similar to: 2 Interface router running KVM with virtual hosts

Displaying 20 results from an estimated 3000 matches similar to: "2 Interface router running KVM with virtual hosts"

2012 Jul 09
OpenVswitch with KVM virtual machines
Hey, I have KVM installed on my Fedora 17 box. I added the network interfaces of the virtual machines to the openvswitch bridge as follows: ____ ____ / VM1\______br0_______/ em1\ \____/ | \____/ | _|_ /VM2\ \____/ virbr0 is the virtual network switch VM1 and VM2 are on the same subnet having tap interfaces vnet0 and vnet1 respectively. em1 is the default
2012 Jul 12
[ovs-discuss] OpenVswitch with KVM virtual machines
I am running NOX controller with a python script that prints out the destination mac and the source mac for each packet arriving at the now controller and then floods it out. So here's what happening: With em1 connected, all the packets that arrive at em1 are coming to the controller and printing out the details. However, without em1 connected to the OVS, when I have the following setup:
2012 Jan 21
linux kernel 3.2.x gentoo maclist
how to make this work, its seem to me that netfilter is changed more or less someplaces that shorewall do not support, using 4.4.27 shorewall and shorewall6 suggestion welcomed ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Try before you buy = See our experts in action! The most comprehensive online learning library for Microsoft developers is just $99.99!
2012 Mar 12
CentOS6/RHEL6 - net.nf_conntrack_max not applied
2012 Jan 22
Proxyndp issue
Tom In Shorewall6 4.4.27 the following proxyndp entry: 2001:4d48:ad51:24::f3 eth2 eth0 no no does not add the required route. The code produced in /var/lib/shorewall6/.restart is: qt $IP -6 route del 2001:4d48:ad51:24::f3/128 dev eth2 run_ip route add 2001:4d48:ad51:24::f3/128 dev eth2 Splitting the line into 2 separate lines: qt $IP -6 route del 2001:4d48:ad51:24::f3/128 dev eth2
2012 Feb 20
Upgrade from Shorewall to
I''d like to ask for clarification on the upgrade procedure using tarballs. In the past, with version 4.4, I have downloaded shorewall-4.4.x.y.tar.bz2 and shorewall6-4.4.x.y.tar.bz2, extracted each, and executed '' -s'' in each directory. Now there is a new package shorewall-core-4.5.x.y.tar.bz2. As I understand it, with version 4.5, this core package needs to be
2011 May 13
Discover what vnet is attached to a kvm guest
Hi all, How can I see what vnet is attached to a certain kvm guest?? For example: I have a kvmguest1. When I launch this guest with virsh command, virsh creates a new vnetX interface for this guest. How can I extract this virtual net interface (vnet0, vnet1, vnet2 or so on) using a script?? Thanks. -- CL Martinez carlopmart {at} gmail {d0t} com
2012 Jan 19
Problema link balance and internet bank
Hello Guys I have problem with internet bank. I have 2 Internet links balancing mode, thus the bank is charging connection down. I tried to force Internet traffic (port 80 and 443) for only a link, however it did not work. How do I make a setting to force the connection to these ports for a specific link. Note: I can not use the file as route_rules have neither the source IP (ltsp) nor of
2014 Jun 04
KVM integrated network (user mode) dying after inactivity
-----BEGIN PGP SIGNED MESSAGE----- Hash: SHA256 Hi list, I searched the web for bug reports regarding this phenomenon I see on *multiple* machines of a customer, however, I didn't find an exact fit. So, I'd like to ask here whether anyone else has run into this. I have multiple CentOS 6 machines running using KVM to virtualize a bunch of machines on them (LVM-based). Software releases
2013 May 16
Two VF cards
Hi, I try to add 2 VF functions to VM via network. Livirt networks: vnet0: <network> <name>vnet0</name> <forward mode='hostdev' managed='yes'> <pf dev='eth0'/> </forward> </network> vnet1: <network> <name>vnet0</name> <forward mode='hostdev' managed='yes'> <pf
2010 Apr 10
from vmdk to kvm
Hi, I will try to explain my case, I hope this is rigth place to do it. My goal is migrate an Ubuntu 9.10 64bit VMWare VM from a Win2k8 64bit server to an Ubuntu 9.10 64bit server. Following some tutorials I've got a .qcow2 file from .vmdk and a .xml file from .vmx file Running virsh define/start all was fine, but VM is unaccessible: no ping, no ssh, also from hosting server. This is
2015 May 08
vnetX interface name persistence
Hi! I'm aware that (host side) vnetX are created when VM boots. But I'm trying to figure out a way ti create a persistence in vnetX names. What I mean is, say, I want to associate VMs vm0 to vnet0, vm1 to vnet1, vm2 to vnet2 and so forth, no matter which order the VMs are booted. I looked around network XML format, but did't find something... Since I'm using Open vSwitch as
2015 Dec 09
How to manually add a new interface to a bridge device?
