similar to: dashboard under passenger reporting over https not working

Displaying 20 results from an estimated 3000 matches similar to: "dashboard under passenger reporting over https not working"

2012 Jun 12
Dashboard with RackbaseURI / and RailsAutoDetect off
Hi all I am testing an installation on SLC 6.2 I am trying to configure my Vhost so that RailsAutoDetect is set to off, and RackBaseURI / However I keep in getting an error as follows: *Error message:* No such file or directory - *Exception class:* Errno::ENOENT *Application root:* /usr/share/puppet-dashboard If I take out the RackBaseURI statement and return the
2010 Aug 20
puppet dashboard gui looks odd from apache2
I downloaded the puppet-dashboard.git from and did the installation in my ubuntu lucid puppet server following the steps in "Installation". Now I can run it fine using the WEBrick like this root@sys-ubuntu { ~/git/puppet-dashboard }$ ./script/server -e production => Booting WEBrick => Rails 2.3.5 application starting on
2011 Jun 29
Setting up puppetmaster-passenger on Debian
I am at the end of my rope here so I pray to the gods that puppet-users can help. Using Debian apt-get install puppetmaster-passenger you get a fairly complete puppetmaster setup. I have the Pro Puppet book next to me and following Chapter 4 on setting up Puppet with Passenger I can see that apt has already done most of the ground work. For example the script is owned by puppet,
2009 Oct 19
Passenger Woes
Hello, I really didn''t expect this to be difficult, but I''ve been struggling with this all day :( I''m running CentOS 5.3, with rubygems, rack and fastthread, from EPEL. I''m running puppet-0.25.0-1 built from the spec file in the latest stable tarball. I''m using mod_passenger-2.2.5-2.el5 from Jeroen van Meeuwen (kanarip), which is effectively EPEL
2012 Mar 09
Puppet Dashboard - Directory Index Forbidden
Hello all Puppet, puppetmaster, ruby, etc installed from standard Ubuntu 11.10 x86_64 APT repos Dashboard 1.26 from .deb pulled from Apache config pulled from /usr/share/puppet-dashboard/ext/passenger/dashboard-vhost.conf My simple test with webbrick worked a treat. So I installed Apache and passenger mod (from Ubuntu APT
2012 Dec 17
multiple puppet masters
Hi, I would like to set up an additional puppet master but have the CA server handled by only 1 puppet master. I have set this up as per the documentation here: I have configured my second puppet master as follows: [main] ... ca = false ca_server = I am using passenger so I am a bit confused how the
2011 Jul 01
Puppet dashboard cannot work behind a Apache reverse proxy?
Dear All, I already deploy puppet-dashboard with passanger. i''m want to try puppet-dasboard work in like using apache proxy reverse, but still getting work, its just show the index then when i try to click some link like nodes, its will be goto, not to its just work if i try to reverse to
2012 Feb 06
Puppet / Passenger SSL Problems with DRBD
I am working on setting up a Puppet configuration where some of the data is stored on a DRBD volume. The modules and vardir are stored on the drbd volume. The puppet.conf files point to the drbd volume for vardir. I created a cert for a VIP puppet-master using the puppetca -- create command I had everything working on the primary drbd node, but when I fail over, everything starts up fine, but I
2012 Apr 22
centos 6.2 - puppet 2.7.13 - SSL_connect returned=1 errno=0 state=SSLv3 read server session ticket A: tlsv1 alert protocol version
Hi! I''ve installed puppetmaster 2.7.13 on a server with CentOS 6.2 with a rpm supplied by I''ve setup a apache2 vhost with mod_ssl and passenger. The server is configured to autosign the cert requests. The agent installed on the puppetmaster''s server works fine. I''ve a second agent on a server which can sync with the server too. This
2011 Jul 23
Dashboard not retrieving inventory
Hi All, Puppet-dashboard appears to be having some trouble. Under inventory, it says: "Could not retrieve facts from inventory service: Permission denied - certs/dashboard.private_key.pem" When I run: curl -k -H "Accept: yaml" https://puppet:8140/production/facts/host.domain I get the expected dump of facts. Versions: puppet-dashboard is 1.1.0 (using passenger) puppet-master
