similar to: How we can create two database Using same credetial using Puppet

Displaying 20 results from an estimated 2000 matches similar to: "How we can create two database Using same credetial using Puppet"

2013 Feb 26
Glassfish automatic installation in Puppet
Hi All, Can any one help to install my jar file automatically, When I tried to install /usr/bin/java -Xmx256m -jar /gx/mnt/software/Vidispine/Components/glassfish-installer-v2.1.1-b31g-linux.jar,its is asking for confirmation like Accept or Decline? [A,D,a,d]. So how can I pass answer with command. Please find my puppet code below exec { ''glassfishInstaExe'':
2012 Jul 19
Problems granting privileges with puppetlabs/mysql
First off, I''m not sure if I should be asking questions about puppetlabs modules here, if not, I apologise... I''m trying to at least setup my mysql replication user through the mysql module, but I seem to be unable to divine the correct way to do this. I''ve tried a number of different variations, but my user doesn''t get the repl_slave_priv on my user
2013 Jun 04
puppet DB providers
Hello, What would you think of moving database, database_grant and database_user types and providers from puppetlabs-mysql to its own module (puppetlabs-dbproviders for example) so that we can develop providers for others RDBMS ? I''d like to develop providers for postgresql, so I think it makes sense to put this types/providers in its own module. best regards, Mickaël Canévet --
2012 Mar 12
Database and user not created (Puppetlabs mysql module)
Hi everyone, I am new to Puppet and try to make some simple "automation things". I have succeed with apache2, ssh modules, but have problems with Puppetlabs mysql module. It installs mysql server, changes/creates admin user password, but does not create database and user. I cannot find anything wrong in logs (--debug --verbose). I see that manifests is read, but no db/user in mysql.
2013 Jul 22
wyrie/puppet-nagiosql -- anyone have experience with this module?
I made two decisions this afternoon that are now related to each other. 1. Use more of the modules that exist in the Forge 2. Rebuild my monitoring server As I perused the various modules that help with managing monitoring packages my eyes fell upon a module that reported to be able to manage nagiosql, a setup that I had been planning on migrating my nagios monitoring to. So I installed
2008 Feb 11
domain member WIN2003 AD - Trusted Domain
Hi folks, we have a problem with a win2003 DC and Samba. The authentification of users from the dc works fine, but when we added users from a forest trust in a active directory localgroup, samba don't find the users... I post this problem here: Maybe you can help. Cheers Paul -- Der GMX SmartSurfer hilft bis zu 70% Ihrer Onlinekosten zu
2013 Dec 13
Mailbox with .broken files
We're using Dovecot 2.2.4 and mdbox storage with compression. I noticed yesterday that at least one of the accounts has unusual files in it's mail/storage directory. This account has approximately 17.5G of compressed mail, across about 750 storage files (m.###) using 8G of storage. Starting on Dec 11, storage files m.409 through m.731 have not only their m.### file, but also a
2017 Feb 21
Problems with my simple write conf files method
I have been creating conf files and similar with the following method that I picked up (I think from psotfix docs): cat <<EOF>>/etc/aliases || exit 1 root: youremail EOF See: But with postfixadmin I stumbled onto a problem. The following: cat <<EOF>/usr/share/postfixadmin/config.local.php || exit 1 <?php
2013 Mar 12
Only running database_grant the first time.
I''m using puppet through Vagrant to manage my dev VM, and as part of that I have a few database grants that I run after creating users, but when I subsequently run vagrant up or provision these grants fail (because of some changes I make to the mysql config after they have been created.) I''m using database_grant to execute the grants, but there doesn''t seem to be a
2012 Jun 15
cross server dependancies
I have an application package that needs to be installed on certain application servers but before it can be installed, database access has to be setup on a database server. I have figured out how to export a resource on the app server that gets collected and realized on the database server, but I cannot figure out how to make the package on the app server depend on the exported resource
2008 Jun 04
auth issues on centos5 with ldap backend
Hi, We've had some issues with auth. /var/log/secure is full of 1000s of these lines: Jun 4 19:12:08 khan dovecot-auth: pam_unix(dovecot:auth): authentication failure; logname= uid=0 euid=0 tty=dovecot ruser= rhost= user=user123 Users can usually login OK with their ldap credentials, but occasionally logins slow to a crawl if not outright fail, esp people checking
2017 Feb 21
Problems with my simple write conf files method
On 02/21/2017 11:03 AM, KM wrote: > I have never used this method per se, but in general in any script if you want to preserve the $ (dollar sign) or variable name you must use a backslash to preserve it. For example change your $CONF to \$CONF. The $CONF should then be printed into your conf file. Thanks that worked. > KM > > From: Robert Moskowitz <rgm at
2013 Aug 23
Test the result of a hiera_hash() lookup
Hi folks, Is there a way to test the result of a hiera_hash() lookup in a manifest? I am trying to use hiera to do most of my configuration, like this for example: mysql::grants: ''user1@localhost'': privileges: - select_priv ''user2@localhost'': privileges: - select_priv - insert_priv - lock_tables_priv I have a wrapper
2013 Dec 09
mysql module v 1.0 mysql_grant - database_grant
Hi, I''m using mysql module version 0.6.1 and I wanted to upgrade. After reading a little I saw that migrating from v 1 to 2 must be studied, so I decided to upgrde to version 1. BUT, I''ve seen a couple of warnings on my first run and I''m updating my code, but I''ve found that my old sysntax for database_grant is not compatible with mysql_grant. So, if I had
2013 Mar 08
Puppet modules add to Agent
Hi All, If we have couple modules in Master server ,we can specifically add some modules to our agent using this command. puppet agent --test --tags=<module-name> This command will run if the modules are already there in master, to master I am adding these modules using puppet enterprise console.Is there any command available to do it from agent machine? Regards, Jithin -- You
2011 Jul 04
I'm new to the topic of wavelets. When I tried to use the mra function in the wavelets package, the data is not getting compressed. eg. if the original data has 500 values , the output data also has the same. However in MATLAB, depending on the level of decompositon, the data gets compressed. How do I implement this in R? -- View this message in context:
2013 Jun 04
Share Hiera configuration between 2 nodes?
Hi, I am trying to use Hiera in puppet 3 and I have two nodes that both need the same configuration. In this case they are two web servers which have the same apache configuration. Rather than creating two seperate hiera files for node1.yaml and node2.yaml is there a way to group these by role (e.g. webserver.yaml)? I want to avoid duplicating the configuration if possible and keep the data
2013 Feb 21
Using Facter to find the Java version running on the machine
Hello all, I am currently trying to setup a Custom Fact that will can be used to determine the version of the Java JRE running on a machine, in order to use it in my manifests to ensure the proper JARS are distribured based on environment. I''m trying to use the java -version command and then capture the JRE release (eg "1.6.0_37"). No matter what I have tried, the output
2013 May 30
Run a File resource only if another file is missing
Hi, I would like to run the File resource below: file { ''autoconfig.php'': path => ''/var/www/owncloud/config/autoconfig.php'', ensure => file, owner => ''www-data'', group => ''www-data'',
2012 Jun 26
Next Problem: Puppet 2.7 + Passenger won't connect
OK. What did I booger up this time ? and are the same server. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- # puppetd --no-daemonize --onetime --debug --noop debug: Puppet::Type::User::ProviderUser_role_add: file roleadd does not exist debug: Puppet::Type::User::ProviderDirectoryservice: file /usr/bin/dscl does not