similar to: Let's make RAILS_ROOT an absolute path on Windows

Displaying 20 results from an estimated 2000 matches similar to: "Let's make RAILS_ROOT an absolute path on Windows"

2008 May 19
2 Minor issues with 1.3.0 on windows
Hi all, Lest I forget: Windows XP Pro SP2 C:\CruiseControl\cruisecontrolrb-1.3.0>ruby --version ruby 1.8.6 (2007-09-24 patchlevel 111) [i386-mswin32] We found two minor problems with CC.rb when trying to run on windows. The first effects the Dashboard saying there is no project. In boot.rb we had to add a .gsub(''\\'',''/'') in #find_home when
2005 May 06
FYI: watch out for google's web accelerator - can empty your app of data
Hi All, A co-worker passed this info on to me: The Skinny: Google has a "Web Accelerator" that pre-caches pages by following url''s. If you have any plain/simple URL''s that don''t take paramaters (like what often happens in rails apps), it will try to
2006 Apr 16
Problem running unit tests
I am running Rails 1.1.2 with Ruby 1.82-15. My database is Postgresql. I haven''t had any problems generating models, migrations, using scaffolds, and generally building and using my application, but I haven''t been able to get testing to work. I initially just ignored the problem and kept developing, but would like to add proper testing from here on out. Currently when I type
2007 May 20
Capistrano symlink problem - with ugly hack!
I''m trying to use capistrano (v1.99.0) for the first time (on dreamhost, if that matters) and the deploy:symlink task is creating an unusable symlink. ln -nsf deploy_dir/releases/20070520055816/ deploy_dir/current appears to work, but "ls -al deploy_dir/current/" yields "No such file or directory" However, if I cd into deploy_dir and then do ln -nsf
2007 Oct 24
Hey, I''m using the attachment_fu plugin to upload images on the file system. To retrieve them I''m using: image = "/home/rajeev/Desktop/logo/logo/public#{icon.public_filename}" which is the same as: "/home/rajeev/Desktop/logo/logo/public/icons/0000/0005/green_nature_on_white.jpg" Have can i do this in a shorter way by using RAILS_ROOT? I have tried this
2008 Jan 17
CruiseControl problem. Broken Pipe?
Hi Friends, Just happened to catch this err in the CC log: Build loop failed BuilderError: Write failed: Broken pipe ./script/../config/../app/models/subversion.rb:98:in `execute_in_local_copy'' ./script/../config/../lib/command_line.rb:86:in `call'' ./script/../config/../lib/command_line.rb:86:in `e'' ./script/../config/../lib/command_line.rb:84:in `popen''
2006 Feb 20
I just replied to someone about using send_file and while I was testing my solution I figured out that the controllers "current working dir" appears to be the root of the app. Then I saw a reply that Ezra sent to someone where he used RAILS_ROOT and I thought "duh, I''ve seen that before... shoulda used that". But, when I had an action print out RAILS_ROOT
2006 Jul 13
date_helper megapatch and MultiparameterAssignmentErrors
Hello all, There''s a great patch in trac that fixes a lof of issues with the date helpers. I''m afraid it hasn''t had any attention yet. This fixes all the little date_helper problems, except one: When you choose an invalid date ActiveRecord throws an ActiveRecord::MultiparameterAssignmentErrors. This used to work in 1.0,
2006 Aug 02
Fun with ez_where
I''ve been trying to use the ez_where plugin to create a dynamic finder. The structure looks somehing like this.. === controller === def list attribute_filter = params[:filter] @filter = :table do attribute <=> attribute_filter if attribute_filter end # ... do the find with the @filter # end === view === .... <%= link_to
2006 Jul 27
Why are has_one objects resaved when the parent is saved?
