03050312
Cantabria 0,190397393
Castilla-León 0,211670421
Castilla-La Mancha
2013 Jan 04
SpatialPolygon with the max value gets no color assigned in spplot function when using "at" parameter
I would like to do coloring of map regions based on the region values
"weight". The approach I am taking is first to break regions into equal
classIntervals(spdf$weight,4)$brks #4 intervals in this case
and coloring all regions within the interval with the same color
col = brewer.pal(4,"RdYlGn"))
The max "weight" is as well the boundary of the
2014 May 05
Mapa de quantiles con spplot
Hola, no me funciona:
Te contesto lo mismo que le contesté a otro compañero de la lista, espero ser más claro.
Les comparto la carpeta con la capa y los datos que estoy usando.
Esto es lo que estoy haciendo:
zm <- readOGR(?.?, ?zmdis?)
data <-
2014 May 06
Mapa de quantiles con spplot
El problema con la propuesta de Olivier es que los intervalos son
diferentes para cada variable.
La forma sencilla y rápida es:
spplot(zm["part88"], col.regions=plotclr, at=class$brks)
Pero para que quede más elegante hay que dar algunos pasos más:
## Intervalos en forma character
op <- options(digits=4)
tab <- print(class)
intChar <- names(tab)
## Indice
2014 Jul 04
script de anomalias
Tengo una consulta, alguien tiene algun script en R para hacer graficos de
anomalias estandarizadas (precipitacion, temperatura, etc) y que me permita
pintar de rojo anomalias positivas y azules las negativas,
Muchas gracias de antemano
MSc- Meteorologia - Ing. Sistemas
e-mail: llopez@ideam.gov.co
2010 May 14
help color coding map in R
I am trying to create a map with selected states based on highest to lowest mean cost. The following code properly selects the correct states, and the legend is properly color coded with ranges, but the colors per range does not match the state colors. I need help getting the state colors to match the ranges outlined in the legend. I have tried ordering the mean amounts and this correctly creates
2014 May 07
Mapa de quantiles con spplot
Lo hice de la forma en que propones y no me sale, no sé si algo esté mal con R, porque no me respeta ni el ?key.space?, me lo sigue poniendo en la parte izquierda del gráfico
El 06/05/2014, a las 02:21, Olivier Nuñez <onunez en unex.es> escribió:
> El segundo argumento en spplot ha de definir el número/nombre del intervalo al que
> pertenece el area a pintar.
2014 May 03
Mapa de quantiles con spplot
Intento representar en un mapa participaciones porcentuales de los sectores económicos y no logro hacerlo con spplot.
He intentado con spplot(zm, c(?part88?, ?part93?), cuts=4, col.regions=brewer.pal(4, ?Set3?))
Lo pude hacer utilizando el base graphics de R, definiendo:
> plotvar88 <- zm$part88
> nclr <- 8
> plotclr <- brewer.pal(nclr, "PuOr")
> plotclr
2012 Dec 12
create a color palette with custom ranges between colors
Hello everybody,
I'm trying to create my own color palette on R, in order to interpolate some
different temperature data on different maps (daily means, seasonal
I would like to create a color palette which works for each map, so I need a
color palette between -40 and +40?C. Sometimes my data for one map range
from -10 to +20, sometimes from 10 to 30, etc... but always between
2009 Mar 25
linking environments
Dear R-helpers,
I try to use nested R-functions as follows:
help1 = function(){
x = 1
help2 = function(){
if (x == 1)
cat("Hello world x = 1")
If I compile these functions and run help1()
an error message occurs
Fehler in help2() : objekt "x" nicht gefunden
in english "error in help2(): object
2019 Jan 12
Error: corrupted double-linked list
Not sure if this is the right list of if this is a gdal/sf issue so I
apologize but recently I've been seeing errors that crash R/3.5.1 and throw
a double-linked list error (see below). Has anyone else come across this
issue and if so is there a fix?
> rwhole <- st_transform(rwhole,st_crs(ele.map))
*** Error in `/usr/local/lib64/R/bin/exec/R': corrupted double-linked list:
2019 Jan 14
Error: corrupted double-linked list
On Mon, 14 Jan 2019 at 10:58, Glen MacLachlan <maclach at gwu.edu> wrote:
> Hello,
> Not sure if this is the right list of if this is a gdal/sf issue so I
> apologize but recently I've been seeing errors that crash R/3.5.1 and throw
> a double-linked list error (see below). Has anyone else come across this
> issue and if so is there a fix?
R-sig-geo is probably
2006 Jul 18
how can I delete rows?
Hello, I am very new in R so I am so sorry for this question.
I have the Barro-Lee data set which contains 98 countries and I want to run the regressions only for the Latin America countries, so what do you recomend? How can I delete all the other countries or how can I select the countries of Lat. Am. thank you
this is the list of countries
2013 Jun 06
Error invalid graphics state using text()
I'm using ssplot for drawing a map of Austria and colour the nine provinces
regarding their share of employment. Now I wanted to add the figures in each
province and failed miserably. Using the locator() and text() function
caused the error message "invalid graphics state". I try to show you what I
have done below, maybe you can find a general fault in my codes. I know that
2010 Mar 27
R runs in a usual way, but simulations are not performed
Dear addresses, I need perform a batch of 10 000 simulations for each of
4 options considered. (The idea is to obtain the parameter estimates in
a heteroskedastic linear regression model - with additive or mixed
heteroskedasticity - via the Kenward-Roger small-sample adjusted
covariance matrix of disturbances). For this purpose I wrote an R
program which would capture all possible options (true
2008 Sep 21
diff() for panel data
Hello, everyone!
I'd like to find out how I can do first log differences in a panel?
(The Penn World Table data that's available in the PWT package)
The regular diff() function ignores the country/index/"panel unit",
with depressing results.
A second request, how can I best "filter" the data (e.g. generate a
data frame with the data for a single country or a single
2013 Jun 09
Extenxions Optimization
We want optimize my extensions file conf on asterisk 11.4.0 :
We have a big quantity of extensions, all are same "design":
; Destination: Gambia Type: Fixe
exten => _00220X.,1,Set(CDR(CodeCom)=BUS-GMB)
exten => _00220X.,2,AGI(Caller-ID.agi,${IAXVAR(ACCOUNTID)})
exten => _00220X.,3,Set(CALLERID(all)=${NUMID})
exten =>
2006 Nov 07
wrong fill colors in polygon-map
Dear all,
I would like to produce a map with information about the patenting
activity in German districts, by coloring districts with different
degrees of patenting activity in different colors. I work with the
packages maptools, maps and spdep. The map data is read from an external
.shp file (+ the corresponding .shx and .dbf files). Plotting a map with
the IDs or the patenting indicator itself
2000 Feb 08
Compilation problems on Digital Unix 4.0c with gcc (PR#418)
Content-type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii
Content-Disposition: inline
Included is a gzipped tar archive with the config.h, config.log and a log of the
compilation problem.
Peter(See attached file: bug-R-0.99.0.tgz)
Content-type: application/octet-stream;