similar to: puppet-dashboard

Displaying 20 results from an estimated 20000 matches similar to: "puppet-dashboard"

2011 Apr 04
Puppet nagios integration problem
Hi all, I''m working on setting up Puppet to write out my Nagios configs. A few weeks back I inserted a few dummy Nagios checks into my Puppet config, and the Nagios configs were written out properly. I''ve now added loads of Nagios host and service checks like this: @@nagios_service { "check_smtp_${hostname}": check_command =>
2012 Nov 08
Puppet dashboard shows all hosts unresponsive
Hi guys, I have a strange situation. I''ve got 1 dashboard MySQL DB accessed from 3 different dashboard hosts. Strangely enough, 2 of them show the right node statuses, and the third one just shows all nodes as unresponsive. As far as I know, the status comes from the "nodes" table in the DB, so how can this happen? Is there some cache I need to clear? Is there another
2011 Dec 16
How to change the time interval in dashboard for a node is considered unresponsive
Hi everyone, I have a problem with puppet-dashboard because I appear unresponsive when many nodes are running correctly. In my current configuration nodes do not run the daemon, but I have created a cron task that runs once the command puppetd at hourly intervals. The point is that when I look into dashboard many nodes are always considered unresponsive because it seems that the default dashboard
2011 Jul 19
puppet 2.6.9 debian packages
Anyone hosting deb packages for puppet 2.6.9, or know how to build it from the tar.gz. I know sid has 2.7.1 but i''m after fixes in 2.6.9, which I think won''t be up-streamed until 2.7.2 I''ve been using 2.6.5 along with the init.d scripts. I had a look in the tar.gz of 2.6.9 but couldn''t find the service scripts or any control files. Cheers, Matt -- You
2012 Jan 09
scaling projections for dashboard database?
So I got dashboard up and running on our production system on Thursday before I left. Within 48 hours it had completed filled the /var filesystem. The ibdata1 file is currently at 8GB in size. 1. What size should I expect for ~500 nodes reporting every 30 minutes? 2. Are there some database cleanup scripts which I have managed to overlook that need to be run? -- Jo Rhett Net Consonance :
2010 May 23
Puppet Dashboard error.
Hi i have the running i both sides, client and server sides the puppet 0.25.4 Get this error on server side: puppetmasterd[5363]: Report puppet_dashboard failed: wrong Content-Length format And receive this error on my client side: warning: Value of ''preferred_serialization_format'' (pson) is invalid for report, user default (b64_zlib_yaml) I am getting any reports on my
2011 Mar 03
lsbdistcodename and Debian Squeeze
Hello all, I use puppetmaster on a Debian Squeeze server (packaged from Debian 2.6.2-4) I am using a template for Debian Servers which works great for Lenny in order to update my sources.list automagically, here goes: deb <%= lsbdistcodename %> main contrib non-free deb <%= lsbdistcodename %>/updates main Now the problem
2013 Mar 29
puppet dashboard stopped updating
I was in the process of setting up puppet environments. I pulled code from my main modules and manifests directories into the prod environment folder, deployed a newer branch of that code to a ''stg'' environment folder, updated puppet.conf on the master, and reconfigured puppet.conf on my agents to use the new environments. All looked fine until I checked puppet dashboard a
2011 Oct 24
Problem(s) with installing Puppet Dashboard
Hello! I''m trying to install puppet dashboard according to the instructions in the documentation : I am installing it from the .deb package, however after installation I cannot find the "settings.yml" file. Also, when trying to "prepare schema" by running rake RAILS_ENV=production db:migrate it
2012 Jul 06
Access denied for user 'dashboard'@'localhost' to database 'dashboard_production'
followed the instruction for installing dashboard, and created user mysql -pmy_password -e "CREATE DATABASE dashboard CHARACTER SET utf8;CREATE USER ''dashboard''@''localhost'' IDENTIFIED BY ''my_password''; GRANT ALL PRIVILEGES ON dashboard.* TO ''dashboard''@''localhost'';" however, I keep getting