If the associated object of a has_one association has been loaded, it is resaved when the parent is saved. Eg: class Person < ActiveRecord::Base has_one :user end class User < ActiveRecord::Base belongs_to :person end p = Person.find(:first) # As expected, nothing happens with the user association p.user # Loads the associated object # As well as saving the person, the
2006 Apr 18
ez_where query question
I''m having fun composing queries with ez_where, but am stuck on how to formulate the following using the ez syntax: (begin_date >= ? OR end_date >= ?) AND (description LIKE ? OR name LIKE ?) There are two clauses, each containing OR operators (the ez ''any'' syntax) but both clauses must evaulate to true for a match. Can anyone suggest the proper way to construct
2007 Jun 04
access to acts_as_threaded
Hi, I have trouble accessing the acts_as_threaded plugin at looks like the site is down. Does someone have a copy? or knows an alternative repository for the plugin? please you can zip it to to this address georgkam[at]gmail[dot]com Thanks -- Posted via --~--~---------~--~----~------------~-------~--~----~ You received this message because you are
2006 May 23
ez-where headscratch
Hi there, I''m puzzled by this apparently simple query I can''t manage to reassemble using ez_where plugin. cond = :my_table do start_on < any {end_on >; end_on.nil?} end I keep getting the following result : >> cond.to_sql => ["my_table.start_on < ? AND (my_table.end_on > ?)", Tue May 23
2006 Feb 24
raking my brain to fix this
I am ''raking'' my brain to fix this problem - I have searched, googled, looked through rake documentation, wiki.rubyonrails and I can''t fix... This works $ rake plugindoc (in /home/craig/ruby-db/th-db) rdoc -o doc/plugins/ez_where --title ''Ez Where Plugin Documentation'' -- line-numbers --inline-source -T html
2008 Feb 07
[CruiseControl] RubyOnRails build 8820 fixed
The build has been fixed. CHANGES ------- Revision 8820 committed by bitsweat on 2008-02-07 23:10:01 Remove empty .rhtml templates D /trunk/actionmailer/test/fixtures/templates/signed_up.rhtml D /trunk/actionmailer/test/fixtures/helper_mailer/use_example_helper.rhtml D /trunk/actionmailer/test/fixtures/first_mailer/share.rhtml D
2007 Dec 28
Arbitrary system files readable in 1.0.4 - 1.1.2
I just found a vulnerability in one of my web apps that was running Mongrel 1.1.2 where I could go to URIs like /.%252e/.%252e/.%252e/.%252e/.%252e/.%252e/.%252e/etc/passwd and it would serve the actual /etc/passwd file. The issue seems to be in lib/mongrel/handlers.rb in the change from 1.0.3 to 1.0.4 req_path = HttpRequest.unescape(path_info) - if @path - req_path =
2006 Feb 15
STI Question
Hi everyone, I have 3 types of people (for now): Staff Faculty Students To break them up into classes, but keep them in the same People table, I''ve broken them up like so (code and ''ends'' snipped): class Person < ActiveRecord::Base class Employee < Person class Staff < Employee class Faculty < Employee class Student < Employee So, when I insert
2006 Aug 10
1.1.5 Upgrade and config.load_path not working
Hey, I am trying to upgrade to 1.1.5 and rails no longer finds my controllers the live outside app/controllers. I was on 1.1.2 previously and here is my setup In environment.rb config.load_paths += [File.join(File.expand_path(RAILS_ROOT), "rails_shared/controllers") ] config.load_paths += [File.join(File.expand_path(RAILS_ROOT), "rails_shared/helpers") ]
2006 Mar 19
Instiki 0.11.0 - ActiveRecord Forever
Dear all, If you thought Instiki was a dead project, you were right. Since I''ve got a day job that doesn''t suck (Official Ruby Zealot of ThoughtWorks Canada), my motivation to do open source greatly sufferred :) But... but... but! Here is Instiki 0.11.0, and in this version Instiki is (finally!) moving to ActiveRecord backend and (finally!) has the File Upload feature.
2006 Aug 10
Major security vulnerability in the latest Rails 1.1.5
Hi, I think there is still a major vulnerability exists in the latest Rails 1.1.5. The problem is in the routing.rb file and safe_load_paths method. Because of the erroneous regexp it is possible to perform a DOS attack on any rails application. To reproduce: 1. start your application 2. use this url: http://localhost:3000/debug Routing module will load standard debug.rb script which stops a