similar to: Replace rows in dataframe based on values in other columns

Displaying 20 results from an estimated 10000 matches similar to: "Replace rows in dataframe based on values in other columns"

2013 May 22
calcul of the mean in a period of time
Hi, I guess you meant this: dat2<- read.table(text=" patient_id????? t???????? scores 1????????????????????? 0??????????????? 1.6 1????????????????????? 1??????????????? 2.6 1????????????????????? 2???????????????? 2.2 1????????????????????? 3???????????????? 1.8 2????????????????????? 0????????????????? 2.3 2?????????????????????? 2???????????????? 2.5 2?????????????????????
2013 Sep 27
Best and Worst values
Ira, obj_name<- load("arun.RData") Pred1<- get(obj_name[1]) Actual1<- get(obj_name[2]) dat2<- data.frame(S1=rep(Pred1[,1],ncol(Pred1)-1),variable=rep(colnames(Pred1)[-1],each=nrow(Pred1)),Predict=unlist(Pred1[,-1],use.names=FALSE),Actual=unlist(Actual1[,-1],use.names=FALSE),stringsAsFactors=FALSE) dat2New<- dat2[!($Predict)|$Actual)),] ?dat3<-
2012 Jun 07
conditional statement to replace values in dataframe with NA
Hello and thanks for helping. #some data L3 <- LETTERS[1:3] dat1 <- data.frame(cbind(x=1, y=rep(1:3,2), fac=sample(L3, 6, replace=TRUE))) #When x==1 and y==1 I want to replace the 1 values with NA #I can select the rows I want: dat2<-subset(dat1,x==1 & y==1) #replace the 1 with NA dat2$x<-rep(NA,nrow(dat2) dat2$y<-rep(NA,nrow(dat2) #select the other rows and rbind
2013 Apr 29
how to add new rows in a dataframe?
Hi, dat1<- read.table(text=" id??????????????? t???????????????????? scores 2???????????????? 0??????????????????????? 1.2 2???????????????? 2???????????????????????? 2.3 2???????????????? 3??????????????????????? 3.6 2???????????????? 4??????????????????????? 5.6 2???????????????? 6??????????????????????? 7.8 3???????????????? 0??????????????????????? 1.6 3????????????????
2012 Aug 07
predicting test dataset response from training dataset with randomForest
Hi I am new to R so I apologize if this is trivial. I am trying to predict the resistance or susceptibility of my sequences to a certain drug with a randomForest function from a file with amino acids on each of the positions in the protein. I ran the following: > library(randomForest) > > path <- "C:\\..." > path2 <- "..." > name <-
2012 Jul 01
list to dataframe conversion-testing for identical
HI R help, I was trying to get identical data frame from a list using two methods. #Suppose my list is: listdat1<-list(rnorm(10,20),rep(LETTERS[1:2],5),rep(1:5,2)) #Creating dataframe using cbind dat1<-data.frame("cbind",listdat1)) colnames(dat1)<-c("Var1","Var2","Var3") #Second dataframe conversion
2008 May 11
Finding unmatched data between two dataframe using several factors
Hi R users I am trying to find unmatched data from two dataframes. I would like to find unmatched data based on several factors. For the following data: dat1 <- data.frame(x = paste("A", 1:6, sep=""), y = c("andy","bob","ciaran","dan", "eion", "fred")) dat1 dat2
2013 May 07
how to calculate the mean in a period of time?
Hi, Your question is still not clear. May be this helps: dat2<- read.table(text=" patient_id????? t???????? scores 1????????????????????? 0??????????????? 1.6 1????????????????????? 1??????????????? 2.6 1????????????????????? 2???????????????? 2.2 1????????????????????? 3???????????????? 1.8 2????????????????????? 0????????????????? 2.3 2?????????????????????? 2???????????????? 2.5
2010 Mar 22
Replacing elements of list
Dear all, I have following two list object, both are basically collection of matrices : dat1 <- matrix(rnorm(25*6), ncol=6) dat1 <- split(dat1, seq(5,25,by=5)) dat1 <- lapply(dat1, matrix, ncol=6) dat2 <- matrix(rnorm(25*4), ncol=4) dat2 <- split(dat2, seq(5,25,by=5)) dat2 <- lapply(dat2, matrix, ncol=4) Now I want to replace last 4 columns of each matrix at "dat1"
2013 Sep 09
Duplicated genes
Hi, May be you can try this: dat1New<-? dat1[!(duplicated(dat1$gene)|duplicated(dat1$gene,fromLast=TRUE)),] dat2<-dat1[duplicated(dat1$gene)|duplicated(dat1$gene,fromLast=TRUE),] ?lst1<-split(dat2,dat2$gene) dat3<-unsplit(lapply(lst1,function(x) {x1<- sum(apply(x[,6:32],2,function(y) y[1]>=y[2]));x2<- sum(apply(x[,6:32],2, function(y) y[1]<=y[2])); if(x1>x2) x[1,] else
