similar to: Question about puppet module development

Displaying 20 results from an estimated 2000 matches similar to: "Question about puppet module development"

2013 May 10
[LLVMdev] CommandLine: using cl::Positional with enum
Hi Daniel, I would like to go deeper with CommandLine and I was asking if you could help me again. Look, following the same example you put in the last message: ./prog <option1> | ( <option2> --arg1 --arg2) | ( <option3> --arg1 ) What I really really want is the same except I don't want the "--" prefix is present in any of the arguments. ./prog <option1>
2013 May 12
[LLVMdev] CommandLine: using cl::Positional with enum
On 10 May 2013 09:44, Pedro Delgado Perez <pedro.delgadoperez at> wrote: > Hi Daniel, > > I would like to go deeper with CommandLine and I was asking if you could > help me again. > > Look, following the same example you put in the last message: > > ./prog <option1> | ( <option2> --arg1 --arg2) | ( <option3> --arg1 ) > > What I
2013 May 08
[LLVMdev] CommandLine: using cl::Positional with enum
Hi Daniel, Just in the moment you replied my message, I was rewriting it as I hadn't noticed it hadn't a correct format. Sorry for that and thanks for answering it anyway. > ./prog <option1> | ( <option2> --arg1 --arg2) | ( <option3> --arg1 ) > Yes, that is exactly what I need. It's a pity commandLine doesn't implement that possibility. So I will do what
2013 May 14
[LLVMdev] CommandLine: using cl::Positional with enum
Hi Daniel, Thanks for your answer. > I am considering fixing the bug in the LLVM CommandLine library but is > going to be a long time before I can look at it. So don't wait for me > to do that. > Ok, ok, but, if you end up fixing this, please keep me post. > If you are really desperate to have the command line options in the > way you want they you may need to implement
2013 May 08
[LLVMdev] CommandLine: using cl::Positional with enum
Hi, I've been trying to code through CommandLine the options I want my tool accepts, but I find find quite impossible to achieve robustly what I need. Look, I want the tool accepts a list of arguments in a particular order. For this goal, I know the cl::Positional flag. But, the problem is that the first argument must be one of a set of options. In my case, only the three next commands are
2013 May 07
[LLVMdev] CommandLine: using cl::Positional with enum
Hi,I've been trying to code through CommandLine the options I want my tool accepts, but I find quite impossible to achieve robustly what I need .Look, I want the tool accepts a list of arguments in a particular order. For this goal, I know the cl::Positional flag. But, the problem is that the first argument must be one of a set of options (like a kind of subcommand of the tool). In my case,
2011 Feb 10
Chi square test of proprotions in 2 groups of different sizes
Hello! Very sorry for a probably very simple question - I looked but did not find an answer in the archives. I have a table "counts" (below) that shows counts by Option within each of my 2 groups. However, my groups have different sizes (N1=255 and N2=68). Table "prop" shows the resulting proportions within each group. I would like to compare the proportions in 2 groups using
2008 Mar 07
parsing /proc/cmdline
Hi - I am not an expert at shell script writing. If /proc/cmdline looks like option1 option2 ... ks= option3 option 4 ... How can I get the out of this cmdline. THanks, Jerry
2003 Apr 24
Collecting dialed digits
I am trying to set up an auto attendant for the first time, and am having trouble getting to the submenu. My extensions.conf file looks like this: [incoming] exten=> s,1,Background,menu1 exten=> s,2,Wait,20 exten=> s,3,Goto,s|1 exten=> 1,1,Playback,option1 exten=> 2,1,Playback,option2 exten=> 3,1,Playback,option3 It is my understanding that asterisk treats the digits entered
2012 Nov 13
Overwriting a file provisioned by another module
