similar to: print multiple plots to jpeg, one lattice and one ggplot2

Displaying 20 results from an estimated 1000 matches similar to: "print multiple plots to jpeg, one lattice and one ggplot2"

2010 May 24
lattice 'scales' option help
Hi All, I'm trying to draw boxplots. I'm having a hard time to get "ticks labels" on multiple panels using 'alternating' option. # R Code: # May not be the best example, please just look into 'scales' option library(lattice) data(OrchardSprays) dta <- subset(OrchardSprays, OrchardSprays$rowpos %in% c(1,2,3)) # Original # This works fine, as you can see
2010 Mar 19
One main title and One legend for multiple lattice plots
Hi All, Can anyone please help me with getting a "single title" and "legend" for both the plots in the following R code. I'll eventually be using .wmf file. # R code: library(lattice) p1 <- xyplot(decrease ~ treatment, OrchardSprays, groups = rowpos, type = "a", main="Same title / legend", auto.key = list(space = "right",
2011 Sep 13
stupid lm() question
I feel bad even asking, but: Rgames> data(OrchardSprays) Rgames> model<-lm(decrease~.,data=OrchardSprays) Rgames> model Call: lm(formula = decrease ~ ., data = OrchardSprays) Coefficients: (Intercept) rowpos colpos treatmentB treatmentC 22.705 -2.784 -1.234 3.000 20.625 treatmentD treatmentE treatmentF treatmentG treatmentH
2002 Aug 13
interaction.plot() legend too narrow when mfcol > 2 (PR#1899)
Here is an example: The legends (mainly the factor level names) are cut off on the right. Somehow the internal calculation which computes horizontal space for the legend is not flexible enough. ## Call a new graphics window {with default par()s !}: get(getOption("device"))() par(mfrow = c(2,2)) ## part of example(interaction.plot) _improved_ using with() : data(OrchardSprays)
2005 Aug 12
Problem with lme4
Hi, I cannot seem to get lme4 to work. I have installed the lme4 and Matrix package with apt-get. and both can be found in /usr/lib/R/site-library. When I tried an example for lmer, R could not find the function lmer(), > library(lme4) Attaching package: 'lme4' The following object(s) are masked from package:nlme : getCovariateFormula getResponseFormula
2012 Oct 10
se's and CI's for fitted lines in multivariate regression analysis
I?m entirely stumped on this particular issue and really hoping someone has some advice for me. I am running a covariant model in lm I would like to give the standard errors or the confidence intervals for the fitted lines. I?ve been using the dataset OrangeSprays where I want lines for each level of treatment over the covariant ?colpos?. I?ve been able to calculate intercepts and slopes for
2009 Apr 17
Margins in lattice and device resolution
Hi all, I believe I've run into this before, but I seem to have totally forgotten. No headway in the last couple of hours either. How do I make sure that points and margins remain the same absolute size as I change the resolution of a device? (I'm running 2.9.1 patched, on a Win XP-machine) Many thanks in advance, Gustaf Ps: As an afterthought, might it be that this behaviour is
2010 Mar 18
multiple print commands in win.metafile()
Hi All, I need a file which I can import to MS Word, I'm trying win.metafile(), but it does not seem to support multiple print commands at once (please see below). Is there an alternative to get plots file which can be used in powerpoint/word? # R code: # this does not work; but same thing works with pdf() library(lattice) win.metafile("test.wmf") p1 <- xyplot(decrease ~
2013 Feb 14
Alternate tick labels in xyplot
Dear Rhelp, I would like to get alternate tick labels for the xyplot: library(lattice) library(grid) xy <-xyplot(decrease ~ treatment, OrchardSprays, ??? main= "Some plot", ??????? groups = rowpos, type = "a", ??? ??????????? page???? = function(n){ ???????????????????????? grid.text(LETTERS[j], ???????????????????????? y = 0.95, ???????????????????????? x = 0.15,
2009 Apr 03
Titles on lattice colorkey
