Displaying 20 results from an estimated 1000 matches similar to: "Using Rails 3 edge to circumvent current_period bug?"
2010 Jan 18
Can't get gem bundler to work with either rvm 1.9.1 and 1.9.2
I installed the bundler, no problem - but it seems to have screwed up
my gem repository in both cases!?
What to do?
kristian-mandrups-macbook-pro:~ kristianconsult$ sudo gem install thor
rubygems_plugin.rb:2:in `require'': no such file to load -- bundler/
commands/bundle_command (LoadError)
2010 May 12
Trouble developing Rails plugins/gems with generators
I''ve been trying to develop a Rails gem/plugin with generators for
Rails 3. I first had a separate gem project with a gem statement in my
Gemfile with a :path option to point at it. But then I had to run $
rake install on each change in my gem to have Rails pick up on it. I
have now instead put my generators inside RAILS_ROOT/lib so they are
easier to test/develop.
2006 Mar 25
dynamic set_table_name for achives
How can I pass something to set_table_name so that I can switch tables
on the fly for accessing archive data?
If I could access sessions inside a model I would do something like:
if @session[:current_period]
set_table_name "statistics_" + @session[:archive_year]
set_table_name "statistics_" + Date.now.year
But since I cannot access the session from within a
2006 Nov 04
Instant Rails 1.4 final released (with RadRails support!)
This is the final release for Instant Rails 1.4. It corrects the two
known problems with the preview1 release (two help menu items
caused Instant Rails to crash). Instant Rails 1.4 contains the following
major changes:
* Upgrades Rails to version 1.1.6
(other components upgraded to current release, also)
* SCGI has been replaced by Mongrel (using Apache''s
mod_proxy for
2010 Jan 20
Rails 3 Problem: no such file to load -- rails (LoadError)
I just ran the gem bundle on the third_rails demo app, but for some
reason rails can''t be loaded!?
kristian-mandrups-macbook-pro:third_rails kristianconsult$ rails -v
Rails 3.0.pre
kristian-mandrups-macbook-pro:third_rails kristianconsult$ script/
generate model Post name:string
71:in `require'': no such
2012 Jul 06
Running Rspec tests with JRuby fails
How to run RSpec tests with JRuby in a Java project? I tried to run it
with JRuby 1.7.0.preview1,
rspec (2.10.0)
rspec-core (2.10.1)
rspec-expectations (2.10.0)
rspec-mocks (2.10.1)
rspec-rails (2.10.1)
as follows:
jruby -S rspec and got the error:
javix at ubuntu:~/Development/rspec_jruby$ jruby -S rspec spec
NameError: cannot load Java class com.models.Calculator
for_name at
2009 Mar 20
Getting a Time Zone abbreviation from the full name?
There''s got to be an easier way...
I am building an event manager and as part of it, the user selects the
time zone of the event from a drop-down list using the
time_zone_select helper. This is stored in the events table as a
Because of legacy data which is stored in UTC, I want to keep the
dates and times in the table as UTC but when I display it, I want to
show the abbreviated
2012 Feb 01
Very strange problem: Ton's of ruby process just running simple command "rails --version" or "rails
Very strange problem: Ton''s of ruby process just running simple command
"rails --version" or "rails new test1""
I have very strange problem. I try to run this simple command
"rails new test1" --> this suppose to be create a new rails site.
"rails --version" --> even this I got ton''s of ruby process
but I got a lot of ruby
2010 Feb 04
Rails Edge: gem bundle error
Having installed Ruby 1.9 from source, I decided to have a look at
Rails3 aka Rails edge from git. Therefore, I followed wycats
instructions (http://weblog.rubyonrails.org/2010/1/1/getting-a-new-app-
running-on-edge), but keep getting an error related to Bundler:
$ sudo gem bundle --backtrace
ERROR: While executing gem ... (NoMethodError)
undefined method `path'' for
2008 Nov 11
Build problem with ruby-1.9.1-preview1
Hi all,
I wanted to have a look at wxRuby on a recent version of ruby 1.9
(ruby-1.9.1-preview1) on Ubuntu 8.10 x86.
