similar to: RHEL 6 Optional channel

Displaying 20 results from an estimated 10000 matches similar to: "RHEL 6 Optional channel"

2013 Feb 21
Facter & Puppet disagree on RHEL 6?
I''ve run into an odd one on one of my new RHEL 6 boxes. Puppet and Facter seem to disagree about the value of a fact. Puppet version: 2.7.9 Facter version: 1.6.4 Module: puppetlabs-apache apache::params falls through its if structure: if $::osfamily == ''redhat'' or $::operatingsystem == ''amazon'' { ... } elsif $::osfamily ==
2009 Dec 09
facter 1.5.7 all lsb* items missing
I have 2 RHEL 5.4 systems where all facter lsb* items are missing. Any ideas? Sanitized facter output: architecture => i386 domain => facterversion => 1.5.7 fqdn => hardwareisa => i686 hardwaremodel => i686 hostname => broken id => root interfaces => eth0,sit0 ipaddress => ipaddress_eth0 => is_virtual => true
2009 Jul 28
Moving puppetmaster
What is involved in switching to a new puppetmaster? I''m guessing the client will need a new cert, but it looks like I have to rm the old one in /var/lib/puppet/... on the client. Our "puppet" FQDN is an alias pointing to the current server, as it probably will be on the future server. --~--~---------~--~----~------------~-------~--~----~ You received this message because you
2011 Apr 30
How to check if a package exists
Dear all, I''m trying to do this. Say for example, I want this link: " ->" to be present on the client only if "lcgdm- libs-1.8.0-1sec.sl5" is already listed. I already have this to create the link: file { '''': ensure => symlink, name => ''/opt/lcg/lib/'',
2009 Mar 09
Experiences with RHN Satellite?
This is slightly off topic, and may just be tossing red meat to y''all, but here goes: My boss has RedHat coming in on Tuesday to give a spiel on RHN Satellite. I''m dubious, as it seems mostly like a web UI wrapped around a Yum repository system and a half-baked configuration management system. I''m of the opinion that our time and money would be better spent getting
2011 May 23
Variable interpolation challenge
I''m having a problem with variable interpolation that I haven''t found a good solution to. I want to use a variable as part of the name of a fact, but the interpolation doesn''t work as expected. I''ve allowed for passing the mac address into my define() but if it''s not provided I want to look it up via facter. if
2013 Jan 24
Dependency Cycle with puppetlabs-mrepo
Hi, I''m gettinng a dependency cycle when using PE 2.7, puppetlabs::mrepo, "role classes" and hiera : I''m trying to mirror RHN repos : # ROLE CLASS > class site::yum_repository{ > > $repos = hiera(''site::yum_repository::repos'') > create_resources(mrepo::repo::rhn, $repos) > } > # HIERA DEFAULTS >
2011 Dec 29
Puppetserver error
Hello everyone, I am new to puppet. I have installed on redhat Enterprise 5and seems to be working fine. Couple days ago I was testing some permissions on / etc folder and applied 600 /etc and sub folders. Although I have reverted the permission but I am having issues on puppetmaster. Currently I have these permission on etc 755 and puppet folder: my /etc folder is 755 and puppet folder with tese
2012 Feb 22
Unresponsive Agents - PE 2.0
Hi there, I am relatively new to Puppet (totally new) and had been cruising right along for a few days until about a week ago when our puppet agents went unresponsive. I''ve restarted both them and the servers several times to no avail. Can anyone point me down the path of how to diagnose this issue? We are currently evaluating Puppet to bring into our Enterprise for managing server
2011 Nov 02
Puppet certificate
I''m running in circles with this issue... I accidentally did a ''puppetca --clean --all'' and lost all certificates. I was able to get the puppetmaster running and re-created certificates for the client system, but I get the following error: warning: peer certificate won''t be verified in this SSL session info: Caching certificate for info:
2011 Nov 01
2.7.6 yumrepo not working
Just upgraded to 2.7.6 and the yumrepo type does not write out our yum configs correctly, anyone experiencing this? Documentation hasn''t changed from what I can tell for this type. # facter -version 1.6.2 # puppetd --version 2.7.6 # facter architecture x86_64 # facter operatingsystem Fedora # facter operatingsystemrelease 14 ==== My manifest ==== yumrepo {
2012 Jan 10
Exec depends on ressources that are several different types
Hi dear puppet users. I have an perl file that depends on a lib, that I want to execute. I have stripped the parts of config that weren''t relevant here such as owner, group and so on In perl script : use Config::Tiny. Script is stored on puppet master. Manifest : ____ file { "/path/to/": source => "puppet:///, mode => "0755" } package {
2012 Mar 30
Does create_resources support virtual resources?