Dear R-ers, I'm not sure if this is a missing feature, a support request, or stupidity on my part, but nevertheless, its a question. Is it possible to add titles to colorkey legends? As far as I can tell, there is a command to do it for normal "key" legends, but not for "colorkeys". eg it works for a normal key, created through auto.key xyplot(decrease ~ treatment,
2004 Nov 28
Is this a bug in the parser? (PR#7395)
# Your mailer is set to "none" (default on Windows), # hence we cannot send the bug report directly from R. # Please copy the bug report (after finishing it) to # your favorite email program and send it to # # # ###################################################### <<insert bug report here>> Is this a bug in the parser? Specifically, the trace
2009 Apr 24
How to custom the tick and type in bwplot
Dear R users I use bwplot to plot some figures. There are two troubles: 1. How to change the dot of the mean to a line, like the style in boxplot 2. How to hide some tick marks. For example, I have seven tick: A, B, C, D, E, F, G, but I want show four marks: A, C, E, G on the x-axis. Thanks! -- Kind Regards, Guanghong [[alternative HTML version deleted]]
2013 Jul 30
Estimados, tengo una consulta acerca de gráficas con xyplot. Tengo una base de datos con dos perfiles de concentracion por sujeto, ya que a cada sujeto se le administraron dos formulaciones. Con la función xyplot he podido graficar cada perfil separando sujetos y formulaciones: pl <- xyplot (DV~TIME | factor(ID)+factor(FORM), data=tab, type = 'l',
2009 Apr 25
dotplot: labeling coordinates for each point
Hi all, I used dotplot to draw a graph for a dataset with size of 100. Since the x-axis are all texts, so they are mixed up and not readable. Is there any way to make it readable or how can I add labels to all the points with its (x,y) coordinates? Thanks for your help. Best, Tony [[alternative HTML version deleted]]
2009 Jan 21
Text Outside Lattice Plot
Dear R users I created the graph at the bottom using xyplot in the lattice package. I added a title using the main="Title" command in xyplot, however it is plotted too close to the legend for my liking. To remedy this I increased the upper margin of the plot using plot(data, position = c(0,0,1,.9)) and attempted to move "SNA" upwards and to the right. I have tried using a
2008 Aug 07
stripchart ignores main title option (PR#12202)
Full_Name: James Curran Version: 2.7.1 OS: Windows XP/Vista Submission from: (NULL) ( stripchart ignores the main title option. For example, in the documentation stripchart(decrease ~ treatment, main = "stripchart(OrchardSprays)", vertical = TRUE, log = "y", data = OrchardSprays) does not yield a plot with
2011 Feb 10
Add different types of legend: line and points
Hello, I plot box plot, and add a point to the box indicating mean. I also add some range to the box width. I want to add legend for both the range (line) and mean (point). However, I cannot add line legend and point legend together. The code looks like the following. (1) First, I tried the following code, however, it plot a line across the point legend("*"). boxplot(count ~ spray,
2013 Jul 30
Hola, Lo puedes hacer utilizando el parámetro "groups=ID". Mira el ejemplo de xyplot equivalente: xyplot(decrease ~ treatment, OrchardSprays, *groups = rowpos*, type = "a", auto.key = list(space = "right", points = FALSE, lines = TRUE)) Saludos, Carlos Ortega El 30 de julio de 2013 17:47, Manuel Ibarra
2013 Feb 27
xyplot and barplot in the same page
Dear Rhelp, I am trying to get multiple xyplots and barplots in the same page.? I couldn't get it work. Example code: library(lattice) library(grid) xy <-xyplot(decrease ~ treatment, OrchardSprays, ??? main= "Some plot", ??????? groups = rowpos, type = "a", ???
2006 Mar 26
range and bwplot
Hi, is there an equivalent to the 'range' option of the boxplot function to be found in the bwplot function of the trellis package? regards Vincent [[alternative HTML version deleted]]