similar to: AUN/SEED-Net Scholarship for Master

Displaying 20 results from an estimated 400 matches similar to: "AUN/SEED-Net Scholarship for Master"

2007 Oct 26
Masters/PhD Scholarship at National University of Ireland
More Scholarships are posted at ** *National University of Ireland* *Institute of Microelectronics and Wireless Systems* - Masters/PhD Scholarship in Software Defined Radio Systems - Masters/PhD studentship in the area of Spectrum Sensing for Cognitive Radio - Masters/PhD studentship in the area of Spectrum Sensing for Cognitive Radio and -
2007 Oct 26
MBA scholarships at Queensland University of Technology
More scholarships are posted at ** *MBA scholarships at Queensland University of Technology* ** BGSB offers a small number of scholarships for superior applicants from *all countries* commencing in the Master of Business Administration (MBA), Master of Business Administration (Major) and Graduate Certificate in Business Administration programs. The scholarships
2006 May 24
Dear all, Does any one knows why should I get the following error message, when trying to do a simple data.frame?? DataF<-data.frame(Subject,BiomR,Spp,Capas,Litter,Herbs,LitterD,MaxCanH,DDifS p,DSSp,Slope, CanDens,NearestSp) Erro em data.frame(Subject, BiomR, Spp, Capas, Litter, Herbs, LitterD, : arguments imply differing number of rows: 202, 0 The data I am using
2010 Mar 01
Fwd: Erika DeBenedictis-Recommendation
---------- Forwarded message ---------- From: Celia Einhorn <celia.einhorn at> Date: Wed, Feb 17, 2010 at 8:15 PM Subject: Fwd: Erika DeBenedictis-Recommendation To: drew einhorn <drew.einhorn at> ---------- Forwarded message ---------- From: David H. Kratzer <dhk at> Date: Tue, Feb 16, 2010 at 9:24 AM Subject: Fwd: Erika
2007 Oct 03
Factor levels.
I have factors with levels ``Unit", "Achieved", and "Scholarship"; I wish to replace these with "U", "A", and "S". So I do fff <- factor(fff,labels=c("U","A","S")) This works as long as all of the levels are actually present in the factor. But if ``Scholarship'' is absent (as if often is) then
2012 Jun 18
Package of EM and MI for IRT in R
Dear all members, I am Phd. candidate student at Chulalongkorn U., Thailand. I am interested in expectation maximization algorithm (EM) and multiple imputation (MI) for imputation missing values(missing at random(MAR) and missing not at random (MNAR)) in IRT (3-PL). So, I want to know about package in R or function of EM and MI for simulate this problem I am looking forward your answer.
2010 May 26
R/Rmetrics Meielisalp Summer School and User/Developer Workshop 2010
Computational Finance and Financial Engineering 1st R/Rmetrics Summer School and 4th User/Developer Meeting Meielisalp, Lake Thune Switzerland, June 27 - July 1, 2010 Late Registration: Students: Apply for Student Scholarships *** Rmetrics 2010 - Don't miss it ! ***
2006 Jan 12
envelopes of simulations
Hello! I am writing you because I could not plot the confidence envelopes for functions Jest, Jcross, Jdot, Jmulti, and L, using the Spatstat package. I have already understood how to do that for Kest or Jest, that is: JEnv <- plot(envelope(PPPData, Jest)) Where PPPData is my ppp object. However, for Jcross I must specify the two marks I want to analyse. That is, usually I would get the
2006 May 15
RFC 3501 compliance issue: body-type-msg incorrect
Hi, I am using Dovecot 1.0 beta 7, moving to beta8 probably tomorrow. I am seeing a few RFC compliance issues with IMAP responses. I have an in-house IMAP client that caches IMAP data for a web mail system (it parses millions of IMAP interactions a day), and it reports whenever it gets a line that does not look RFC compliant. Unfortunately, users modify their mailboxes before I can get a copy
2012 Nov 19
Question about Package 'sampleSection' for IRT model
Dear All, I am Ph.D student at Chulalongkorn University in Thailand, I want to use Package 'sampleSection' to estimate missing data which generate under IRT model(3-PL); n<-500 ## number of examinee I<-20 ## number of items num.imp<-5 ##number of imputations p.missing<-c(0.09, 0.01) #prob of missing theta<-sort(rnorm(n,0,1)) #ability a<-rnorm(I,0.5,0.1) #discrimination
2010 Aug 10
(Dreaded) STI, belongs_to
Having problems with STI. Names below have been changed to protect the innocent. Imagine a system that allows someone to apply for one of two different types of school scholarships. Each scholarship goes through a different review process, represented by a state machine (this is not a state machine question). So there are two state machine classes that differ slightly and subclass a generic
2011 Mar 21
Missing textures with some games. Advice?
