similar to: Builder.node, each() and Event.observe - Help!

Displaying 20 results from an estimated 1000 matches similar to: "Builder.node, each() and Event.observe - Help!"

2006 Apr 12
innerHTML and scripts not running
Hello, I''m having an issue with getting embedded javascript code to actually run when loaded via an Ajax.Request() call and the callback function inserts the generated HTML and js code to my current page. It seems that the javascript code is not properly parsing. For example, I''m using the following function showinfo() to return some html code. function showInfo(go_url){
2006 Feb 07
Help needed with conflicting EventObserver
Hello everyone, I have a page that populates/updates make, model and year select lists via Ajax.Updater and I think that an EventObserver is causing a conflict. Here''s what I''m trying to do. I''m using this page as a create and edit page for a car database. If I''m calling the page in edit mode, I''ll want the make, model and year set (using the
2007 Jun 15
API of scriptaculous
Hi all, Is there anywhere an API with the different method and descrption of the different JS of SCRIPTACULOUS ? Thanks for your good work in Prototype and Scriptaculous !! -- Cyril --~--~---------~--~----~------------~-------~--~----~ You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups "Ruby on Rails: Spinoffs" group. To post to this group, send email to
2006 Jun 19
PNG and Alpha-Transparency
Is there a prototype / extension which will assist in cross-browser support of PNG images? It seems to me that a class could be developed which would zip through the DOM and make changes where needed for IE 5.5 / IE 6.0 to handle PNG images. I don''t want to write one if it''s been done before. Sam
2008 Feb 13
comparing ajax.updater div in js
This is really bugging me no matter what I''m trying. In javascript, I''m using the ajax.updater, and it (obviously) writes back out to a div. I want to then compare what was echoed out into this div (which came from the php file I listed in ajax.updater) with a string. test should equal "SomeString" because that is what is being echoed out to
2006 Jun 27
Ajax - Inserting selected elements from request.responseText
After retrieving a URL using an Ajax.Request... function onComplete (request, json) { // request.responseText holds the entire page Only the content contained in elementID = ''source'' is intended for display At this time, the following code works, but it disturbingly copies the entire page from the source URL into the target DIV $(''target'').innerHTML =
2007 Dec 06
Weird Prototype behavior
In this code: <html> <head> <title>PT test</title> <script type=''text/javascript'' src=''/js/prototype/1.6.0/ prototype.js''></script> <script type=''text/javascript''> //<![CDATA[ Event.observe(window, ''load'', function () { alert($(''login_username'')); }); //]]>
2006 Aug 19
Don''t think this got through last time. Would someone mind giving me some feedback on rendering threaded comments:
2006 Jun 24
Looking for Javascript IDE
Hi everyone! I am looking for a good Javascript IDE. Complete code-completion, should understand object oriented models and anonymous functions. Any suggestions? PS: Im on windows. _______________________________________________ Rails-spinoffs mailing list Rails-spinoffs-1W37MKcQCpIf0INCOvqR/
2006 Jun 24
Few questions
I apologize if these questions are not relevant to Scriptaculous. I just want to get a general idea if I can acomplish some or all of these things with the framework, and then what (if any) I''ll need to do outside just using javascript. For now, I have 2 column layout. On the right I want a form palette where form elements can be dragged to the left column. I have a form inside the
2007 Jun 07
Effect.Fade and innerHTML?
Hi there, I''m now having an odd problem with Effect.Fade not working based on the innerHTML of a div. Take the following for example... <div id="blah"> Nothing here yet. </div> If I then update "blah", hide it and then fade it in, like so: <script type="text/javascript"> document.getElementById("blah").innerHTML =
2007 Jul 10
Having trouble using data returned by Ajax.request
Hello everyone, I''m new here. I''ve been working with prototype and plotr for about a month now, off and on, and I have pretty much hit the wall on using the data returned by Ajax.Request. I''m using some php code to return a string: {''foo'': [[0,0.0865334429075127], [1,0.0828179861705063], [2,0.0828173042602942], [3,0.0841707718624196]]} But I keep
2006 Feb 08
debugging 500 Internal Server Error when dispatch.fcgi run?
I''m trying to get my Ruby on Rails application to work under Apache. It works fine when run as WEBrick ("ruby script/server"). As suggested in , I tried running dispatch.fcgi on the command line. When I run it, no matter where I run it, it outputs: 500 Internal Server Error Both the #! (shebang)
2019 Aug 07
samba-tool PTR with /16 network
Yes, offcourse, the 172.19 is a "bad" example. I suggest we use the official RFC 1918 zones. And for example as extra, or people get confused. ;-) Greetz, Louis > -----Oorspronkelijk bericht----- > Van: samba [mailto:samba-bounces at] Namens > Rowland penny via samba > Verzonden: woensdag 7
2006 Jan 06
image replacement (new Effect.*****) problem
Here''s what I''m trying to do. I have two divs, one holds about 20 small images of products and the other holds a single large image of one of the products. I''m trying to use the jazzy "new Effect." way of changing images but I can''t seem to get it too work. My script is replacing the image and then making the element disappear. What
2009 Jul 24
Routes from raw js (using XMLHttpRequest)
I am making an ajax call from js to call a method (assocboxchange) in my controller (AssociatesController), using XMLHttpRequest. I know the XMLHttpRequest works fine because I use it in other places with success. My problem is my URL I am using for this request doesn;t access the method in my controller which I (think) I am specifying. I am having it post to /channels/assocboxchange/" with
2008 Apr 29
Intercepting an onClick file download
Hi, I''m having some trouble downloading a .csv file from a particular website. The file isn''t part of a url, you need to click on a link in order to get the file sent. I don''t know how to get mechanize to correctly identify that. Here is the link to the file I''m trying to retrieve: <td style="vertical-align: bottom; text-align: center;">
2010 Jan 20
disable submit_tag after click
This code disables the ''Save'' button once clicked, but doesn''t seem to send the form data. <%= submit_tag ''Save'', :class => ''submit'', :onclick => "document.getElementById(''save_button'').disabled=true;", :id => "save_button" %> This code sends the form data and a record is created,
2010 Nov 08
Hello everybody, I''m working with Version 3 of Google Maps JavaScript API, and I have the next code: In a layout of my application: <script type="text/javascript" src=" libs/jquery/1.4.1/jquery.min.js"></script> <script type="text/javascript" src="
2008 Mar 27
Help with authentication errors
Hello, I have been working through two books, "Agile Web Development with Rails, 2nd Ed." and "Ajax on Rails". I''m using Rails2.0. In both cases, I run into an authentication error when doing the examples. In AWDwR, when trying to add new information to the database (p. 68) I get ActionController::InvalidAuthenticityToken in AdminController#create