similar to: Does Ajax.PeriodicalUpdater have a shield against multiple parallel executions?

Displaying 20 results from an estimated 1000 matches similar to: "Does Ajax.PeriodicalUpdater have a shield against multiple parallel executions?"

2007 Feb 02
Quick Element.getElementsBySelector() question
Hi, Does this code should works ? elm.getElementsBySelector(''UL.class1 > LI.class2''); I have an error caused by "UL.class1 > LI.class2" - Does CSS Selector ">" works ? - What is the exact ? may be "UL.class1>LI.class2" Regards, -- Jean-Philippe Encausse - R&D Jalios SA Jp [at] - -
2007 Jan 26
Newbie question.
Sorry for my ignoreance I''m kind of new to this.... I have a requirement for a page that essentially consists of three "DIVS". DIV1 - This is static, it has a bunch of links that initiate a AJAX request to populate DIV2 DIV2 - Populated as a result of a request initiated from DIV1. - This needs to have further links that will initiate a AJAX request to populate DIV3.
2006 Nov 08
Yet another periodicalupdater question
I have something I want to do with the periodicalupdater.. 1) place text in a field by id (I know how to do this part as periodicalupdater makes is quite easy) 2) run a javascript statement to assign a value to a variable. Any ideas how I can do this with one periodicalupdater statement? Thanks, --~--~---------~--~----~------------~-------~--~----~ You received this message because you are
2006 Nov 10
PeriodicalUpdater and popups.
Hi, I don''t know what might cause this, but maybe you do. If I put the code below in a html-file and open it in a popup. I get an error on row 129 in the latest prototype.js bundled with 1.6.5. popup.html: <script type="text/javascript" src="/inc/api/prototype.js"></script> <script type="text/javascript"> Event.observe(window,
2008 Jan 05
PeriodicalUpdater onComplete broken?
Using the PeriodicalUpdater, I''m finding the onComplete is not firing. I thought I''d get some feedback here before filing a bug report. The above are examples of this for prototype 1.6.0 & I''m expecting the onComplete to fire after the update takes place, per
2007 Feb 23
Vanishing Globals
Gents, I have what I thought was a simple scenario, but IE seems to have found a way to make it difficult: I am creating pairs of drop-downs of times of the day (9:00, 9:15, ...) on the fly (using AJAX) and want to be able to adjust the displayed difference between them in hours onChange and store this information in a global hash. Straightforwardly enough, I simple use Event.observe to set up an
2007 Jul 19
InPlace[Collection]Editor rewrite: it's in trunk!
Hi all, For those of you who don''t follow Thomas Fuch''s blog, know that a complete rewrite of InPlaceEditor / InPlaceCollectionEditor just made it into the trunk. You''ll find all the juicy details on Thomas'' post: Do note that this is my rewrite, so if you find bugs etc., don''t
2007 Jun 09
hoverclass on droppable zone
Hi guys, I''m trying to make a drag''n''drop portal using sortable element. I would like to apply the "hoverclass" option only on the droppable zone instead of the column border. Any idea a about the solution? Thanks for any help, Sabri --~--~---------~--~----~------------~-------~--~----~ You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups
2007 Jul 10
Other parameters on InPlaceEditor
Hi to all, I have a doubt on like passing other URL parameters to InPlaceEditor function. For Ajax.Updater I can use "parameters:", but for InPlaceEditor (or InPlaceCollectionEditor) I cannot use "parameters". How I make to pass other parameters to the page that callback? A sample code: ---------------------------------- var editor= new Ajax.InPlaceCollectionEditor(el, url,
2007 Jan 19
Prototype.js: Is there an "in_array"-like function?
Hi i was wondering if there is a quick way to search for a item within an array. Here is my approach for this functionality. It''s an prototype for an Array method called "has": Array.prototype.has = function(needle) { for (var i=0;i<this.length;i++) { if(this[i] == needle){ return true; } } return false; } var someArray = [''jim'',
2007 Jun 09
Prototype Question
I''m trying to apply a css class to all LI elements that are children of an element with the ID "idSelector". This is what I did and it works. But I was wondering if there was an easier way without having to use an anonymous function? $$("#idSelector li").each(function() { arguments[0].addClassName("myClass") }); Thanks in advance.
2007 Apr 20
Need help with something.
Hello, I need a way to send some script in a div or a form field to the server, have the server read it, then return the updated script to the div or form field. I can do the div and form field and such, I just need someone to explain to me how to do this. Can this be done? Thank you very much. --~--~---------~--~----~------------~-------~--~----~ You received this message because you are
2007 Feb 18
Tabulation with ENTER key
Dear all, I think this can be interesting for others too. For a while I tried to solve that problem - how to tabulate with ENTER/RETURN key too and not only with TAB. You know the problem - you are entering a lot of numbers from numeric keypad but you need to go far left to press TAB. This prevents one-hand data entry and prohibits web apps to be used by accountants, for instance. Here is a
2007 Apr 13
Sortable - Droppable interaction
Hi there, I''m started to use scriptaculous yesterday and it''s really great. Hovever, there is one problem that I cannot solve: I have a page with a sortable list and a droppable "trash can". I would like to drag and drop items between the list and the trash can, but it don''t work. Which options should I set to make it works correctly? Thanks!
2007 May 06
prototype setStyle (background-image) relative url problem
Hi there, hope I can explain this one! When I try to use a setStyle call and set the backgroundImage property of an element, I''m having some problems using a relative URL. my directory structure is this: SERVER_ROOT/context/javascript/tree.js SERVER_ROOT/context/style/tree/tree.css SERVER_ROOT/context/images/node_icons/open.png SERVER_ROOT/context/images/node_icons/closed.png in my
2007 Jun 22
Waiting For Completion
I am writing an application that will display a series of images. When a link is clicked the images will fade away, and new images will fade in. I am starting by trying to simply fade the images out then back in through a function: function ChangeImage() { Effect.BlindDown(''MyElement'',{duration:0.5}); Effect.BlindUp(''MyElement'',{duration:0.5}); } This
2008 Jan 31
Ajax.InPlaceEditor via PHP via prototype widows class = HELP :-)
my window comes up fine and builds a page from some PHP which is all kosher. this is what the source of the "window" looks like: ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- <!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN" "http://">
2007 Jun 11
Column sort of checkboxes
<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.01 Transitional//EN"> <html> <head> <meta content="text/html;charset=ISO-8859-1" http-equiv="Content-Type"> </head> <body bgcolor="#ffffff" text="#000000"> I''ve gleaned a lot of good advice from reading this group and I''m hoping for more
2006 Oct 27
Returning coordinates of a draggable?
How difficult would it be to get the x and y coordinates returned of a draggable? --~--~---------~--~----~------------~-------~--~----~ You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups "Ruby on Rails: Spinoffs" group. To post to this group, send email to rubyonrails-spinoffs-/ To unsubscribe from this group, send email to
2006 Sep 14
scriptaculous Toggle Appear rate
I have the following code to toggle a basic appear of a div: <a href="#" onclick="Effect.toggle(''d3'',''appear''); return false;">Toggle appear</a> I want to edit the rate in which the effect runs. I can''t for the life of me figure it out. I would like to make the effect complete faster, like .5 seconds. I''ve