similar to: convert a VM of Xen Open Source to the format OVF

Displaying 20 results from an estimated 500 matches similar to: "convert a VM of Xen Open Source to the format OVF"

2012 Mar 05
Migration vm Xen vers XenServer
Bonjour, Est ce qu''une ressource parmi vous a déjà effectuer une migration de machine virtuelle de XEN vers XENSERVER? J''aimerai changer de serveur en migrant toutes mes VM du serveur xen vers le serveur xenserveur. Est ce que des personnes ont déjà effectuer ce genre de migration? Si oui comment avez vous procéder? D''avance merci pour vos nombreaux retour. Cdlt.
2005 Apr 22
density estimation
hello sorry for my english I would like estimate density for multivariate variable,( f(x,y) , f(x,y ,z) for example) ; for calculate mutual information how is posible with R? thanks Bernard Bernard Palagos Unité Mixte de Recherche Cemagref - Agro.M - CIRAD Information et Technologie pour les Agro-Procédés Cemagref - BP 5095 34033 MONTPELLIER Cedex 1 France
2013 Nov 12
CentOS Digest, Vol 106, Issue 12
FATNA FATTACH 23 ANS Hay El FALAH RUE 1 N?56 RESIDENCE BEN AMOUR 2 ETAGE 2 Casablanca 0653185512 E-mail : jalilafattach at hotmail . Fr. TECHNICIEN SPECIALISE EN RESEAUX INFORMATIQUE ETUDES ET FORMATION : -2013-2014 : Dipl?me en technicien sp?cialis? en r?seaux informatiques. -Niveau d?instruction : Bac science de la vie
2011 Feb 04
Error in solve.default(inf, tol = tol.solve) :
Hello, I'm trying to run a lagsarlm (maximum likelihood estimation of a spatial lag model) in the spdep library ; but R gives following error message: Error in solve.default(inf, tol = tol.solve) : system is computationally singular: reciprocal condition number = 4.20137e-12 I get the same message when I try to run de lagsarlm with a bigger data set (4333 regions). The command
2006 Nov 28
problem with source(), parse() and "french" colnames
Hello every one Working under Windows Xp in French, and R version 2.4.0 (and : > localeToCharset() : "ISO8859-1" ) I am trying to source a file with basic commands. source("R files/InputFile Analysis (Calculs et mises à l'échelle - gestion des pb d'unités).r") and it works fine as long as I do not use command like these ones :
2004 Oct 22
building an R package : where and how should my fortran library be loaded ?
Hi , I'm currently trying to make available a few fortran subroutines and R functions (which make interface to these subroutines), as an R package. I'm doing it under linux with R 1.9.0 (but hope to do it for windows too). I have trouble for loading my fortran code. Here are the steps involved : 1) In R: # Create tree for package
2013 Jan 19
Cluster Analysis and PCoA (mixt variables)
Hello everyone, I mail you because of my lake of knowlegde regarding statistics. I'm using the CA and PCoA (but maybe should I use some other techniques) to determine the differences and similarities between a large sample of plants using different kind of traits through matrix of mixte variables. I understood that the daisy() function using the gower metric and defining the different type
2005 Jul 05
calling fortran functions CHOL and DPOTRF form Fortran
Hi all, I'm working out some Fortran code for which I want to compute the Choleski decomposition of a covariance matrix in Fortran. I tried to do it by two methods : 1) Calling the lapack function DPOTRF. I can see the source code and check that my call is correct, but it does not compile with: system("R CMD SHLIB ~/main.f") dyn.load("~/") I get: Error in
2005 Dec 16
Problème avec les accents...
