similar to: [patch] Let's use <%== %> instead of <%= raw() %>

Displaying 20 results from an estimated 4000 matches similar to: "[patch] Let's use <%== %> instead of <%= raw() %>"

2010 Apr 06
(Rails3-master) erubis: how to use things like preprocessing?
(Rails3 latest git master) Subject says it. I''m trying to figure out how to use erubis features described here:, especially preprocessing. My question is, where do I place the Erubis::Helpers::RailsHelper.preprocessing=true Not in application.rb, at that point the object does not exist yet it seems. I wonder why I
2011 Jun 08
Cannot modify SafeBuffer in place
Upgraded from rails 3.0.7.rc1 to 3.0.8 today and ran into a problem when rendering haml: TypeError in Pages#home Cannot modify SafeBuffer in place Full Trace: activesupport (3.0.8) lib/active_support/core_ext/string/output_safety.rb:122:in `gsub!'' haml (3.1.1) lib/haml/compiler.rb:382:in `block in build_attributes'' haml (3.1.1) lib/haml/compiler.rb:358:in `each'' haml
2010 Jul 27
3.0.0rc ActionController::RoutingError No route matches
Have been developing on 3.0.0beta4 and just updated to 3.0.0.rc. When I try to link_to() a User object that previously had worked, I get the following: ActionView::Template::Error (No route matches {:action=>"destroy", :controller=>"games", :id=>#<User ..... > Yet I have in my routes.rb file has resources :users and my "rake routes" shows:
2007 Jun 27
Filter Ordering in Edge Rails (Rev 7143)
Filter chaining appears to behave in differently than Rails 1.2.x. It seems that I''m getting a lot of errors along the lines of: ActionController::ActionControllerError: filter #<ActionController::Filters::ClassMethods::BeforeFilterProxy:0x322f468 @filter=#<ActionController::Filters::ClassMethods::SymbolFilter: 0x322f4b8 @filter=:login_required>> was in the wrong place!
2008 Jan 21
Polymorphic URL helpers documentation and fixes
Yesterday I answered a question regarding polymorphic URL helpers on Core ML and noticed that the module has no documentation. I''ve documented it and rewritten unit tests using Mocha. I also optimized some of the code slightly (nothing major, though). The patch also includes two fixes by Geoff Buesing, who has done awesome work in this area in the past.
2011 Jul 15
Ruby variable that embeds html tags
This seems very simple, but I can''t quite get it. Probably because I''m just starting out with RoR. My view has a slew of labels and text fields; many are "required": <%= f.text_field :screen_name %> <span class="required_field">Required field</span> (The "required_field" class turns the text red and smaller.) I''d like to
2005 Oct 03
Boolean quoting, postgresql I''ve attached a patch to ticket 1117 which fixes it so that booleans are escaped as booleans, not integers. Specifically, this situation will now work find_all(["send_date=? and sent=?",, false]) Which matches peoples expectations, but it causes some problems with the postgresql unit tests. Specifically, the use of
2007 May 07
A little love for acts_as_taggable #8279
I was working with acts_as_taggable earlier and thought I could make it a bit friendlier. I submitted a ticket and patch #8279. Basically, there are three differences. 1. Fixed the deprecated :dependent => true 2. Added migration generator (it has really specific requirements on table layout, so might as well generate it). 3. Expanded the README to explain using the migration and to include
2007 Jul 16
RubyToken::AlreadyDefinedToken and Edge Rails Docs
I''m having a wee bit of trouble building documentation for Edge Rails (rev 7187). When I attempt to run the doc:rails taask (or any doc:* task), I get the following error: -- BEGIN -- rake aborted! uninitialized constant RubyToken::AlreadyDefinedToken /Users/jherdman/Projects/crosslisting/vendor/rails/activerecord/ lib/../../activesupport/lib/active_support/dependencies.rb:263:in
2007 Jul 06
JOINS clobbering ids or other fields.
I just found this ticket because I noticed the same issue. The official response was that it''s not a bug because when you use :joins you are "riding close to the metal". But I''m at a loss as to figure out why this behavior even needs to exist. Every table (except HABTM links) in a typical Rails app is going to have an id
2007 Oct 24
Utility that checks outdated patches
I just noticed I frequently encounter patches that need to be updated because of applied changes. Maybe this can be automated? Not automating the "updating of the patch" part, but the part where a comment is posted to the ticket so the submitter is informed. --~--~---------~--~----~------------~-------~--~----~ You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups
2010 May 27
[PATCH] Rails 3: fields_for helper doesn't work with association proxy objects
Request for eyeballs. :-) Mongoid uses association proxy objects. It overrides #nil? => false when the association is missing. However since it uses proxy objects, !!assocation is always true. I have created a ticket with a patch that changes the association nil test to call assocation.nil? rather than use implicit coercion of the variable. See:
2007 Apr 08
SQLite3 build is broken because calling rollback!() doesn't prevent COMMIT
I know why SQLite3 is broken. This code: Topic.transaction do |transaction| transaction.rollback! end results in the following database commands: BEGIN; ROLLBACK; COMMIT; In other words, there is a COMMIT when no transaction is in flight. MySQL and Postgres are coll with it, but SQLite3 blows up with indignation. Recorded as a ticket:
2010 Apr 15
[PATCH] Add :touch option to has_many associations
Hi, it would be nice to have the touch option in has_many associations also. I have a scenario like this: An user has some credit (money) and some advertises. Each advertise can be enabled or disabled depending on some rules. One of the rules is that the user should have money. Each time the money of the user change, the advertises are touched, enabled/disabled and then cached, as they are much
2005 Aug 09
Adding created_by and updated_by trouble
Hi everyone. This is a real noob question that I''m hoping someone out there can help me with. I have followed the tutorial How to Ad created_by and updated_b<>y and it works ok for retrieving the data. I''m using the Login_Generator. I cannot get it to work on create or update. I think
2005 Jun 29
Setting the value of a primary key field
I have a table that is to hold all ISO 639 language codes: alpha3t, alpha3b, alpha2, that bunch. It also (indirectly) holds language names, but that''s off-topic. alpha3t is the primary key, so I''ve told Active Record about this by saying set_primary_key "alpha3t" within the Language model. (Don''t try to call your models things like ISO639 (won''t work
2007 May 17
Namespaced model valid #to_xml support in ActiveRecord, ActiveSupport and ActiveResource
Hi, Attached are links to two patches I submitted via the RoR Trac system a week or so ago: I refrained from creating a new Trac ticket for ARes, which will be affected if both of these patches are accepted by Core. There are a couple of workarounds for this issue, but it would be nice for AR, AS and ARes to output
2011 Apr 25
Active Record database time logging
I''ve been having a look through the code responsible for printing how much time was spent in Active Record at the end of an action. My reading of the code + experiments suggests that any database time after the render is not counted. It seems to me that in controller_runtime.rb in Active Record, append_info_to_payload should in fact read def append_info_to_payload(payload) super
2008 Feb 15
a year of rails magic
After working professionally with Ruby on Rails for a year, I decided to write an article on my experiences with the framework. Since I detail a number of things that I found unintuitive or could be improved upon, I am posting a link here on the Rails Core in hopes to stimulate David Heinemeier Hansson and the core team towards an even better 3.0
2005 Mar 11
actionmailer settings
A couple questions: 1) How does rails no if you are in your test, dev or production environment? 2) Does anyone have an actionMailer server settings that will work on your standard local machine? I will use the one provided for my textdrive account but for testing on my machine I am getting connection refused. Thanks. Your Friend, Jonathan Kopanas