similar to: Prototype AJAX functions.

Displaying 20 results from an estimated 5000 matches similar to: "Prototype AJAX functions."

2005 May 11
remote tags for form elements (AJAX)
I noticed on that form input elements (the checkboxes) were making remote calls using onClick. I couldn''t find this behavior in the API - did I miss something or is this just a 37signals addition? - Derek
2005 Nov 04
prototype EventObserver on radio option elements
Hi all, I just started using prototype 1.3.1. I''ve successfully used Form.Element.EventObserver on a select list and recently tried to add it to radio options. However, I think there is a flaw in how it works with radio options. Radio options are a little unusual in that there are multiple distinct elements, tied together by a common name, where changing one element causes a
2009 Aug 04
hi everybody... I have a form_for in that, onclicking submit button i am calling a javascript for validation.If validation fails that form_for doesnt do anything.But even the validation fails it goes to the controller and action. here my code: <%form_for :promotion_code,
2006 Aug 25
RJS Error: Element.update is not a function
Hi, I have implemented some RJS code and I have the same exact code in 2 different places. In one place I get the error "Element.update is not a function" and the other place works fine. Any idea why this error is coming? Breaking my head. -Vinod --~--~---------~--~----~------------~-------~--~----~ You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups "Ruby on
2005 Sep 02
Hello, I have just subscribed to the list. I am having problems with the Ajax.InPlaceEditor. I am getting different results when I use Firefox and IE. The problem is: On IE, when I click submit in the InPlaceEditor form, the form posts to itself (my InPlaceEditor code is on /test/index.html, and the form posts to /test/index.html) and passes a paramater of ''value''
2007 Aug 16
prototype: Event.observe 'click' for $$('a.popout')
Hi all first time im posting here, hope what i''ve written is clear. I''m trying to make a popup work using event.observe for all anchor tags with the CSS selector ''popup''. in the HTML i have this: < a href="somelink.php" class="popup">Click to go someplace </a> in my javascript I have a: Event.observe(window,
2007 Dec 04
Problem preventing double click with ajax submit button
For a regular form I use the :onlick option to disable the submit button after the first click in order to prevent double clicks (leading to double entries): <% form_tag :action => ''create'' do %> <%= submit_tag "Create", :onclick => "this.disabled=true,this.form.submit();"%> I''m having trouble using this same method to prevent
2005 Aug 11
7 V1.5_pre1 released
Heya, I''ve just released V1.5_pre1. Please give it a try! Important new stuff (since V1.1b1): * Added a main scriptaculous.js file to load in the other libraries transparently. * Fixed a condition where standard a href=xxx links wouldn''t work in autocomplete results. These do now, the onclick event is not cancelled. [thx to Jasper Slits] * Added
2007 Jul 26
populate select box by ajax query with Prototype and IE7
Trying to populate a select box with a value passed in from another select box works great in Firefox, but using IE nothing happens, no data is getting returned back. I commented everything out and put alerts in there and the alerts work in IE but when ajax is getting used it seems to just die...Is this a bug or what am I doing wrong? --~--~---------~--~----~------------~-------~--~----~ You
2007 Jun 27
Prototype 151; Ajax.Updater vs Ajax.Request and evalScripts=true
Why does Ajax.Updater() and Ajax.Request() differ in how evalScripts is handled? Or doesn''t it, and I just got it wrong? I have a module that generates an Ajax request to insert dynamic content into a div. The dynamic content is plain vanilla HTML with some inline javascript *functions* I cannot get the browser to honor/execute/see those javascript functions when I use .Request() If I
2008 Dec 24
Odd js behavior in Chrome & Safari
View file has a js function "confirm_result()" in <head> section: <script type="text/javascript"> function confirm_action() { result = confirm("Please select OK or Cancel") if (result == true) document.write("You selected OK.") else document.write("You selected Cancel.") } </script>
2006 Mar 13
Prototype ajax/javascript q
I''m trying to send to my application the coords x,y on an "input type image" in a html form, but x,y variables are not present in the POST_DATA (are not submitted). Any other field (hidden inputs) are being sent when I click on the image input form field. I use rails 1.0 and prototype 1.4, browsers Seamonkey 2.0, Firefox 1.x and Konqueror, Linux, and I''m just a
2007 Oct 25
""throw $continue" is deprecated, use "return" instead"
I am using the firebug plugin to debug my javascript code, and I get the following message while debugging. Anyone familiar with this error? See my code below: <title>My Test </title> <script src="json.js" type="text/javascript"></script> <script src="prototype.js" type="text/javascript"></script>
2005 Dec 10
submit ajax form through javascript
hi all, my problem: i have a form that is sent through ajax with ajax.updater. the onsubmit function looks like this: new Ajax.Updater( { failure:''command_div'' }, ''/windows/chat_post'', { asynchronous:true, parameters:Form.serialize(this } ); return false; this works fine when I submit the form by pressing the submit button.
2006 Jul 05
Prototype Based Validation with form_remote_tag
Hello, I am attempting to use validation.js from e/ with form_remote_tag. The rails form helper binds the needed Ajax.Updater to the onSubmit action of the form. The validation.js also attempts to bind to the onSubmit of the form. The logic that is needed is if( valid.validate() ) { ...Ajax.Updater... } where valid
2008 Aug 25
prototype.js Ajax is slow
So I was doing some experimenting with prototype and ajax and discovered something interesting. When I use the first ajax call the response from the server take 53ms. When I use the second on using the prototype functions the request from the server is over 200ms. My question is why, and can it be fixed? <p><a href="#" onclick="serverSideAlert();">Call
2007 Feb 23
Does Ajax.PeriodicalUpdater have a shield against multiple parallel executions?
Hello Does Ajax.PeriodicalUpdater have a shield against multiple parallel executions? --~--~---------~--~----~------------~-------~--~----~ You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups "Ruby on Rails: Spinoffs" group. To post to this group, send email to rubyonrails-spinoffs-/ To unsubscribe from this group, send email
2006 Feb 19
Prototype Ajax + File Uploading-- How?
Good evening! I''m currently trying to submit some data and a file upload through Ajax. I''m using rails & prototype, and somewhere there''s a disconnect. I''m reasonably convinced the file upload isnt being sent at all, or if it is, Rails has absolutely no idea. The form itself heads with: <form onsubmit="new
2006 Mar 24
JS validation on a form/submit tag? Like :condition=>...
Hallo -- is there a way anyone know of that I can add a :confirm clause to a form submit? Something like: <%= submit_tag ''commit'', :confirm=>"are you certain?" %> Does anyone know how to achieve this? Cheers, doug. -- Posted via
2007 Nov 20
Ajax.Updater -- Cancel DOM write?
Is it possible to cancel the DOM write to the element passed to Ajax.Updater? I didn''t see anything in the documentation, and I''d like to use this instead of Ajax.Request. There are situations where the results that are returned will not be what is expected, and I have no control over this. For this reason, I''d like to be able to cancel writing to the DOM. Thanks in