similar to: evalJSON() problem

Displaying 20 results from an estimated 1400 matches similar to: "evalJSON() problem"

2008 Feb 09
problem using evalJSON with Ajax
Hi, all I am trying to use evalJSON with Ajax, but somehow it doesn''t work. for instance, I have a php file has the following output: "name": "Violet", "occupation": "character" and I have a html file with the following javascript: new Ajax.Request(''/some_url'', { method:''get'', onSuccess:
2007 Sep 21
Weird data from evalJSON
I am trying to have prototype perform a request and return to me a javascript object representing the json string returned by the request. I want to iterate over the contents to print each object in the json string. The value of transport.reponseText in onSuccess is what I would expect. But once I try to perform evalJSON() on this text it gives me a bunch of extra function()s when i try to
2007 Sep 28
evalJSON problem
Hey there, I have a FCKeditor(a WYSIWYG online html editor) and i want to bring it to a page by Ajax and JSON by a php request-catcher. I have sth like this in my ajax request: new Ajax.Request(''myactions.php'', { method:''get'', parameters: {action:''bringeditor'', id:<?php echo $uid; ?>}, onSuccess: function(transport){
2008 Feb 10
Ajax.Request evalJSON document.write hangs
I''m not the best when it comes to javascript so this is probably a simple mistake. I''m using the following code to read an external json file and print out its values. The problem is when I try to write the value to the browser it causes the browser to load like it hasn''t finished the javascript code. Its writing the value to the screen so I think its hanging after that
2008 May 24
TypeError : transport.responseText has no properties
Hello all, I''m using prototype in conjunction with Extjs to build out an Ajax- driven app. I''m noticing that occasionally there will be Ajax Requests that will occasionally not complete. After some investigation, I found that when I made a call to String#evalJSON, it would throw a TypeError with the following message : transport.responseText has no properties. When this
2007 Aug 07
"badly formed JSON" exception
I tried to implement the "Rendering JSON in actions" example from : @headers["Content-Type"] = "text/plain; charset=utf-8" data = { :foo => ''bar'', :etc => ''rez'' } render :text => data.to_json When I try to decode this in javascript with
2009 Jul 15
Is it possible to use EGARCH and GJR in R?
Hi, Could you please help me with EGARCH and GJR? Is it possible to use EGARCH and GJR in R? I have used below mentioned code for GARCH in R, but I never used EGARCH and GJR in R. Thank you in advance! daten<-read.table("H://Daten//Zeitreihen//dax_1.csv", sep=";", header=T) DAX.kurs<-daten DAX.kurs<-ts(DAX.kurs,names="DAX-Kurs")
2008 Aug 10
Prototype, JSON and headers
Hi everyone. I love JSON and using Prototype has help me reduce the code to handle AJAX responses. But one thing keeps me confused and sometimes even frustrated. I don''t really understand what is going on with the headers, so if someone could take some time to explain what is going on, I (and probably a lot more people) would be very thankful. The thing is this. On my local server (Mac OS
2004 Jan 26
Samba 2.2.3a + WinXP
Habe Samba 2.2.3a unter HP-UX 10.20 laufen. (letzte Version die ich f?r 10.20 finden konnte) Bisher lief alles bestens. Jetzt mu? ich XP Prof einbinden. Geht ja, aber bei mehreren Programmen (z.B. Office 2003) st?rzt das Programm beim Speichern ab. Geht das grunds?tzlich mit einer so alten Version nicht oder gibt es einen Workaround? Danke Andi
2007 Jun 04
Re: Ajax.Request question with JSON return
Do I need something like this: eval(''('' + this.header(''X-JSON'') + '')'') (taken from Cody Swann, ). I''m guessing my problem is simpler, and I''m leaving something small out related to the header though. Thanks for any help -Mark 1. evalJSON:
2007 Jul 19
ASP.NET AJAX Web Services and Prototype Version
