similar to: Unknown column 'role' in field list

Displaying 20 results from an estimated 4000 matches similar to: "Unknown column 'role' in field list"

2006 Jul 02
NoMethodError in Unit Test - Rails Newcomer
I''m working on user authentication system to get familiar with rails, and have basically solved most of my apps problems till now. I keep getting the NoMethodError, and can''t understand why. Model: customer.rb class Customer < ActiveRecord::Base ... def self.password=(pass) @password=pass salt = Customer.random_string(10) if !salt? self.hashed_password =
2005 Dec 17
lost in an ActiveRecord::StatementInvalid
I have an error I don''t know how to debug. I am adding the login suport in Depot (the example in the RoR book) and LoginController#add_user throws ActiveRecord::StatementInvalid in an innocent /login/add_user GET request. The trace goes down to a call to SQLiteAdapter#table_structure, and the source code suggests what''s happening is that "PRAGMA
2007 Apr 06
Newbie having full text search problem with acts_as_ferret
Hi guys, I am using acts_as_ferret to do full text search on my models and I am having problem on three-letter word searches. I am going to use an example to explain my problem. Here it is: There is a table called users and it has login, first_name, last_name columns. There are three rows inside it. login first_name last_name bob bob henry longbob nil
2010 Aug 18
Error: Index file too large ? 904 bytes ?
My 1.2.13 build is giving me errors based on the same conf file that was working perfectly for 1.2.12 : Aug 18 03:28:27 IMAP(dclarke): Error: Index file too large: /var/mail/dclarke/dovecot.index Aug 18 03:28:27 IMAP(dclarke): Fatal: block_alloc(2147483648): Out of memory Aug 18 03:28:27 dovecot: Error: child 12560 (imap) returned error 83 (Out of memory - see mail_process_size setting) The
2005 Jul 13
Testing failing
So I''m trying to be a good agile programmer and write unit tests for my objects, but I''ve got a test I just can''t keep from failing. I have a profile object that I just added username and hashed_password to. I used the method in the Rails book to handle hashing the password. My code is strait out of the book. The whole object is at the end of this email. I want
2010 Jan 18
The role of self and :: within a method of a model
Hey all, I understand that a def, for example, is a class method, which allows you to call its contents by just referencing (rather than However, what is its role when located in a method inside a model like in the code below. Also in the code below, you see :: located in the method. Isn''t that used for modules and namespaces? If so, why is it located
2006 Apr 21
destory Test Case Messes up all tests
I am trying to create unit tests for my users model but when I add a test that destroys a user, that user is not available in any of the other test. If I remove the test that destroys the user all my other tests work again. All the fixtures are suppose be reloaded between tests right? Here is my testcase : require File.dirname(__FILE__) + ''/../test_helper'' class UserTest
2006 May 02
Updating only one field
At present, I use an update like this to set the user''s last login time: authenticated_user.update_attribute(:last_login, However, this calls the following, updating all fields: UPDATE users SET `last_login` = ''2006-05-02 13:27:41'', `hashed_password` = .... Is there any way I can tell ActionRecord to only update the one field? I don''t really want
2006 Jun 05
When adding a record in console, a parameter comes in as null even when I set it
In console, I am trying to create a User but the :account_id does not come in. Console just gives me back :account_id => nil. Obviously I''m trying to set it though. Silly console... But, I can set the account_id column in my controller like so: @user =[:user]) @user.account_id = Here''s what I give to the controller: User.create :name
2006 Jun 16
Problem with User Login from Agile Web Development
I am trying to use an expanded version of the User Login from the Agile Web Development with Rails book. It takes the user name and password but then says "Invalid user/password combination". Looking at the log everything seems to be fine until it sends the query to MySQL. The query shows that the name is '''' instead of the name that was passed to the self.login
2006 Mar 04
Two quick newbie questions
2 quick questions regarding authentication ... 1) the flash[:notice] on successful login looks completely wrong to me. How should it be done? def index if @user =[:user]) authentic_user = @user.attempt_login if authentic_user session[:user_id] = flash[:notice] = ''Login successful! Welcome
2006 Apr 05
Tests creating output?
Hi everyone, I have this code in Person.rb: def hashed_password(password) require ''digest/sha1'' require ''base64'' new_password = new_password << password new_password = "{SHA}" << Base64.b64encode(new_password.digest).chop end And here''s my test: def
2006 Jan 24
AJAX Preview & Edit Page Problem
I''m new to RoR and have started building my first application. I''m building an account sign-up controller and I have two questions: 1. What is the best way to pass form params between methods in my sign-up controller? The solution I''m using seems too hacky and there''s got to be a something more elegant. I''m instantiating to capture the
2006 Jul 06
Form not inserting data into database
I have a form to register a user. The issue I am having is the fact that it only populates login, hashed_password and created_at fields. DB table: create table users ( id int not null auto_increment, login varchar(100) default null, hashed_password char(40) default null, email varchar(255) default null, salt varchar(255) default
2007 Jul 09
NoMethodError when using find_by_sql
I''m try to verify users on login. Here is my code: def self.authenticate(username,password,account_code) employee = self.find(:all, :select => ", e.first_name, e.last_name, e.username, e.account_id, e.department_id, o.pay_type_id, o.admin_yn, o.payroll_yn, o.files_yn, o.dept_report_yn,e.salt, e.hashed_password", :conditions => ["e.deleted_yn=0 and
2006 Nov 07
Unknown column 'id' in 'field list
Hello, I''m trying to write a unit test for model that doesn''t have an ''id'' field. I created the model''s table with the following migration, making sure the primary key was set. class CreateActiveUserMetrics < ActiveRecord::Migration def self.up create_table :active_user_metrics, {:id => false,
2006 Jul 06
Problem implementing password and password confirmation
Hi, I''m trying to implement password confirmation, based on the Agile example, but just can''t make any progress. User DB has these fields: ========================= t.column :name, :string, :limit => 40 t.column :hashed_password, :string t.column :salt, :string User model has: =============== attr_accessor :password_confirmation
2010 Apr 26
woriking under webrick but not under passenger
Hi! I have just added login feature to my rails application (followed the instruction from (Agile Web Development with Rails) but now I am getting strange errors (looks to me like some kind of routing problem) under the passenger/apache. The error is: 500 Internal Server Error The server encountered an internal error or misconfiguration and was unable to complete your request. From the log:
2007 Mar 12
Undefined method: hashed_password ?
I bought the Agile book to learn Rails, and everything was going smooth until Iteration F1: Adding Users. I''ve double checked my code, used the code provided by the book, and still it returns this same error message: **** NoMethodError in LoginController#add_user undefined method `hashed_password='' for #<User:0x473f0d8> RAILS_ROOT: ./script/../config/.. Application
2006 Jul 16
Problems with validates_lenght_of
I''m building a login system, and I want users to be able to update their password, first name and last name after signing up. So, when signing up password can''t be nil, and it must be between 6..20 characters long. However, on update, the user can choose to leave the password field empty (but fill in other stuff, like first name) and then I want the User model to not update