Hi all, I''m interested pushing my user list out of my users manifest and into Hiera. Unfortunately I haven''t been able to get it to work the way I thought it would. The error suggests that perhaps create_resources cannot create virtual resources, but the docs I''ve read so far don''t address it. The class (in init.pp): class users { $system_users =
2009 Oct 29
Summing identical IDs
Hello All, I would like to select records with identical IDs then sum an attribute then and return them to the data frame as a single record. Please consider Acres<-c(100,101,100,130,156,.5,293,300,.09) Bldgid<-c(1,2,3,4,5,5,6,7,7) DF=cbind(Acres,Bldgid) DF< So that: Acres Bldgid 1 100.00 1 2 101.00 2 3 100.00 3 4 130.00 4 5 156.00 5
2009 Mar 26
loading and manipulating 10 data frames-simplified
I have to load 10 different data frames and then manipulate those 10 data frames but would like to do this in a more simplified code than what i am doing. I have tried a couple of approaches but cannot get it to work correctly. So the initial (bulky) code is: #Bin 1 #------- #Loads bin data frame from csv files with acres and TAZ data Bin1_main <-
2010 Jul 16
Installping puppet with kickstart -- Cannot find local fact /proc/cpuinfo
Hi I have been trying to get puppet working with kickstart. I am trying to install Hadoop on the nodes. Installing puppet from kickstart work and when the machine restarts, certificates are pulled down and hadoop user is created and files are extracted. I want all the user creation etc to be done before the machine reboots so that I can set up init.d scripts to do a start of hadoop . So I
2013 Feb 12
improving/speeding up a very large, slow simulation
Dear R help; I'll preface this by saying that the example I've provided below is pretty long, turgid, and otherwise a deep dive into a series of functions I wrote for a simulation study. It is, however, reproducible and self-contained. I'm trying to do my first simulation study that's quite big, and so I'll say that the output of this simulation as I'd like it to be is
2012 Oct 01
Where do you store sensitive files with puppet+git approach?
Hi People, I have a quick question, which hopefully you will have an answer to. I am slowly moving towards puppet and git with multiple branches for different environments. Things are going pretty well, but now I have a small issue. The question is where should I store sensitive files, for instance SSL private keys or some files which contain sensitive data? I am aware of hiera-gpg storage
2013 May 31
ruby issue
Hi, I am having problems installing Puppet Server. My gem list follows and then the attempt to install puppet-server. The specific errors are: Error: Package: puppet-3.2.1-1.el6.noarch (puppetlabs) Requires: ruby-augeas Error: Package: hiera-1.2.1-1.el6.noarch (puppetlabs) Requires: rubygem-json Error: Package: puppet-3.2.1-1.el6.noarch (puppetlabs)
2011 Aug 15
trying to resolve group dependency in creating users
Hi all, Using Puppet 2.5, I have a class which creates users: # cat modules/users/manifests/init.pp class users { user { ''ringo'': ensure => present, uid => ''1506'', groups => [''admin''], shell => ''/bin/bash'', home => ''/home/ringo'', managehome