I''m a newbie and I might be missing something... but let me try to explain what I want to accomplish and how I would like to do it. I''m installing ssh by using the saz::ssh <>module. This module provision the sshd_config file with the ssh configuration. I need to tune the sshd_config file, so I have a module, say patxi::scstack that
2011 Nov 01
Read/Write textbox in R
I am writing a GUI for my R script. It is a very basic form consisting of textboxes and buttons. I tried to run the following example to learn how to read value currently entered into the textbox: ( it requires tcltk/tcltk2 packages ) # Create the widgets base <- tktoplevel() list <- tklistbox(base, width = 20, height = 5) entry <- tkentry(base) text <-
2012 Aug 29
troubleshooting resource collection
Hi, I''m new to Puppet. And I''m trying out an ssh module: It collects ssh keys like this: class ssh::knownhosts { Sshkey <<| |>> { ensure => present, } notify{"knownhosts class: $fqdn $hostname $ipaddress ":} } I can see it echoes the host key of the host the puppet agent runs on. But the
2013 Oct 17
Error: Could not evaluate: invalid comparator for command get
Hello, I use saz/ssh module to config ssh server. Here is part of my manifese file: ssh::server::configline{ ''AllowGroups'': ensure => ''present'', value => $allowgroups } ssh::server::configline{ ''AllowUsers'': ensure => ''absent'', } But it report error after perform this change. Here is the error message: Info:
2013 Jun 18
undefined method `[]' for nil:NilClass
I upgrade our infrastructure (mostly RHEL5, some RHEL6) from 3.1 to puppet-3.2.1-1.el5. Ruby sits at ruby- I ran some tests and everything seemed good so I pushed it out. Since then, all my puppet clients are failing with this: Error: Could not retrieve catalog from remote server: Error 400 on SERVER: undefined method `[]'' for nil:NilClass at
2006 Feb 17
Strange Effect.Highlight behavior
I have the following code in my template: <div id="message1"> <%= link_to_remote ("Delete", :update => "contents", :url => { :action => :delete, :id => }, :before => "''message_spinner'')", :success => "Element.hide(''message_spinner''); new
2006 Aug 29
how to contrast with factorial experiment
Hello, R experts, If I understand Ted's anwser correctly, then I can not contrast the mean yields between sections 1-8 and 9-11 under "Trt" but I can contrast mean yields for sections 1-3 and 6-11 because there exists significant interaction between two factors (Trt:section4, Trt:section5). Could I use the commands below to test the difference between sections 1-3 and 6-11 ?
2005 Apr 18
lmer question
Hi -- I'm using lmer for binomial data. I am trying to replicate estimates provided by Agresti (2002, Categorical data analysis, Wiley) using abortion data in table 10.13 (estimates provided in table 12.3 p. 505). I fit the same model using these three commands: a1 <- lmer(resp ~ sex + option1 + option2 + (1|id), data=abort,family=binomial, method = c("AGQ")) a2 <-
2019 Jul 30
Serverinfo Error
On 07/30/2019 03:08 AM, Rowland penny via samba wrote: > I have been thinking about this and reading the code that didn't get > run and I know think that the OP is at the point that existed before > 4.6.0, He possibly has missing records in AD, can I suggest he reads > this: > > athena:~# host -t A
2002 Apr 24
OpenSSH and support for KTH-Krb4
Hello, I have tried to compile openssh-3.1p1 and then two later snapshots. It seems that I can not have support for KTH-Krb4, according to this errorlist from make: gcc -o ssh ssh.o sshconnect.o sshconnect1.o sshconnect2.o sshtty.o readconf.o clientloop.o -L. -Lopenbsd-compat/ -R/usr/local/ssl/lib -L/usr/local/ssl/lib -L/usr/local/lib -R/usr/local/lib -L/usr/athena/lib -R/usr/athena/lib -lssh
2019 Jul 30
Serverinfo Error
On 30/07/2019 15:04, Robert A Wooldridge via samba wrote: > On 07/30/2019 03:08 AM, Rowland penny via samba wrote: >> I have been thinking about this and reading the code that didn't get >> run and I know think that the OP is at the point that existed before >> 4.6.0, He possibly has missing records in AD, can I suggest he reads >> this: >> >>