Here is the result :
chauk-mean at MyUbuntu:~/wxruby2$ ruby19 -v
ruby 1.9.1 (2008-10-28 revision 19983) [i686-linux]
chauk-mean at MyUbuntu:~/wxruby2$ rake19 WXRUBY_VERSION=1.9.9 gem
(in /home/chauk-mean/wxruby2)
Enabling DYNAMIC build
Enabling RELEASE build
Enabling UNICODE build
2009 Aug 05
Re: mingw32 library compatibility
Hi Fabio
Fabio Petrucci wrote:
> is the mingw32 wxruby distribution
> http://rubyforge.org/frs/download.php/52487/wxruby-ruby19-2.0.0-x86-mingw32.gem
> compatible with
> mingw32 ruby 1.9.1 installer provided by Luis Lavena
> http://rubyinstaller.org/downloads/ ?
I think it is - I believe that''s the MingW-ruby19 distribution that''s
used to build wxruby-2.0.0
2011 Jan 02
undefined method `run_all' for :Array
I''m using the latest ruby 1.9.3-head and recently whenever I run rspec
(2.2+) I get the following error:
I have seen others have run into this issue, but to resolve it just
rolled back to a previous version of rspec or it there a better way?
`run_hook_filtered'': undefined method `run_all'' for []:Array
2010 Jan 20
CRITICAL: Rails 3 error : parser.bundle unhandled exception!!!
kristian-mandrups-macbook-pro:rails3_apps kristianconsult$ rails my_r3
create README
create .gitignore
create Rakefile
create config.ru
create Gemfile
create app
kristian-mandrups-macbook-pro:my_r3 kristianconsult$ script/console
parser.bundle: unhandled exception
2010 Jun 10
RSpec 2 equivalent for: assigns[:message].should == @message
describe MessagesController, "POST create" do
before(:each) do
@message = mock_model(Message, :save => nil)
context "when the message fails to save" do
before(:each) do
it "assigns @message" do
post :create
2009 Aug 29
Users, Roles and Permissions
I''m currently working on a text-based roleplay browser game, and i''m trying
to figure out what the best approach would be in order to create a system
that allows me to assign roles to a user, and permissions based upon the
role a user has.
I''ve been thinking about creating a model User, which has_many :roles, and
with the Role model which has_many :permissions.
2010 May 13
link_to using smart API
Trying to use the "smart" API for link_to
def create_link(object, label = nil)
label ||= auth_labels[:new]
link = link_to(label, [:new, object]) if can?(:create, object)
link.sub /new\./, ''new/''
But this generates a link like /projects/new.1 , instead of /projects/
I would assume it would make sense to pass it the class instead, like
this, sense in
2010 May 10
feedback on a few ActiveSupport::Multibyte patches
Hi all,
In response to Rodrigo Rosas''s message about mb_chars.upcase not
giving the expected result on 1.9, I''ve done some work in a fork to
make String#mb_chars always return an instance of a proxy class, both
with Ruby 1.8 and Ruby 1.9. The end result of the patch is
(hopefully) to make Rails'' multibyte functionality behave the same way
in 1.8.7 and 1.9.x.
2010 Sep 22
Bundler picking up wrong version of Ruby with Rails 3 ( possible bundler bug )
Hello All,
I am developing a JRuby on Rails 3 application. Standard stuff.
I am facing problems getting autotest to run.
Here''s the trace:
% autotest
loading autotest/rails_rspec2
bundle exec
2012 Aug 08
Error Bundler
Any body can help me!
i try create a new project, at the end i had message
error bundler.
root@xxx:/home/xxx# rails new depot_b
create README.rdoc
create Rakefile
create config.ru
create .gitignore
create Gemfile
create app
create app/assets/images/rails.png
create app/assets/javascripts/application.js
2011 Nov 30
bundle exec fail
WTF... how to solve? (REE ruby/Ubuntu 10.04)
$ dpkg -l |grep ruby
ii ruby-enterprise - 1.8.7-2011.03 - Ruby Enterprise Edition.
$ bundle exec
/usr/local/lib/ruby/gems/1.8/gems/bundler-1.0.21/lib/bundler/cli.rb:344:in `exec'': wrong number of arguments (ArgumentError)
from /usr/local/lib/ruby/gems/1.8/gems/bundler-1.0.21/lib/bundler/cli.rb:344:in `exec''