similar to: [patch] fix bytesize in exception template; multibyte titleize

Displaying 20 results from an estimated 300 matches similar to: "[patch] fix bytesize in exception template; multibyte titleize"

2006 Apr 05
Why does titleize remove hyphens?
item.title = ''alpha-bravo'' item.title = item.title.titleize puts item.title alpha bravo I didn''t notice this with 1.0 - a new bug in 1.1? Joe -- Posted via
2006 Sep 28
Quick Question: Opposite of Titleize?
Anyone know what the opposite of titleize is? I want to do ''My Title" to ''my_title'' -- Posted via --~--~---------~--~----~------------~-------~--~----~ You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups "Ruby on Rails: Talk" group. To post to this group, send email to
2006 Jan 03
newbie question about .titlecase of .titleize
i just started to work with ROR, and made a form with scaffolding. I achieved to add some extra inputvalidation but i also want to add some code that changes some specific textfields with the .titlecase / .titleize and then stores it to the database. I had to add the validation code to the model file, is this also the place to add the titlecase ? the columname of the regarding textfield is
2010 May 10
feedback on a few ActiveSupport::Multibyte patches
Hi all, In response to Rodrigo Rosas''s message about mb_chars.upcase not giving the expected result on 1.9, I''ve done some work in a fork to make String#mb_chars always return an instance of a proxy class, both with Ruby 1.8 and Ruby 1.9. The end result of the patch is (hopefully) to make Rails'' multibyte functionality behave the same way in 1.8.7 and 1.9.x.
2011 Mar 08
form_tag for search bar with Rails 3.0.5
I have a controller and view that should be providing a search bar that brings up that brings up a selected record on submission. I have tried several variations, including just specifying the assets_path, but usually end up with either an error or a submission to the index action, rather than the show action. Currently, I have the following in my index.html.haml: = form_tag({:controller =>
2006 Jan 28
What''s the verb form of id?
Random question: I''ve written a method for the String class that turns an arbitrary line of text in to an identifier, e.g.: "My, what a beautiful day!" => "my_what_a_beautiful_day" "(anb*#NF(AMNV" => "anb_NF_AMNV" We''ve got all these great names already like underscore, classify, titleize and things like that. I''d
2010 May 08
mb_chars.upcase and Ruby 1.9.2
I''m testing ruby-head through rvm but can''t get ''ação''.mb_chars.upcase == ''AÇÃO''... I get ''AçãO'' instead... This happens both for Rails 2.3.5 and Rails 3 beta 3... How can I get upcase to work correctly? Thanks in advance, Rodrigo. -- You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups "Ruby
2010 Dec 08
NoMethodError: `bytesize' for 200:Fixnum (with Rails-3.0.3)
Thanks to Rails developer team. I tried Rails3 along this guide: Ruby on Rails Guides: Getting Started with Rails and I met the problem described as following. ...Any ideas? =========== Environment: =========== $ ruby -v ruby 1.8.7 (2010-08-16 patchlevel 302) [i686-darwin9.8.0] $ rails -v Rails 3.0.3 =========== Steps for reproduce:
2013 Mar 15
Icalendar.Parse( complains about missing method, bytesize
I need to send an ics file to a web service, so however it gets there it will arrive as a string. Is there another way to begin Icalendar''s Parse than with a file? I''m currently sending the file using the curl command... curl -v --data-urlencode ics at invite.ics I''ve tried curl''s --data-binary and sinatra''s
2010 Jun 23
Rails 3 - AJAX Response
Hi, I need help with some AJAX in rails 3. So basically, I have a select option in my index page for my User model. This select option is a form that modifies the user''s type. The " :remote => true " works and the type is changed when hit the submit button. But, nothing happens in the browser. The user is updated. I''m actually not sure where to put either my JS /
2010 Jun 26
[PATCH] don't unnecessarily override methods for 1.9.2 in AS::Multibyte::Chars
HI all, A patch of mine from a few weeks ago made String#mb_chars use a proxy class for 1.9.x as well as 1.8. This proxy overrode some methods that were buggy in 1.9.1. but that work in 1.9.2. Since Rails officially now only supports 1.8.7 and 1.9.2, these methods should definitely no longer be overridden. Here''s the LH ticket:
2006 May 23
How to list all models of an application?!?
How can I get a list of all model classes in the domain of a Rails application (all models, both in "app/models" and in components/somedir/model.rb)? Thanx in advance for your precious help! Edoardo "Dado" Marcora
2006 Aug 06
Click Table Headings to Sort..
Hi, I''m looking at using my table headings as links that reload the page and sort it by the field which was clicked on. As is common, if the list is already sorted by the field, it reverses the order. I''m now looking at a good DRY way to do this. I have 3 fields: name, date, race. I''m setting a parameter called so (for sort order) to either "up" or
2011 Jul 22
ANNOUNCE: Puppet Dashboard 1.2rc3 available
This a feature release candidate (number 3) of Puppet Dashboard. If you''re wondering what happened to rc2, it was internal only. Our CI system found a few issues before we released it to the public. This release is available for download at: We have included Debian and RPM packages as well as a tarball. See the Verifying Puppet Download
2013 Mar 06
can you suggest on extending ogg as short-clip container and the make of its tool?
On Tue, Mar 5, 2013 at 7:43 PM, <gildororonar at> wrote: > very short context clips, most of them less than one > second, only chokes file systems. > I'm not sure how you reached this conclusion, but I think you should revisit it. I think everyone, including you, will be a lot happier if you store each sound effect clip in its own file. This is a common practice
2006 Mar 05
capitalize each word in a string
How do you capitalize each word in a string? Essentially, Ruby''s version of PHP''s ucwords()? Thanks. -- Posted via
2013 Mar 06
can you suggest on extending ogg as short-clip container and the make of its tool?
Hello. I am thinking of developing a tool for computer game makers, enabling them using an ogg file to hold a collection of very short context audio clips. I am looking for suggestion on usefulness of the tool once it is made, and its design. By "very short context audio" I mean the audio clips that usually is the response to a mouse-click or key press. e.g. a clicking sound, a
2007 Oct 26
Use of all/any
all/any coerce their arguments to logical (if possible). I've added a warning in R-devel if coercion is from something other than integer. This arose because it is easy to make a slip and write all(X) > 0 rather than all(X > 0): thanks to Bill Dunlap for bringing that to my attention. However, it has been useful in detecting quite a few other things: - indices which had been made
2006 Mar 30
Select List to change type of STI class
Hi: I''m trying to create a drop-down list to change the type of a Single Table Inheritance class. I tried this: <%= select :user, :type, [ [''Author'', ''Author''], [''Editor'', ''Editor''], [''Administrator'', ''Administrator''] ]
2006 Apr 18
how would you take the duplication out of this?
i have these two really similar methods in my addressbook controller. def edit_company @company = Company.find(params[:id]) if and @company.update_attributes(params[:company]) flash[:notice] = ''Company was successfully edited.'' redirect_to :action => ''show'', :id => @company end end def edit_person