Bonjour, J?ai un serveur Linux RedHat 9 sur lequel je fais un montage Samba d?un r?pertoire partag? d?un client Windows par : # smbmount //sf-etudes/partage /mnt/sf-etudes/ -o workgroup=Info,password=xxxx,iocharset=iso8859-1,codepage=850 J?acc?de correctement aux fichiers Windows, mais les fichiers ayant des noms accentu?s (ex : L?on.txt) s?affichent avec un caract?re ? ? ? et je ne peux pas
2011 May 04
Instrumental variable quantile estimation of spatial autoregressive models
Dear all, I would like to implement a spatial quantile regression using instrumental variable estimation (according to Su and Yang (2007), Instrumental variable quantile estimation of spatial autoregressive models, SMU economics & statistis working paper series, 2007, 05-2007, p.35 ). I am applying the hedonic pricing method on land transactions in Luxembourg. My original data set contains
2002 Oct 24
Function scale (PR#2209)
I found a problem with scale function, while using center=FALSE and scale=TRUE: all column are not divided by standard error, but divided by sqrt (1/(n-1) sum Xi^2 ) Example: > l<- c(1,2,3) > scale(l,F,T) [,1] [1,] 0.3779645 [2,] 0.7559289 [3,] 1.1338934 attr(,"scaled:scale") [1] 2.645751 2.645751 = sqrt( 1/2 * (1+4+9) ) Antoine Lucas & Aymeric Labourdette
2003 Jul 22
read.table with option dec=',' (PR#3532)
Full_Name: Antoine Lucas Version: 1.7.0 (2003-04-16) OS: Linux Submission from: (NULL) ( I have a problem using read.table: If in a dataframe, we have a string containing a dot, write.table will not write any file while using option "dec=','". Example > m <- "1.5" > write.table(m,dec=',') Error in if (n%%nrowv == 0) value <-
2010 Apr 29
error on Samba compilation
Hi, With the aim of being able to integrate machines Windows 7 into a domain Samba, I try at present to compile the version 3.5.2 under Debian Lenny According to doc: ... And I obtain the following error during the execution of the make: Linking libsmbclient shared library bin/
2004 Jan 28
Test (PR#6485)
**************************************************************************** **************************************************************************** ************ Un message que vous avez envoy? ? va possiblement ? l'encontre des politiques de s?curit? en vigueur ? la Coop?rative F?d?r?e. Informations sur le message DE : ? : Date :
2004 Nov 16
From S-Plus to R
Dear Isabelle, for most of my work I have switched from S-Plus to R, because it is easier to make scripts with due to the better documentation and some other more reasonable implementations. And there was also a cost issue with the S-Plus Server, which is not for free at all. In R I use the its package for time series, which is quite sufficient for my needs. The only problem I encountered was
2007 Jul 25
Function polr and discrete ordinal scale
Dear all, To modelize the abundance of fish (4 classes) with a set of environmental variables, I used the polr and predict.polr functions. I would like to know how to bring the cumulated probabilities back to a discrete ordinal scale. For the moment I used the predict.polr function with the argument "class". Is there an other way? polrf <- polrf <- polr_mod(formula =
2010 Jun 09
minor tick marks
Hi ! I need a plot for data extending over several orders of magnitude on the y axis. The following command generates a nice looking semi-log plot for my data: plot(x,y,log="y",type="l",lty=3, ylim=c(0.01,2),yaxp=c(0.01,1,1),las=1) I would appreciate having also minor tick marks in-between the 3 major ticks obtained with the above command. The "minor.tick" function
2013 Jul 15
image versus levelplot
Dear R users, I'm currently using the Graphics package to display several hundred of matrix objects, using a layout and the image() function. It works well except for large matrices (> 1000*1000) or for a large number of matrices (there is a limitation around 400 if I remember well) To solve these issues, I move to the Matrix package which is much more efficient for large sparse matrix,
2008 Jan 15
4TB and "150 000 000" files out of memory error
Hi all, Thank you for your very useful product but I have a memory problem. I want use you product to migrate 4TB of data (in 150?millions files) When rsync make the list of files it full my RAM and after my SWAP and my server crash. I have 4GB of RAM and 4GB of SWAP Do you know what can I do?? Can I have an option to use an index on disk or something like this?? Thanks in advance
2012 Mar 05
Cluster xen
Bonjour, J''aimerai mettre en place un cluster sous Xen ou XenServer avec 2 serveurs dell R 710. J''aimerai pouvoir monter un cluster en utilisant l''espace disque entiere des 2 serveurs cumulés ainsi que la mémoire Quelles sont vos retour d''expériences et vos configurations? Merci d''avance Cordialement Mat