similar to: form formatting

Displaying 20 results from an estimated 400 matches similar to: "form formatting"

2008 Jan 25
form error with datetime select
Hi, Im trying to build a form using: <% facebook_form_for(:task, at task,:url => create_task_path) do |f| %> Assign Task To: <%= fb_friend_selector %> <%=f.text_field :ttype, :label=> "Title"%> <%=f.datetime_select :duedate, :label=> "Due Date"%> <%=f.buttons "Add" %> <% end %> But im getting an
2008 Jan 25
ajax with facebooker?
So if I am using fbml,canvas & facebooker, can I do ajax calls? if so how? From reading it seems they support some sort of mock ajax, but I don''t really understand, can somone explain to me? If I cant do ajax, can I still do javascript? Can I use 3rd party libs like prototype & scriptaculous? thanks Joel
2008 Jan 31
presenting validation errors via fbml?
Hi Facebookers, Is there a helper or suggested approach for presenting validation errors on an fbml form? Something to translate rails error markup to fbml:error markup? thanks Joel
2008 Jan 25
simple routing & linking question
So I have an existing app & facebook app in same rails application, for now I have decided to go the route of creating a controller for facebook stuff (called FaceController). (setup is canvas, fbml) So I have: facebook config http://myurl:myport/face/ My controllers name is face, so I dont even need a manual route, for the landing page it works like a charm. but, when I try to make
2008 Jan 24
getting started with facebooker
Hi, I started with rfacebook but given the recent events figure its best to move over to facebooker. I have: 1.) Installed the facebooker plugin 2.) setup my facebook app (fbml/canvas) 3.) created a method on controller & view to handle initial request 4.) added "ensure_application_is_installed_by_facebook_user" to top off application.rb I am able to get to my landing page
2007 Dec 08
Uploading photos using facebook & attachment_fu
Hi All, I''m trying to use a form to upload a photo that I will save using attachment_fu. I''m very new to Facebookr so I apologize if this is covered somewhere, but I''m kind of stumped. Here''s what I''m doing now: <% facebook_form_for(:my_object, :url => { :action => ''upload_photo'', :id => params[:id] }, :html => {
2008 Jun 06
422/InvalidAuthenticityToken with fb_request_form
All, I''m using the ActiveRecord store for sessions and have gotten form submissions to work, but I can''t get the fb:request-form that''s generated by fb_request_form to work, it doesn''t seem to add hidden fields for the token. Should it? Can it even (add extra fields to the fb:request-form)? My view: <% content_for("challenge_content") do %>
2008 Jan 26
Introducing facebooker.yml
If you are using facebooker as a plugin, you can now have all your configuration in one place, namely config/facebooker.yml. You can create this file with rake facebooker:setup. It is also generated when you install it as a plugin. It has a similar setup to database.yml with sections for each environment. You can also configure your ssh reverse tunnels. If you are upgrading, make sure to
2008 Jan 31
request to install app
Hi, I would like to generate a facebook call on behalf of a user to create a request to another user to install the app. Is there a way to do this without being in a fb_request_form? the use case is: Fred is creating a task, he assign it to a friend Sally , if Sally has already installed & setup my app, no problem, if she hasnt, I want to send an add request from Fred along with
2017 Sep 13
compounding precipitation based on whether falls within a day
Using the small reproducible example below, I'm wondering how best to complete the following task: In the small reproducible example below, the 3D array prec has indexes that correspond to time, x, y (i.e., prec[time, x, y]). In this case, the time index is hours since some predefined start time. I'd like to add up all the time indexes in 'prec' based on whether or not the
2017 Sep 13
compounding precipitation based on whether falls within a day
Thanks for the reprex. Wouldn't have bothered without it. The following is I believe **almost** what you want. It seems a bit clumsy to me, so others may provide you something neater. But anyway... ## Convert POSIXct vector to dates ## There are 22 different days, not 21 date <- as.Date(prec_idx) ## Sum results by date at each i,j of the last 2 array dimensions z <-
2008 Feb 01
proposed patch for fb_request_form_submit
Hi, according to the Facebook docs, you can add a uid to the fb_request_form_submit button which will pre select the user for the form. So you can do: <fb:request-form action="/my_tasks" method="POST" invite="true" type="MyApp" content="wants to invite you to xyz app"> <fb:request-form-submit uid="FRIENDID" />
2008 Jan 26
I think I must be missing something obvious on this one, but I can''t get past the initial "ensure_application_is_installed_by_facebook_user" in a rails app that I''m trying to put together. I''m running on edge rails with the latest Facebooker as a plugin. I''ve tried adding my settings to the environment configs and recently I tried the new yaml
2004 Sep 29
Warning: number of items to replace is not a multiple of replacement length
What does this warning mean precisely? Is there any reason to care about it? Can I Avoid it by another way of programming? Thank you in advance.
2008 Jan 29
Here''s the fix for Facebook apps that specify a controller in their callback URLs. First, set this variable in your environment scripts: ENV[''FACEBOOKER_CALLBACK_PATH''] = ''/controller'' # where controller is the name of your Facebook controller And then patch vendor/plugins/facebooker/lib/facebooker/rails/facebook_url_rewriting.rb as shown in the
2008 May 29
So who made it? Are people still interested in getting beer or something? -Josh
2011 Mar 04
How to copy data from data.frame to matrix
Hello I'm a new in R I have a large data.frame "s" (this is actualy just a table in mysql) : > names(s) [1] "symbols", "day", "value" I need to convert it to simple matrix. I have define this matrix like this: > data.matrix <- matrix(nrow=nDays, ncol=nSymbols, dimnames=list(days, symbols)) then i just copy values to the matrix using for()
2008 Jan 24
form helpers and paths
In the form helpers code, the comments have examples like "create_poke_path". can you tell me what this path is, and where I can read about it? I assume its a way to say what controller/method should be called when the form action is taken, but what is the format? thanks Joel
2007 Sep 13
streaming video with mongrel
Hi, on my site I have several screen casts (using flash video flv) in addition to the normal rails application which is the core service, my setup is apache proxy/balancing to 2 mongrels. I was thinking I should probably not be serving up streaming video from mongrel as it will occupy the mongrel processes for long periods of time right? So I was thinking of excluding a directory from
2003 Nov 06
Number of Days
Hi everyone, I have been trying to compute numbers of days between two dates as follows: > x <- c("1jan1960", "2jan1960", "31mar1960", "30jul1960") > z <- format(x, "%d%b%Y") > ex <- c("1jan1961", "15jan1960", "21mar1975", "10jul1981") > ez <- format(ex, "%d%b%Y") > ez-z