similar to: Announce: Puppet Dashboard 1.2.13-rc1 Available

Displaying 20 results from an estimated 800 matches similar to: "Announce: Puppet Dashboard 1.2.13-rc1 Available"

2012 Nov 05
Announce: Puppet Dashboard 1.2.13 Available
Puppet Dashboard 1.2.13 is a maintenance and bugfix release of Puppet Dashboard. This release is available for download at: Debian packages are available at RPM packages are available at See the Verifying Puppet Download section at:
2006 Aug 10
Migrations suddenly broken: undefined method autoload_paths
I really need some help here because I am at a loss. I have been using migrations just fine now for a while and I suddenly started getting a very bizarre error when migrations are run: undefined method `autoload_paths='' for Dependencies:Module I have tried rolling back my application code, and rolling back the rails edge revision I am running but neither seem to help. I have
2012 Jul 12
engines: accessing classes from the hosting-apps lib
I have an engine and can access model-classes of the hosting app without any troubles. But when I try to access classes that are defined in the lib-directory of the hosting app, they are not found and I get a uninitialized constant Redmine where Redmine is a module defined in the lib-directory of the hosting app. The lib-directory has added this dir to the autoload_paths, but the engine
2012 Dec 05
Ajax response in a modal box
Hello guys, I was wondering if I could display the ajax response in a modal box. I could not find anything satisfying on the web. I am new to ajax. This is what I was trying. $(document).ready(function() { var clicked1; $(".inline").click(function(e) { clicked1 = $(this).text(); $.ajax({ type: ''GET'', url:''/controller_path'', async: false,
2012 Mar 26
Models in sub-folders in Rails 3
I have a Rails 2 project in which models are in sub-folders, but not in a name space app/models/sub_folder/posts.rb class Post < ActiveRecord::Base end The controllers are also in sub-folders, but are name spaced (views also in a corresponding sub_folder). app/controllers/sub_folder/posts_controller.rb class SubFolder::PostsController < ApplicationController end This works fine, but I
2011 Aug 06
Announce: Dashboard 1.2rc6 available
Greetings, Welcome to another Release Candidate for Puppet Dashboard (number 6). This release is available for download at: We have included Debian and RPM packages as well as a tarball. See the Verifying Puppet Download section at: Please report feedback via the Puppet Labs
2013 Mar 14
Announce: Puppet Dashboard 1.2.23-rc3 Available
Puppet Dashboard 1.2.23-rc3 is a maintenance release candidate of the 1.2 series of Puppet Dashboard with bug fixes and minor features. This release is available for download at: Available in native package format in the pre-release repositories at: and For
2012 Oct 21
I have a model ''site'' defined in a sub-folder ''cms'' class Cms::Site < ActiveRecord::Base ..... the model is loaded correctly , checked in console: application.rb config.autoload_paths += Dir["#{config.root}/app/models/**/"] console >Cms::Site.all => [] Now trying to access this model from a sites_controller ( in backoffice/cms
2012 Nov 06
Understanding the Rails /lib/ Directory
I am trying to learn how the Rails /lib/ directory works - and how to reference variables defined in a file placed in the the /lib/ directory for use in a View. I have a file called helloworld.rb and it''s saved in the /lib/ directory in my Rails application. The helloworld.rb file has the following code: module HelloWorld def hello @howdy = "Hello World!"
2012 Apr 07
Is require_dependency supposed to be a public API?
If so, shouldn''t it be documented in the Rails API? Or is there a better way to allow class reloading of my files under lib. I mean, I know about config.autoload_paths, but I want to be explicit about my requires. I just want to be able to reload then on each request when I''m working on them. require_dependency seems to do just that but I''m worried since it is not
2013 Feb 13
Announce: Puppet Dashboard 1.2.22 Available [ security release ]
This release of Puppet Dashboard addresses CVE-2013-0277 and CVE-2013-0269. These are vulnerabilities that affect Ruby on Rails, specifically around YAML serialization and JSON handling. They expose vulnerable systems to SQL Injection, Denial of Service Attacks, and arbitrary YAML deserialization. Additionally, CVE-2013-0276 and CVE-2013-0263 affect vendored components of Puppet Dashboard, but by
2012 Jan 05
assest pipeline how to exclude some css files?
In my assets I have intranet |_1.css.scss |_2.css.scss internet |_1.css.csss application.css application_internet.css application_intranet.css 1.css.scss 2.css.scss 3.css.scss intranet and internet are directories. In my layout I want to exclude the files under internet and intranet. I have created application_internet.css /* * application-internet.css * *= require_self *=
2011 Feb 04
A plugin inside an engine
In Rails 3, is it possible to have a plugin inside an engine? Adding the lib dir of the plugin to autoload_paths doesn''t seem to work. I can manage to load it by adding that path to $: and requiring the init.rb file, but I''m not sure that''s the correct approach. Thanks! -- You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups "Ruby on Rails:
2012 Oct 25
[Rails 3.2.8] ActiveSupport::BufferedLogger extension, undefined_method
I tried to extend it , with this class , loaded at config time : config.autoload_paths += Dir["#{config.root}/lib", "#{config.root}/lib/**/", "#{config.root}/app/inputs"] lib/extension.rb class ActiveSupport::BufferedLogger def detailed_error(e) error(e.message) e.backtrace.each{|line| error line } end end but calling it in my controller rescue
2013 Mar 21
Announce: Puppet Dashboard 1.2.23 Available
Puppet Dashboard 1.2.23 is a maintenance release of the 1.2 series of Puppet Dashboard with bug fixes and minor features. This release is available for download at: Available in native package format in the Puppet Labs yum and apt repositories at: and Please report
2011 Jul 22
ANNOUNCE: Puppet Dashboard 1.2rc3 available
This a feature release candidate (number 3) of Puppet Dashboard. If you''re wondering what happened to rc2, it was internal only. Our CI system found a few issues before we released it to the public. This release is available for download at: We have included Debian and RPM packages as well as a tarball. See the Verifying Puppet Download
2014 Jun 11
my webpage does not send emails confimation/notification
Hello everybody I have a problem with my inquireis, when I want to contact and I send the message, I must receive two emails one of confirmation (client) and other of notification (admin of the web page) but it does not send. The webpage work in production environment. When I watch the log (production.log) I seed this: > > There was an error delivering an inquiry confirmation: > 503
2012 Jun 07
Couldn't reload a module when it's changed. Tried :require_dependency, :watchable_dirs, :unloadable
I''m completely messed with module reloading in development mode. I have to restart app server each time I edit lib/z/nginx.rb which is included in app/models/user_case.rb app/models/user_case.rb require_dependency ''z/nginx'' class UserCase < ActiveRecord::Base include Z::Nginx unloadable I added to environment.rb
2012 Jan 23
Problem loading modules through ActiveSupport on_load
Working with modules to group certain methods. Currently I have this set up and it works: **# app/models/a.rb** class A has_history end **# lib/history.rb** module History module Model def self.included(base) base.send :extend, ClassMethods end module ClassMethods def has_history(options = {}) send :include,
2005 Jul 22
unable to disconnect a bridged channel
Hi, i've just faced with some bridged calls which could not be hungup just killing the asterisk process solved the problem: Zap/63-1 (incoming s 1 ) Up Bridged Call SIP/2035-e9cb logs say: Jul 22 14:54:12 NOTICE[17161] chan_sip.c: Disconnecting call 'SIP/2035-e9cb' for lack of RTP activity in 6785 seconds Jul 22 14:54:13 NOTICE[17161] chan_sip.c: Disconnecting