2011 Jan 10
importing classes to the dashboard
Hello, I would like to know if it is possible to automatically import the puppet classes to the dashboard in order to manage them from the gui. I didn''t find exact instructions to make the puppet clients report directly to the dashboard instead of importing the reports every time through the command rake RAILS_ENV=production reports:import . Does anyone has the exact instructions? Thanks
2011 Jul 13
puppet-dashboard delayed workers
Hello I have just installed puppet dashboard from git. everything seems to load ok except it seems as though background tasks are not being run. According to the code README: running: # env CPUS=4 RAILS_ENV=production /.../script/delayed_job -p dashboard -n $CPUS -m start will start the worker. however it seems as though it is not running (or if it is how can I check?) and the back ground
2012 Mar 09
Puppet Dashboard - Directory Index Forbidden
Hello all Puppet, puppetmaster, ruby, etc installed from standard Ubuntu 11.10 x86_64 APT repos Dashboard 1.26 from .deb pulled from Apache config pulled from /usr/share/puppet-dashboard/ext/passenger/dashboard-vhost.conf My simple test with webbrick worked a treat. So I installed Apache and passenger mod (from Ubuntu APT
2012 May 29
Puppet Dashboard: Setting up RAILS environment
no matter what I try I keep getting this error: rake RAILS_ENV=production db:migrate --trace ** Invoke db:migrate (first_time) ** Invoke environment (first_time) ** Execute environment ** Execute db:migrate rake aborted! Access denied for user ''dashboard''@''localhost'' to database ''production'' I have setup the dashboard user in mysql DB, tested
2012 Oct 11
Puppet Dashboard won't install MySQL schema
I have been working on this issue for almost 5 days and can not get past this error. Puppet Dashboard is installed via RPM from puppetlabs. I have tried versions 1.2.12, 1.2.9 and am currently on 1.2.1. Regardless of the version, I get the same exact error every time I run rake RAILS_ENV=production db:migrate. (in /usr/share/puppet-dashboard) rake aborted! no such file to load --
2013 Feb 08
Puppet dashboard stuck pending jobs
Hi Guys, I am a new puppet user and wanted some type of monitoring for puppet so deployed puppet-dashboard. It has been working very well for a few days not, but all of a sudden I start getting pending tasks and they never finish even after restarting all processes. They keep accumulating and never seem to finish even though the clients are running fine. I have the puppet-dashboard
2013 Apr 16
Ruby Error Encountered when Installing Dashboard for Puppet Open Source
I''ve installed Puppet and am installing Dashboard on CentOS 6. I''m running into an ''undefined method'' when installing the dashboard. To install Puppet Open Source, I ran: > rpm -ivh
2011 Aug 16
Dashboard table resource_statuses growing uncontrollably
I''ve "inherited" the administration of a puppet-dashboard (version 1.1.0, installed on RHEL 5.6 from puppetlabs RPM), and have hit a problem I''m hoping for some help with. In short, one table, "resource_statuses" appears to be growing at a rate far higher then the other tables: mysql> select count(*) from nodes; +----------+ | count(*) | +----------+ |
2012 Feb 22
Unresponsive Agents - PE 2.0
Hi there, I am relatively new to Puppet (totally new) and had been cruising right along for a few days until about a week ago when our puppet agents went unresponsive. I''ve restarted both them and the servers several times to no avail. Can anyone point me down the path of how to diagnose this issue? We are currently evaluating Puppet to bring into our Enterprise for managing server
2010 Nov 12
Dashboard throwing undefined method `to_time' for nil:NilClass error on page view
Using 1.0.4 release on Solaris 10 with Ruby 1.8.7. Starting the server in production mode works fine until I request a page from the web browser then I get the following errors on the console. I''m running as user puppet (have also tried as user root but same output). All files are owned by user/group puppet/puppet. I have dropped and recreated the database multiple times just to see if