similar to: Cannot modify SafeBuffer in place

Displaying 20 results from an estimated 900 matches similar to: "Cannot modify SafeBuffer in place"

2007 Jul 06
stubbing helper methods for View specs
Hi there I have several view specs, that include the following snippet in their "before" block to stub the methods by acts_as_authenticated before :each do @u = mock_model(User) @u.should_receive(:name).and_return("Hans Muster") template.should_receive(:logged_in?).and_return(true) template.should_receive(:current_user).and_return(@u) end this
2013 Mar 07
Puppet Dashboard changed reports view error
Hello Puppet Users ! We encounter a problem with the dashboard on this URI : /reports/changed The /reports works fine with ~130000 reports (up to 3 months and auto-cleaning with rake reports:prune job) I make a reports:prune:orphaned, juste in case, but without any success. The most recent change on the server was the puppetmaster upgrade from 3.0.2 to 3.1.0. Here is the dashboard error log
2007 Nov 20
How to test views with Nested Resources and Partials
Hi everyone, I am relatively new to rspec and I am running into a wall in testing my views. I have a RESTful resource Contracts with a nested resource of Line_items. I am trying to figure out how to test the "edit" form of the Line_items. What complicates this is the nested routing and how to account for it, and that there is a partial form (_form.haml) that both the edit.haml and
2011 Oct 29
comments on HAML ?
I have been asked a couple of times at job interviews if I am familiar with HAML or Liquid so I was wondering if maybe I should start using them and perhaps it would make the views easier to work with. If I install HAML on a machine where my app is that has alot of regular HTML in the .erb views already, will it still work with those or do I need to convert everything to HAML ? Can I have some
2010 Jul 19
Strange Error undefined method `show' for # see no way to debug, suggestions?
I changed fairly much in my app without constant testing ( my bad ) now i get an error which I cannot seem to debug point my finger on. I have a home controller which just displays a welcome page this had a index only action. Whatever controller I try to open i always get above error message ActionView::TemplateError (undefined method `show'' for
2009 Apr 14
About haml and ruby on rail
hi all, I am converting my view into HAML format i have done it with "Html2Haml" command, then I removed all the "- end" from haml code and my indentation is also correct,but now it shows following errors I have kept code of show.html.erb and show.html.haml in attachment. please help me I am not getting what exactly the error is? compile error
2012 Jan 15
DEPRECATION WARNING: Passing a template handler in the template name is deprecated. (rspec + haml)
I upgraded a small project that I had created on 3.1.3 to 3.2.0.rc2. Running rspec on it brings about a large amount of these messages: DEPRECATION WARNING: Passing a template handler in the template name is deprecated. You can simply remove the handler name or pass render :handlers => [:haml] instead. (called from block (2 levels) in <top (required)> at
2008 May 26
Noob SASS error (permission denied)
I just created the sass directory in my stylesheets directory and when I reload my page I get this error: Status: 500 Internal Server Error Permission denied - /Users/Justin/kicksite/trunk/public/ stylesheets/ application.css /usr/local/lib/ruby/gems/1.8/gems/haml-2.0.0/lib/sass/plugin.rb: 72:in `initialize'' /usr/local/lib/ruby/gems/1.8/gems/haml-2.0.0/lib/sass/plugin.rb: 72:in
2010 Sep 07
Help on formatting some HAML
I wondered if anyone could help me with turning the following in ERB into HAML. I''m VERY new with HAML: ---- <div class="block-element span-7 colborder"> <span class="rightside blue-hue no_decor"><%= link_to "New Order", new_order_path, :remote => true %></span> <h3>Today''s Activity</h3> <hr>
2008 Aug 25
haml says yes, rails says no
I''m using the haml gem and it''s great, been using it for a while and I love it. I''ve got a problem trying to display the flash messages, if I do the following: - if flash[:notice] #flashNotice =flash[:notice] - else if flash[:error] #flashError =flash[:error] - end I get You don''t need to use "- end"
2008 Jan 19
HAML makes me love and hate Python
I''m just a rails newbie, but I thought I would point out a small observation. About a year ago, I was having real trouble making the decision about whether I should learn Ruby or Python. I finally settled on Ruby, one of the reasons being that I didn''t want my language to tell me how whitespace should work. (Although the main reason was how object oriented Ruby is) Although
2007 Aug 29
Non-Erubis Templates
Trunk Issue: Because of the use of ''autoload'', template handlers other than Erubis are not loaded automatically (Haml, XMLBuilder). Either this should be fixed, or the documentation should be updated to instruct people how to use non-Erb template engines. Apparently the solution is to do something like this in merb_init.rb: ::Merb::AbstractController.register_engine
2011 Mar 02
haml to erb - does it work with new html5 tags?
Hi, I wanted to covert all my erb over to haml, but I use HTML5 tags like nav, section, article, etc. Any idea if this is supported by haml? Checked out their site, nothing mentioned there or did I miss something. Sorry noob here. -- You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups "Ruby on Rails: Talk" group. To post to this group, send email to
2008 Feb 15
HAML question - conditional multiple classes on a div
I am looking into HAML and am trying to convert one of my ERB templates to see what I think of it. Everything was going pretty well until I got to the following snippet: <div class="<%= t.done ? "task done": "task" %>"> <p class="title"><%= h(t.description)%></p> </div> How would you do this in HAML? (I know how to
2010 May 26
Safebuffer with rails 2.3.8
Hi there! I''ve just migrated from rails 2.3.5 to 2.3.8 and now I have a lot (and I mean a lot!) of deprecation warnings like this one: "DEPRECATION WARNING: ActionView::SafeBuffer is deprecated! Use ActiveSupport::SafeBuffer instead." But I don''t understand how to remove this. I searched through installed plugins, and there is no reference to SafeBuffer :( Any
2007 Nov 06
what did I do?
I''m following merb trunk. This morning I updated my gems, sync''d merb source and installed the merb gem from source. I don''t know if I did something wrong, or if a new gem messed things up, or if there was a merb change which broke something. Now I get this error: Request: REQUEST_URI: / (2007-11-05 20:27:04) Params: {"action"=>"index",
2007 May 30
Hi, I have a strange problem that only occurs on the production server. I''ve been banging my head for hours trying to figure it out with no success. Below is a copy of the error from the production log. ActionView::TemplateError (Expected /www/rails_apps/scanlan/current/ public/../config/../app/models/image.rb to define Image) on line #6 of app/views/admin/design/_record.rhtml: 3:
2008 Sep 02
Actionmailer - Multipart and Outlook?
Hi, I''m having issues with getting a consistent result with the emails I am sending using Actionmailer. Problem: Emails that I send with plain text, rich text, and attachments do not display the same results across GMail, Yahoo, Outlook and Thunderbird. Scenario: I am sending an email with text/plain, text/html, and 2 attachments using the code below, and I''ve specified the
2011 Jun 26
ActionView::Template::Error (Cannot modify SafeBuffer in place):
Hello, Trying to upgrade an app that was running fine in 3.0.3 to 3.0.9 and while everything works well, I get this error: ActionView::Template::Error (Cannot modify SafeBuffer in place): When passing a string to this function (in application_helper.rb) through a simple: <%= format_me(article[shortdesc])%> def format_me(text, html_options={}, options={}) text =
2009 Jul 01
form_for resources with :singular specified
I fully suspect that I''m missing the point here somewhere so I promise I won''t be offended if you tell me I''m being daft. My application rents equipment ... not equipments. So I have the following: map.resources :equipment, :singular => :equipment_instance class Equipment < ActiveRecord::Base class EquipmentController < ApplicationController The