similar to: Multiple class calls via dashboard

Displaying 20 results from an estimated 9000 matches similar to: "Multiple class calls via dashboard"

2013 Sep 04
Puppet Dashboard Error 400 Invalid Parameter at passenger pp:48
Hi, I am new to the job and forum. I installed puppet and puppetmaster and set up my first dependencies acording to a manual that we have here in our company. Everything works fine and I can set up new nodes with several modules to choose from. Unfortunatley the Dashboard <>gives me errors instead of starting correctley. Here the
2013 Mar 11
using parameter with puppet dashboard and site.pp
I have just set up my puppet dashboard to be used as a ENC. This is for the time being the easiest way to get support guys to add nodes to classes. I have to use global parameters in my modules if I would like to declare parameters using dashboard as the ENC. So I have a module which does this: class resolver ($domain_name=$::domainname, $search_path=$::searchpath,
2013 Mar 08
multiple pamameter values in puppet dashboard ENC
Is there a way to use send multiple parameter values using puppet dashboard ENC? For example, nameserver =, or perhaps nameserver = ['''',''''} then the template erb file can loop through each of the nameserver values to set up mulitple nameservers in resolve.conf? Thanks - Oli -- You received this message because you are
2011 Oct 17
puppet dashboard and complex data
So I am messing around with puppet dashboard and for the most part for what I am working on it fits the bill for an ENC. The only question I have is I need to pass information about a customer to set up resources and the system can have multiple customers on it. What is the best way to handle complex data? Would I be able to pass json data for example? -- You received this message because you
2011 Jan 24
Run Stages & Dashboard
We''re utilizing the Dashboard to manage which modules are included for each node. In this setup, nodes.pp is empty. E.g.: modules/repos includes the various repository files for each OS. ...And in the dashboard, there is a class titled ''repos'' and is assigned to the various nodes that we want to have their repo files managed. I''d like the
2013 Jan 24
Dependency Cycle with puppetlabs-mrepo
Hi, I''m gettinng a dependency cycle when using PE 2.7, puppetlabs::mrepo, "role classes" and hiera : I''m trying to mirror RHN repos : # ROLE CLASS > class site::yum_repository{ > > $repos = hiera(''site::yum_repository::repos'') > create_resources(mrepo::repo::rhn, $repos) > } > # HIERA DEFAULTS >
2012 Mar 19
dashboard as enc not working
I''m trying to setup dashboard as a node classifier w/puppet 2.6.14. Not sure why this is not working... In puppet.conf on the master I have: node_terminus = exec external_nodes = /usr/bin/env PUPPET_DASHBOARD_URL=http:// localhost /usr/share/puppet-dashboard/bin/external_node The agent''s return: err: Could not retrieve catalog from remote server: Error 400 on SERVER:
2011 Oct 24
Scalability, Dashboard/Foreman, and MCollective
I''ve been trying to find information, suggestions, etc. for how to combine scaling Puppet with the use of management tools like Dashboard/Foreman and MCollective. Our current thinking for an initial deployment is two VMs as Puppet Master worker nodes fronted by a pair of NetScalers. However, I''m not sure how to go about implementing Dashboard or Foreman and MCollective servers in
2010 Oct 15
Dashboard and passenger under /dashboard path
I''m currently running a dashboard as a separate process and have a proxy in apache with authentication to access as I have to start the dashboard with "-P /dashboard" option to make it work. I''m wondering how to achieve this with passenger. The config I found in ext/passanger seems to run the dashboard under the root of the virtual
2012 Mar 09
Puppet Dashboard - Directory Index Forbidden
Hello all Puppet, puppetmaster, ruby, etc installed from standard Ubuntu 11.10 x86_64 APT repos Dashboard 1.26 from .deb pulled from Apache config pulled from /usr/share/puppet-dashboard/ext/passenger/dashboard-vhost.conf My simple test with webbrick worked a treat. So I installed Apache and passenger mod (from Ubuntu APT
2011 Nov 04
ANNOUNCE: Puppet-Dashboard 1.2.3rc1 available
This is a maintenance release of Puppet Dashboard. This release resolves issues #10198, #10270, and #10543. More details below. This release is available for download at: We have included Debian and RPM packages as well as a tarball. See the Verifying Puppet Download section at:
2012 Mar 06
Issue with pe-dashboard-workers
I''ve almost gotten PE running -- Based on tips from a recent Webinar, I''ve started on a minimal RHEL 6 system, and have installed the PE 2.03 packages. Once I set up /etc/ hosts (DNS will come later), I started the PE services. Given past problems (possibly just me), I was pleasantly surprised that the puppet-enterprise-updater script was so accommodating as I remembered which
2012 Jul 06
Access denied for user 'dashboard'@'localhost' to database 'dashboard_production'
followed the instruction for installing dashboard, and created user mysql -pmy_password -e "CREATE DATABASE dashboard CHARACTER SET utf8;CREATE USER ''dashboard''@''localhost'' IDENTIFIED BY ''my_password''; GRANT ALL PRIVILEGES ON dashboard.* TO ''dashboard''@''localhost'';" however, I keep getting
2013 Aug 29
CREATE command denied to user 'dashboard'@'localhost' for table 'schema_migrations'
Hi Puppet Users group, I have followed the guide to the puppet-dashboard DB "Preparing Schema" part, once I run " rake RAILS_ENV=production db:migrate --trace", it shows the following errors: (in /usr/share/puppet-dashboard) > rake aborted! > Mysql::Error: CREATE command denied to user ''dashboard''@''localhost'' for > table
2011 Jul 23
Dashboard not retrieving inventory
Hi All, Puppet-dashboard appears to be having some trouble. Under inventory, it says: "Could not retrieve facts from inventory service: Permission denied - certs/dashboard.private_key.pem" When I run: curl -k -H "Accept: yaml" https://puppet:8140/production/facts/host.domain I get the expected dump of facts. Versions: puppet-dashboard is 1.1.0 (using passenger) puppet-master
2013 Apr 16
Ruby Error Encountered when Installing Dashboard for Puppet Open Source
I''ve installed Puppet and am installing Dashboard on CentOS 6. I''m running into an ''undefined method'' when installing the dashboard. To install Puppet Open Source, I ran: > rpm -ivh
2012 Nov 05
Announce: Puppet Dashboard 1.2.13 Available
Puppet Dashboard 1.2.13 is a maintenance and bugfix release of Puppet Dashboard. This release is available for download at: Debian packages are available at RPM packages are available at See the Verifying Puppet Download section at:
2012 Jul 10
problem using apache & passenger to run dashboard
Hi, My puppetmaster is running through apache, and now I am setting up dashboard to be run by apache too. I followed docs in, but after I restarted httpd, I see a apache welcome page. I set documentroot to be: DocumentRoot /usr/share/puppet-dashboard/public/
2013 Jun 11
Dashboard - Unable to submit report to [301] Moved Permanently
Hello, I successfully installed puppet on redhat 6. Nodes can connect to master and run catalog. I installed dashboard and was hoping to see the reports uploaded in dashboard... I have no problem browsing to the dashboard but when an agent sends a report to the master, I always get the same error in the master''s log: *Unable to submit report to
2013 Jan 08
puppetdb dashboard
Hello, I am currently trying to get the puppetdb dashboard and the puppet dashboard working on the same system. Puppet dashboard is working great but after "successfully" installing puppetdb following puppet''s opensource instructions the puppetdb dashboard just doesn''t seem to exist (according to some sites I should be able to get to it by going to