similar to: Unable to configure Puppet-dashboard using opensource package

Displaying 20 results from an estimated 400 matches similar to: "Unable to configure Puppet-dashboard using opensource package"

2012 Aug 15
Installing puppet-dashboard on ubuntu precise
Hi, I''m trying to install dashboard on precise and I get the below error. I''m using the latest version that is available in the puppet apt repository. The package rdoc is installed (it''s just a virtual package pointing to ruby) Are there some other missing dependencies that the package doesn''t specify? I don''t know ruby that well so finding it hard
2013 Apr 30
wats this???
Hi all, I DONT KNOW WHAT IS THIS WHEN I RUN SERVER OR CONSOLE ITS COMMING. PLEASE ANYBODY TELME WHATS PROBLEM WHATS SOLLUTION rajesh@rajesh:~/workspace/apl$ ruby script/console Loading development environment (Rails 2.3.2) NOTE: Gem.source_index is deprecated, use Specification. It will be removed on or after 2011-11-01. Gem.source_index called from
2013 Dec 24
dashed by dashboard
Thoughts? [root@ca-sna-pm01 config]# rake RAILS_ENV=production db:migrate (in /usr/share/puppet-dashboard) NOTE: Gem.source_index is deprecated, use Specification. It will be removed on or after 2011-11-01. Gem.source_index called from /usr/share/puppet-dashboard/config/../vendor/rails/railties/lib/rails/gem_dependency.rb:21. config.gem: Unpacked gem rdoc-3.6.1 in vendor/gems has no
2012 May 12
Running Ruby on Rails with cPanel/ not working
Hi All, I am a first time Ruby on Rails user/developer – and am having trouble setting it up on a web server. The hosting service I use is Rails version is 2.3.14, ruby version is 1.8.7. I tried following the tutorial at: Except for the main page – all my pages are not returning anything. I would love it if
2012 Sep 15
puppet-dashboard on Ubuntu 12.04
hi All, I''m trying to install puppet-dashboard. When I start it: # /etc/init.d/puppet-dashboard start * Starting Puppet Dashboard NOTE: Gem.source_index is deprecated, use Specification. It will be removed on or after 2011-11-01. Gem.source_index called from /usr/share/puppet-dashboard/script/../config/../vendor/rails/railties/lib/rails/gem_dependency.rb:21. NOTE:
2012 Jan 03
Puppet Dashboard: db:migrate failure (1.2.2 to 1.2.4)
An error I managed to hit today, trying to migrate puppet dashboard from 1.2.2 to 1.2.4 (after upgrading the master to puppet 2.7.9 seemed to prevent the dashboard from importing new reports). I''m trying to re-run it now, but as you might guess, the DB is pretty huge and the process takes a while to execute. Executed from the puppet-dashboard directory: sudo rake db:migrate
2009 Jan 16
Puppet playing badly with Debian etch rubygems
To install the ruby-augeas gem, I installed rubygems on Debian etch, which lead to: Setting up libgems-ruby1.8 (0.9.0-5) ... Setting up ruby1.8-dev (1.8.5-4etch4) ... Setting up rubygems (0.9.0-5) ... Before this (I mean *immediately* before this) puppet worked fine exceept for not being able to find a provider for Augeas. After this, though: ec2-www1:/usr/src# puppetd -t Failed to load
2010 Jun 13
script/server vs mongrel_rails start issue
I am having different results between when I start mongrel with script/ server and with mongrel_rails start. When I run script/server to boot mongrel everything runs fine, no errors. When I run mongrel_rails start I get the following errors - verified the problem on a fresh app and on two different environments (mac and yes, windows server 2008). The actual line of fault changes but the problem
2009 Feb 03
"uninitialized constant Gem::Etc (NameError)" when starting server
I keep getting this when I try to start the server: [Macintosh:rails/work/demo] jslicari% script/server /Library/Ruby/Site/1.8/rubygems.rb:723:in `set_paths'': uninitialized constant Gem::Etc (NameError) from /Library/Ruby/Site/1.8/rubygems.rb:719:in `each'' from /Library/Ruby/Site/1.8/rubygems.rb:719:in `set_paths'' from /Library/Ruby/Site/1.8/rubygems.rb:526:in
2007 Apr 13
mongrel on linux error - custom_require.rb:27:in `gem_original_require'': no such file to load -- (LoadErro
We''re deploying mongrel with Apache on CentOS. I have installed mongrel but when I try to run it, I get the following error. Can someone tell my why and how to fix it. Also does anyone have experience in deploying mongrel on CentOS ? mongrel_rails start -d /usr/lib/ruby/site_ruby/1.8/rubygems/custom_require.rb:27:in `gem_original_require'': no such file to load -- (LoadError)
2005 Sep 15
(newbie) rails app not working after subversion integration?