I wanted to use a web service published with ASP.NET AJAX from Prototype Version It''s easier to call an ASP.NET AJAX web service by using an ASP.NET AJAX page with a proxy class, but I have an application which still has many Classic ASP pages and using Prototype seemed like a better idea than hand coding the the interactions, or figuring out how to include all the right ASP.NET
2004 Sep 23
Cannot get HP1055CM Color Plotter to work with "Point and Click"
G'day All, We are using Samba 3.0.6 as a PDC and print server. The OS is RHEL 3.0. I've gone thru the procedure detailed in "The Official Samba Howto..." book and the other HP and Lexmark LaserJet printers work properly using the postscript drivers. However, HP 1055CM Color Plotter works best with the HPGL/2 drivers if the drivers are installed on the client workstation but, do
2007 Apr 12
JSON handling in Prototype 1.5.1_rc2
Hi, I try to use the JSON encoder/decoder on JSON string receive from an HTTPRequest. And it failed to handle characters with accents (çéèà...) giving me an parsing Exception. I think because the convertion from string to object is a simple eval ! This make Protoype unusable for non americain characterset application ! Or I miss something ! Sad ! Constant
2019 Feb 22
dovecot Buch 2014 vs 2016
Moin, Es geht um das Dovecot-Buch. Ich nehme an, da? hier mindestens einer, der sich auskennt, mitliest: Gibt es - au?er der Sprache und dem Preis - einen Unterschied zwischen der ersten (und einzigen?) deutschen Auflage von 2014 und der englischen Auflage von 2016? -- Heiko -------------- next part -------------- A non-text attachment was scrubbed... Name: signature.asc Type:
2005 Sep 25
14 1.5 release candidate 1
So, the first 1.5 release candidate is out! Important changes and fixes from 1.5_pre4 (for a detailed list, see the CHANGELOG file): * Droppables w/greedy and hoverclass are now reverted when dragged item is no longer over them, fixes #2184 * Let Effect.Highlight correctly parse IE colors, add String.prototype.parseColor() for this, fixes #2037 * Make scriptaculous.js work
2004 Feb 28
Neues über die deutsche Übersetzung der Samba-3-Dokumentation -- News for the german translation of the Samba-3-docs
Another posting in german, due to its subject, which has to do with the german translation of the Samba-3.0-documentation. --- Hallo, deutschsprachige Samba-user, die ?bersetzung der Samba-3-Dokumentation geht weiter. Die Info-Kampagne tr?gt Fr?chte, es gibt neue freiwillige Mitarbeiter! Unsere Projektseite liegt auf Berlios, eine kurze Projektbeschreibung findet man unter
2017 Nov 30
dovecot - 2 Faktor Auth
Hallo Liste, hat sich schon mal jemand mit 2 Faktor Auth f?r dovecot besch?ftigt? Es geht dabei nicht nur um die Absicherung einer Weboberfl?che sondern direkt die Absicherung der Standard pop/imap Verbindungen des Clients. Wir machen das auth bisher ?ber MySQL.? Rein technisch w?rde das gehen, da man die Password-Query beliebig anpassen und auch mit allow_nets arbeiten kann. Es w?re eher die
2007 Mar 19
"Horn Loudspeaker Response Analysis Program" mit Wine, geht das doch?
Hallo, an alle Wine-Freaks, das Programm - bis jetzt Freeware-, ist High-End unter den Hornsimus: , 400 kB Ich habe wine in etlichen Versionen bis zur 0.9.26 probiert, auf Debian und Mepis (ubuntu), auch Crossover von 4.2 bis zum Beta 6.3a. Es geht nicht, alle Dinge wie native dll,s andere Winvers bringen keine Besserung, IE, Dcom--hilft nicht. Alle
2014 Jan 13
force samba4 DC not to add all interfaces IP's to DNS?
Hi I have a samba4 DC which also provides same KVM virtualisation services. During provision all IP numbers of all network interfaces where added to DNS, even the private KVM brigde Interfaces. Therefore clients which ask the DNS for AD-DNS records often get the IP of a an interface as answer, which is not reachable. This slows down things like login etc. I removed the DNS entries of the
2011 Dec 22
LSUB and subscribed folders
I have a strange behavior on a customer's server and I don't understand that: User "bar" has some folders and one shared folder from "foo" if I use the "LIST"-command, which should list AFAIK *all* folders: # telnet localhost 143 a login bar xxxx a OK [CAPABILITY IMAP4rev1 LITERAL+ SASL-IR LOGIN-REFERRALS ID ENABLE IDLE SORT SORT=DISPLAY THREAD=REFERENCES