2010 Oct 15
Dashboard and passenger under /dashboard path
I''m currently running a dashboard as a separate process and have a proxy in apache with authentication to access as I have to start the dashboard with "-P /dashboard" option to make it work. I''m wondering how to achieve this with passenger. The config I found in ext/passanger seems to run the dashboard under the root of the virtual
2013 Mar 14
One Dashboard for Multiple Masters
I''m trying to connect multiple masters to one dashboard and I''m having trouble with Facter. I started out initially with one master connected to the dashboard and that one works perfectly fine. Then I added a second master by setting the reporturl to point to the dashboard. The new nodes appeared and it shows the run results without any problems. The issue I''m
2013 Sep 04
Puppet Dashboard Error 400 Invalid Parameter at passenger pp:48
Hi, I am new to the job and forum. I installed puppet and puppetmaster and set up my first dependencies acording to a manual that we have here in our company. Everything works fine and I can set up new nodes with several modules to choose from. Unfortunatley the Dashboard <>gives me errors instead of starting correctley. Here the
2012 Oct 16
Puppet dashboard over passenger: The environment must be purely alphanumeric, not ''
Hello, I installed puppet-server, passenger and dashboard. I have tested every step in between to make sure all is running well and not errors are carrying forward. Dashboard worked well with my test in WEBrick. After configure the dashboard with passenger I got the message” The environment must be purely alphanumeric, not ''''” instead of the dashboard. I verified the
2013 Jun 11
Dashboard - Unable to submit report to [301] Moved Permanently
Hello, I successfully installed puppet on redhat 6. Nodes can connect to master and run catalog. I installed dashboard and was hoping to see the reports uploaded in dashboard... I have no problem browsing to the dashboard but when an agent sends a report to the master, I always get the same error in the master''s log: *Unable to submit report to
2013 Oct 22
New to Puppet, trying to get it workign with a FreeBSD agent
Hello, I have been following through some of the documentation trying to make use of puppet in a test environment. I went ahead and tried to install puppet-passenger and puppet dashboard. I think i have succesfully done this, because at mymaster.local:3000/ I get the dashboard webpage (albeit with no nodes or anything reporting) and at https://mymaster.local:8140 I get a cert trying to be
2013 May 13
puppet does not see changes in /etc/puppet/puppet.conf
I did a fresh install on Ubuntu 12.04 with apt packages from puppet labs. I have agents talking to my puppetmaster. Puppetmaster is running apache/passenger connected to puppetdb and puppet-dashboard is setup to use puppetdb but it is not able to see any reports submitted to puppetdb. When an agent connects to master I see : Info: ''replace facts'' command for hostname
2013 Mar 08
puppet dashboard:No runs found to report
the puppetmaster conf file is: [main] logdir = /var/log/puppet rundir = /var/run/puppet ssldir = $vardir/ssl reports = store, http, foreman reporturl = http://localhost:3000/reports/upload [agent] classfile = $vardir/classes.txt localconfig = $vardir/localconfig the puppet client conf file is: [main] logdir = /var/log/puppet rundir = /var/run/puppet
2013 Jun 05
dashboard/passenger not connecting on port 8140
I have setup passenger w/ apache, but my dashboard is not connecting properly. I am getting the following errors em::Specification#installation_path called from /etc/puppet/puppet-dashboard/vendor/rails/railties/lib/rails/vendor_gem_source_index.rb:93. NOTE: Gem::Specification#installation_path is deprecated, use base_dir. It will be removed on or after 2011-10-01.
2012 Aug 29
Puppet-Dashboard nodes showing up as unreported
Hello, I have followed the documentation at to try to setup dashboard but after I manually add a node it shows up as unreported. The agent has successfully completed a very basic catalog run just adding a file to the file-system. Dashboard v1.2 Puppet puppet-server.noarch 2.7.19-1.el6 SERVER: -bash-4.1$ cat