hello, if anybody could please help, I''m very late with this project and have been wasting a lot of time (days and days) getting past the learning curve to get the infrastructure up (fcgi, rmagick... and now svn integration). i come from dirty-php-scripting and am a newbie at all of this :P I have a rails app that I''ve been developing locally on os x. originally I
2009 Jun 12
Fail to start a lower Version ( Rails 1.1.6) Rails Project
I have a RoR project in rails version 1.1.6. Just to start this project i just install rails of version 1.1.6 but when i am going to start to start the server then i got the following error.. D:\simpleticket>ruby script/server ./script/../config/boot.rb:25:Warning: Gem::SourceIndex#search support for Strin g patterns is deprecated ./script/../config/boot.rb:28: undefined method
2013 Apr 16
Ruby Error Encountered when Installing Dashboard for Puppet Open Source
I''ve installed Puppet and am installing Dashboard on CentOS 6. I''m running into an ''undefined method'' when installing the dashboard. To install Puppet Open Source, I ran: > rpm -ivh
2012 Aug 06
Could not evaluate: Could not retrieve information from environment production source(s) for one module, for other is ok
Hi, I have been fighting this issue without success for several days. I am sure some of you have dealt with something similar: I have 2 manifest one for vim which works like a charm : class vim { if $operatingsystem == "Debian" { package {"vim": ensure => present, } package
2008 Apr 26
gem fetching error
I am trying to install some application using gem, but I keep on getting the error. I tried with ''gem clean'' and ''gem update''. The latter gives the following error (the same error is replicable when I try any ruby applications): # gem update --debug Exception `Errno::ENOENT'' at /usr/lib/ruby/site_ruby/1.8/rubygems/config_file.rb:51 - No such file or
2006 May 30
Error in mongrel_rails script with Cygwin/Mongrel/Rails
Hi, I am experiencing an error in the mongrel_rails script on a pc under cygwin/mongrel/rails. My installation details and error are as follows: With some guidance from various blogposts out there, I installed Cygwin on a Windows XP box followed by: Ruby 1.8.4(via cygwin setup), Gems (0.8.1 via ruby install.rb), Mongrel .3.12.4 (via gems), Rake 0.7.1(via gems, GemPlugin (via gems), Rails (via
2013 Mar 25
Unresponsive nodes with no pending task in the dashboard
Hi, Since this morning all nodes are showing as unresponsive. I have faced a similar error before and the problem was fixed restarting the dashboard-workers as there were many pending task in the puppet dashboard. I am using Puppet Enterprise 2.7.1 version. I have already checked/done: * Restarted the puppetmaster server * Check that puppet-dashboard-workers are working * Time is synced
2010 Sep 05
undefined method `path' for Gem:Module (NoMethodError)
Hi, when running - ''ruby setup.rb'' I get the following error message: C:\rubygems-1.3.7>ruby setup.rb C:/rubygems-1.3.7/lib/rubygems/source_index.rb:68:in installed_spec_directories'': undefined method `path'' for Gem:Module (NoMethodError) Ruby version is ruby-1.9.2-p0. Any idea ? Thanks. Dani -- Posted via -- You received
2008 Jul 28
Rubygems Issues
I recently upgraded a server''s rubygems from 0.9.0 to 1.2.0. Upon doing so, one of our apps that uses soap4r thinks all the security certificates it sees are invalid (see Error 1 below). I tried reverting to 0.9.0, but anything that uses rubygems crashes now (see Error 2 below). If anyone could help me solve either problem, that would be great. Ideally, I''d like to run the latest
2007 Dec 11
Mongrel install problem
Hi, I''m having difficulties getting mongrel running on my Debian Etch machine. It seems to install and is listed with my other gems, but things like... "mongrel_rails start ..." ... are not recognised. Perhaps this is something to do with the file "lib" not being found in the install process: ruby extconf.rb install mongrel --include-dependencies checking for main()