2010 Mar 30
Need help to split a given matrix is a "sequential" way
I need to split a given matrix in a sequential order. Let my matrix is : > dat <- cbind(sample(c(100,200), 10, T), sample(c(50,100, 150, 180), 10, > T), sample(seq(20, 200, by=20), 10, T)); dat [,1] [,2] [,3] [1,] 200 100 80 [2,] 100 180 80 [3,] 200 150 180 [4,] 200 50 140 [5,] 100 150 60 [6,] 100 50 60 [7,] 100 100 100 [8,] 200 150 100 [9,]
2013 Apr 12
Removing rows that are duplicates but column values are in reversed order
Hi, From your example data, dat1<- read.table(text=" id1?? id2?? value a????? b?????? 10 c????? d??????? 11 b???? a???????? 10 c????? e???????? 12 ",sep="",header=TRUE,stringsAsFactors=FALSE) #it is easier to get the output you wanted dat1[!duplicated(dat1$value),] #? id1 id2 value #1?? a?? b??? 10 #2?? c?? d??? 11 #4?? c?? e??? 12 But, if you have cases like the one
2013 Mar 14
Hi Elisa, You need to check your data.? For some 'st', the data is repeated/duplicated (I am assuming, didn't check it) especially for a particular year. dat1<-read.csv("elisa.csv",sep="\t") dat1$st<- as.character(dat1$st) ?str(dat1) #'data.frame':??? 506953 obs. of? 5 variables: # $ st?????? : chr? "AGOMO" "AGOMO"
2013 Mar 02
explanation of the problem..
HI Utpal, Alight, I will look into it.? I was under the impression that this is what you wanted: dat1<- structure(list(V1 = c(1L, 1L, 1L, 1L, 1L, 1L, 1L), V2 = c(1L, 1L, 1L, 1L, 1L, 1L, 0L), V3 = c(1L, 1L, 1L, 1L, 1L, 1L, 1L), ??? V4 = c(1L, 1L, 0L, 1L, 1L, 1L, 1L), V5 = c(1L, 1L, 1L, 1L, ??? 1L, 0L, 1L), V6 = c(1L, 1L, 1L, 0L, 1L, 1L, 1L), V7 = c(1L, ??? 1L, 1L, 1L, 1L, 1L, 1L), V8 = c(1L,
2011 Feb 02
How column names/row names are preserved in matrix calculation?
Can somebody tell me that, if I do some arithmetic calculation over 2 matrices then how the column names and row names are preserved? It seems that, for multiplication, column names and row names of the 2nd matrix are preserved and for additional, there seems not having any explicit rule: > set.seed(1) > dat1 <- matrix(rnorm(25), 5); colnames(dat1) = rownames(dat1) =
2011 May 17
Subsetting depth profiles based on maximum depth by group with plyr
Hello, Apologies for a similar earlier post. I didn't include enough details in that one. I am having a little trouble subsetting some data based on a grouping variable. I am using an instrument that does depth profiles of a water column. The instrument records on the way down as well as the way up. So thanks to an off-list reply I can subset the data so that all data collected at the
2008 Mar 25
Compare two data sets
I would like to compare two data sets saved as text files (example below) to determine if both sets are identical(or if dat2 is missing information that is included in dat1) and if they are not identical list what information is different between the two sets(ie output "a1", "a3" as the differing information). The overall purpose would be to remove "a1" and
2005 Dec 29
S4 classes: referencing slots with other slots
For those who suggest other ways to do this, I ALREADY HAVE ANOTHER DESIGN SOLUTION, DESCRIBED AT THE END. That being said, I want to know if it's possible to reference a slot in an S4 class from another slot, i.e. I'd like to have the "self.*" semantics of Python so that I can reuse a slot. That is, for various reasons it would be nice to be able to do something like:
2013 Jun 15
Calculate days with R
Hi, May be this helps: dat1<- read.table(text=" pbnr??????? dat? dep? dys? sop? ago? mis age female 1 10023 1994-02-21 0.75 1.00 0.50 0.50 0.75? 35????? 1 2 10023 1994-05-25 0.75 1.00 0.50 0.50 0.75? 35????? 1 3 10028 1994-02-01 2.00 1.75 3.00 0.50 1.50? 42????? 1 4 10028 1999-01-15 1.25 0.75 2.25 0.50 0.25? 42????? 1 5 10053 1994-03-16 2.50 0.75 1.25 0.50 1.25? 22????? 1 6 10053
2009 Jul 15
Simulation code error
Dear List, I have some problem with my simulation code. Here is output from R: > sim.sp <- function(data,CM,n,N) + { + C <- matrix(rep(NA,N),ncol=1) + for(i in 1:N) + { + j <- n + xx <- which(colSums(CM[j,])==1) + V <- names(xx) + V <- paste(V, collapse="+") + V <- paste("SBA~", V) + rd <- round(nrow(data)*(2/3)) + d <-