Hi, i was wondering if someone could advise on this: I have an acer aspire 5740G with ati mobility radeon hd5650 and i just installed wine 3 days ago, so it's pretty recent. I trying to run some few games: C&C 3 tiberium wars, need for speed most wanted and bully scholarship edition. In c&c 3 game started well, then i go to play and i can't see no units. I can select them but
2012 Mar 27
Hi! First of all I would like to think you for participating in GSoC and giving students opportunity to develop great project. I really appreciate what your are doing and I want to apply for this idea:PHP Bindings Improvements I'm Riadh Chtara.I'am Tunisian student.Two years ago I got an excellence scholarship from Tunisian Government to study Engineering In France. And today, I study in
2009 Jan 23
New international competition for the Digital Humanities
(Slightly off topic and outside my area - but this may be of interest to the R community) WASHINGTON (January 16, 2009) -- Today, a new international competition called the "Digging into Data Challenge" was announced by four leading research agencies: the Joint Information Systems Committee (JISC) from the United Kingdom, the National Endowment for the Humanities (NEH) and the
2013 Jul 01
Error al correr archivo markdown
Hola, tengo un problema al escribir un archivo markdown, luego que lo tengo listo y le doy al knit html para correrlo este me sale un error que dice que no tengo intalado el knitr, pero si lo tengo aun asi lo vuelvo a instalar y nada, y antes con otro archivo si me corria el knit html, pero despues de este ahora ninguno me corre me sigue diciendo que no tengo el knit, ayduda [[alternative HTML
2017 Aug 17
Promedio elementos vector
Estimado Carlos: Aun no he efectuado los cambios que me propones, sin embargo, se me ocurrió (como el burro que tocó la flauta) hacer que 'Libre Office' abriera la matriz con formato ASCII, en lugar de UTF8, y ¡oh sorpresa! ya estaba la tabla con formato numérico. *MANOLO MÁRQUEZ P.* [[alternative HTML version deleted]]
2013 Feb 17
problemas con syslinux 5.01 y hp mini 210-1040la
?Buenos dias! Soy nuevo en la lista y aun no se muy bien como funciona, espero que hablar en espa?ol no sea un problema Tengo una HP mini 210-1040LA en donde el teclado no responde mientras se ejecuta el menu de syslinux ver. 5.01, me gustaria saber si existe alguna solucion. Mientras tanto regresar? a la version anterior y har? pruebas. Ya he probado en varios equipos y solo ocurren en la hp
2015 Mar 17
Postdoc in Pharmacometrics at the University of Cape Town
Dear all, at the Division of Clinical Pharmacology at the University of Cape Town (South Africa) we are looking for highly motivated science/engineering PhD graduates to join our pharmacometrics group as a post-doctoral fellow. Pharmacometrics is an emerging discipline that applies mathematical modelling and simulation to pharmacology, aiding the interpretation of data from clinical trials,
2017 Apr 27
RStudio en Ubuntu 17.10
Estimados Colegas: Como antecedentes les informo: a).-Traté de actualizar mi sistema de Ubuntu 16.10 a 17.04; sin embargo una falla de electricidad me cortó la instalación. b).- Me vi en la necesidad de reinstalar, pero formateando lo que tenía instalado, entre otros RStudio. Ahora que he estado tratar de recuperar la versión 1.0.143-i386, de RStudio, que tenía me encuentro que se debe instalar
2009 Sep 24
pregunta $
una pregunta aun no comprendo totalmente el uso del signo $, me podrian decir donde encuentro su significado (si, si ya se que significa dinero y eso.........) desde el punto de vista de R gracias fabian huerta Yahoo! Cocina Encontra las mejores recetas con Yahoo! Cocina. [[alternative HTML version deleted]]