Maybe my google-fu is failing me, but I have spent the past couple hours looking at how to add a vnet? Device to my KVM host running CentOS 6, and for the life of me I can't get this going. >From all my research if I want to add a device I should just do 'brctl addif br1 vnet14' if I want to add a vnet14 to bridge br1. When I do this, I get: # brctl addif br0 vnet14
2018 Dec 15
vms doesn't coomunicate via network
Greetings, I have two vms, one is a router and the other one is a client, for some reason, the client vm is unable get ip via dhcp from the router vm. here are outputs: vm1.xml: <interface type='bridge'> <mac address='52:54:00:54:78:be'/> <source bridge='virbr0'/> <model type='virtio'/> <address
2012 Sep 12
Network inoperable with QEMU arm example image
I am running Fedora 16 64bit and installed libvirt. I have the VM running with arm emulation with this one issue I can't figure out. I used Virtual Machine Manager to manage the VM and can access its console there. The Ethernet appears to be eth1 and the guest can set an IP on it etc. However, I cannot see any traffic from the Host when dumping any of the interfaces. I've tried
2012 Jan 18
virtual serveres
I am in the process of building a new machine to replace several older servers. I am considering running several virtual servers on one box, all linux for host and virtual machines using VirtualBox. Is it possible/advisable to configure shorewall on the host to act as a firewall for the virtual machines, each having one or more static public IP address? Any pointers, suggestions and/or
2016 Mar 18
Networking in KVM
Paul, On Thu, Mar 17, 2016 at 5:47 PM, Digimer <lists at> wrote: > On 17/03/16 04:47 PM, at wrote: > > Thanks, I followed the 2nd article, and it got the existing virtual > > machines communicating with each other. > Right, so your VMs are on the same bridge group now (at Layer2 of OSI). > > > > However, any new
2019 Jan 13
forcing order of vnet creation
dummy0 Link encap:Ethernet HWaddr C6:C8:2A:04:FD:23 BROADCAST NOARP MTU:1500 Metric:1 RX packets:0 errors:0 dropped:0 overruns:0 frame:0 TX packets:0 errors:0 dropped:0 overruns:0 carrier:0 collisions:0 txqueuelen:1000 RX bytes:0 (0.0 B) TX bytes:0 (0.0 B) lo Link encap:Local Loopback inet addr: Mask: inet6 addr: ::1/128 Scope:Host UP LOOPBACK RUNNING MTU:65536 Metric:1 RX
2013 Nov 21
Query:: Reg: Libvirt Networking
Currently, I have two networks configured via xml: virsh # net-dumpxml TestNetwork1 <network connections='2'> <name>TestNetwork1</name> <uuid>a76f665a-0196-4edb-81b4-340944a6869c</uuid> <forward dev='p1p1' mode='nat'> <nat> <port start='1024' end='65535'/> </nat> <interface
2012 Jan 31
Shorewall and sshdfilter
Hi All! Been quite a few years and lots of water under the bridge but here I am back! I have a customer that has now decided they need a bit more bandwidth over and above their fixed line! They are not in a good area for ADSL because of copper theft and being a bit to far from the closest DSLAM! They have installed a wireless link and I have made certain that put it behind my simple iptables