similar to: Off Loading tasks to Background.rb

Displaying 20 results from an estimated 2000 matches similar to: "Off Loading tasks to Background.rb"

2008 Jan 24
New Batch API method
Anyone started implementing the new Batch api method? BJ ----- BJ Clark the science department bjclark at
2008 Jan 16
Towards a 1.0 release
Hey everybody. I''ve been using Facebooker on several projects over the last few months and feel like it is really starting to mature. I''d like to push towards a 1.0 release within the next month. I''d really like everybody''s input on what still needs to be done, as well as some help in wrapping things up. I''ve created a list of things that still
2008 Jan 25
simple routing & linking question
So I have an existing app & facebook app in same rails application, for now I have decided to go the route of creating a controller for facebook stuff (called FaceController). (setup is canvas, fbml) So I have: facebook config http://myurl:myport/face/ My controllers name is face, so I dont even need a manual route, for the landing page it works like a charm. but, when I try to make
2008 Jan 04
Nested Routes + Facebook Resources
Does anyone have nested routes working with the facebook_resources method? My routes.rb has: map.facebook_resources :users do |users| users.facebook_resources :images users.facebook_resources :connections end but user_connections_url won''t generate. "rake routes" gives me: new_user POST /users/new {:action=>"new",
2008 Jan 25
ajax with facebooker?
So if I am using fbml,canvas & facebooker, can I do ajax calls? if so how? From reading it seems they support some sort of mock ajax, but I don''t really understand, can somone explain to me? If I cant do ajax, can I still do javascript? Can I use 3rd party libs like prototype & scriptaculous? thanks Joel
2008 Apr 10
Custom Form Builder Help
Hello All, We use a different custom form builder for our app, but I wanted to use facebooker''s typeahead widget in side the other form builder. I don''t know much about form builders, but I created a file in lib/ doing this: It works great, except that the id''s and class names get messed up. Instead of school_name, I get
2008 Mar 14
Facebooker updates
I just went through and cleaned out most of the bugs and patches. I also added a facebooker.js file that implements enough of prototype to do $() and link_to_remote with :update and remote_form_for with :update Let me know if you run into any issues with it. Mike -- Mike Mangino
2008 Jul 31
Facebook Connect
Is anyone planning on using Facebook Connect? I have the implementation that I think covers the user registration. I''m going to work on the UI stuff as well but would love to get some feedback on it. Mike -- Mike Mangino
2008 Jun 29
gem / plugin install
Hey, I am using Rails 2.1. I was wondering if there is a preference between using gem or script/plugin to install facebooker. Latest revision on svn (225) seems to be missing an "end" in lib/facebooker/models/user.rb (line 218). Thanks, Ram -------------- next part -------------- An HTML attachment was scrubbed... URL:
2008 Jun 28
Hi there, I''m wrapping my head around Facebooker to try and build some integration points between an existing ROR application and facebook. I''ve managed to get FB talking to my app but when I tried to access my ROR app directly I noticed that all requests for images, CSS, and JS files were being made through my callback_url. Commenting out the following line from
2008 Mar 18
examples in subversion
Hey everyone. I have a quick question. Checking out facebooker as a plugin is currently really slow due to the example rails application. Would anyone object if I moved that out of the main plugin directory? Mike -- Mike Mangino
2008 Jan 24
Is there a test for setting the session ID to the fb_sig_session_key param?
Hey all, I have a patch that fixes a problem I am having with IFramed pages in rails 2.0. I am relying on the session being retrieved via fb_sig_session_key. I am looking for the test code that tests this functionality but I can''t seem to find it. So you on the list today Chad, gotta pointer for me? Thanks, I want to get a test in for this fix, Dave
2008 Jan 28
A style question
I''m working on the ability to share a single session between Facebook and Non-Facebook requests. Right now, to setup a shared session, you create a link like: <%= link_to "Non-Facebook view",leaders_url(facebook_session_parameters.merge(:canvas=>false))%> The facebook_session_parameters includes all of the necessary info. Is this okay, or would it be better as
2008 Jun 12
Session Best Practices
Hi All- I am still trying to figure out the best way to handle facebook session for my users. Here is my current flow: in my "external accounts controller" 1) before_filter :ensure_authenticated_to_facebook, :only =&gt; [:authenticate_facebook, :edit_facebook] 2) when the user links into facebook, facebooker authenticates and redirects back to my application 3) i detect the
2007 Dec 04
new facebooker
Hi guys, I am new to this list and thought i''d say hello. I am using facebooker on a new project and so far I am really pleased with it. I saw that some users are having woes with the url_rewriter breaking urls for paths outside of the facebook canvas (i.e. your site supports both facebook and non-facebook users). I don''t have a prefect answer for this but I wrote a
2008 Apr 07
Testing and Mocking
Can I second this question? Could someone provide a simple example of how they set up a functional test for a controller that uses facebooker?? Do you have to copy a lot of stuff from rails_integration_test.rb ? I guess that since we don''t have a test facebook to test against, we have to stub out a lot of stuff right? --simon > Hi, I''m wondering if folks would care
2008 Oct 15
REXML vs libxml
Hi all, I''ve been looking at the performance of my fb app and one glaring issue seems to be with the parsing speed of rexml in processing the results. Has anyone looked into porting the facebooker parser from rexml to libxml? If not, any reason I shouldn''t try? Thanks! Yu-Shan. -------------- next part -------------- An HTML attachment was scrubbed... URL:
2008 Apr 03
routes.rb definitions not working???
Hello Eveyone, I am new here, and am have no idea how to setup routes in the routes.rb file while using fbml. The regular map.resources :gifts map.resources :wishlists map.resources :invitations map.resources :comments does not work. This tutorial says to create a map.root, such as the one mentioned "map.root
2008 Mar 31
Problems with *_path() and *_url() helpers when using Publisher
Hello, I am running into issues using *_path() and *_url() helpers the Facebooker Publisher framework. I encounter the following error when using these helpers while *inside of a partial*: undefined method `default_url_options'' for ActionView::Base:Class I''ve seen a few other people speak about this issue, yet I haven''t seen any resolution on the mailing list yet.
2008 Mar 18
respond_to formats, fbml and fbjs
In my controllers I have a respond_to block for both fbml and fbjs. I created the fbjs mime type in environment.rb: Mime::Type.register "application/javascript", :fbjs However, even if I specify fbjs in a parameter name format during AJAX post requests, it is being overwritten by Rails or Facebooker as FBML. I confirmed this by placing logger.debug params[:format] immediately before