similar to: Could not request certificate: No route to host?

Displaying 20 results from an estimated 20000 matches similar to: "Could not request certificate: No route to host?"

2013 May 30
Could not request certificate: Error 405 on SERVER
Hi all, I have experience using puppet, however I am new to setting puppet up as it was already done for me in past environments. I am running into an issue while trying to set puppet up for the first time on RHEL 6.4. I was hoping y''all might be able to help me! I get the following error from the puppet client''s /var/log/messages log: May 30 07:06:30 pclient
2011 Mar 11
failed to retrieve certificate on Amazon EC2
Hi, I''m using puppet on EC2 to setup my VMs with the following configuration: # puppetd --version 0.25.5 # uname -a Linux hostname.domain 2.6.16-xenU #1 SMP Mon May 28 03:41:49 SAST 2007 i686 i686 i386 GNU/Linux But I keep facing some timeout from puppetd: warning: peer certificate won''t be verified in this SSL session Exiting; failed to retrieve certificate and waitforcert
2012 Jul 18
cert issues, puppet agent applying configs, problems oh my!
So I''m new to puppet and I''m having a bear of a time just getting a test server going. I installed puppet and the puppet client via yum on CentOS on AWS, so that saved me some time. I followed a few various blog posts about getting everything set up and applying a file, etc. Now I am trying to install a module (puppetlabs/apache) and it''s failing miserably for me. I
2011 Mar 24
err: Could not retrieve catalog from remote server: certificate verify failed
So set up new node, ran on the client puppetd --server puppetmaster --waitforcert 60 --test on the puppetmaster itself I ran puppetca --list saw the hostname and then ran: puppetca --sign and on the puppet node itself I went back and ran puppetd -tv and get the following error: err: Could not retrieve catalog from remote server: certificate verify failed warning: Not
2011 Apr 18
Certificate request does not match existing certificate
Hello there, I have a problem while I''m trying to puppetize a client, I get this error: err: Could not request certificate: Certificate retrieval failed: Certificate request does not match existing certificate; run ''puppetca --clean''. I checked -Shutdown puppet on client/server side, delete ssl/ dir to regenerate certificate. -Be sure that the
2010 Nov 13
certificate verify failed
I am banging my head against the wall for recently built hosts that are unable to verify the server''s certs. The usual is not working. on the puppet agent machine: find /var/lib/puppet/ssl -type f -delete on puppet master: puppetca --clean <new_host_cert> on agent: puppetd --server puppet --waitforcert 2 --no-daemonize -d -o on puppet master: puppetca --sign
2009 Jun 16
Schedule puppet runs
Hi All, I would like to pick your brains as to the best way to configure the below senario within puppet. I am currently configuring puppet for our environment and have seperated development/back office from production through configuring roles for each server to identify them as such. What i need to be able todo is have the production servers only update outside of office hours, but have the
2011 Feb 25
Signing certificates
I am trying to connect a solaris puppet client version 2.6.4 to a linux puppet master server. I am getting a starnge message as below and the puppetca on the master is not able to see the client certificate. [root@ /]$ puppetd --test --server xxxx warning: peer certificate won''t be verified in this SSL session err: Could not request certificate: time out of range Exiting; failed to
2011 Feb 15
Puppetmasterd not receiving certificate request
Hi: I''m trying to configure Puppet on Ubuntu, and strangely I am never able to generate a certificate because my server never shows any pending certificate requests. Put differently, on the server I am running puppetmasterd and on the client I am able to connect to the server, but the client continues printing notice: Did not receive certificate warning: peer certificate
2010 Oct 27
Solaris 10 Client "Default Provider for User" Woes Again
Hopefully I''m just missing something simple, but I''m having trouble getting just the absolute bare-bones puppet set up on a new, clean Solaris 10 install. When I try to run: /opt/csw/bin/puppetd --verbose --no-daemonize --server I just get: err: Could not create resources for managing Puppet''s files and directories in sections [:main, :agent,
2013 Feb 11
Certificate verify fails without indications
I have a puppet master on Centos 6.3 connected and working properly with other Centos 6.3 agent. I installed puppet agent via gems on a RED HAT 4 node. This is what happens when I try to sign certificate for the new node: AGENT [root@FP2 ~]$ puppet agent -t Info: Creating a new SSL key for fp2 Info: Caching certificate for ca Info: Creating a new SSL certificate request for fp2 Info:
2011 May 02
Could not request certificate: undefined method `closed?' for nil:NilClass
Hi list, I am trying to get a puppet certificate on a new client but I get error: err: Could not request certificate: undefined method `closed?'' for nil:NilClass I googled and found that it had something to do with reverse DNS lookup, the client is behind a NAT firewall so I assume a reverse lookup will fail. Can I bypass this somehow? Puppet version on master and client is 0.25.4
2009 Aug 30
restart puppetmaster when files change
I create this class pmaster in order to restart puppetmaster daemon after /etc/puppet/puppet.conf file change. class pmaster { file { "/etc/puppet/puppet.conf": ensure => "file"; } service { "puppetmaster": ensure => "running", enable => "true", hasrestart => "true", subscribe => File [
2008 Nov 19
Could not request certificate: Certificate does not match private key
hello, I''ve just added a new client to an existing configuration but cannot get it recognised. Both client and server are running 0.24.5, installed on gentoo linux using portage. This is what I dis: Server: /etc/init.d/puppetmaster start * Starting puppetmaster ... [ ok ] Client: puppetd --test warning: peer certificate won''t be verified in this SSL session notice: Did not
2009 Dec 03
Could not retrieve catalog
Hello all, I''m running puppet for the first ime. I''ve finished the install but I''m stuck at the certificate part. The puppet master (0.24.4-3) is running on Ubuntu Lenny and the puppet client (0.24.8-4.el5) is running on CentOS 5.3. After the install, from the client side, I''ve run: puppetd --server --waitforcert 60 --test On the
2008 Jan 16
anyone have 0.23.2-1 puppet and puppet-server rpms for rhel4 & 5?
I just upgraded from 0.23.2-1 on RHEL 4&5 to 0.24.1-1. I used Dlutter''s repository. What a mess I''m in now. Anyway to make a long story short I moved all of the old configs out of the way (/etc/puppet, /var/lib/puppet) and started over with a fresh install. I can''t get puppetd on the server to request a cert. If I do a "puppetd -v --waitforcert 90" the
2012 Feb 12
Using templates
Hi everyone, I''m learning Puppet and I want to configure ssh server with different port on different nodes. Puppet v2.7.1 I have created module ssh: content of modules/ssh/manifests/install.pp class ssh::install { package { "ssh": ensure => present, } } content of modules/ssh/manifests/service.pp class ssh::service { service { "ssh": ensure =>
2012 Jul 10
err: Could not request certificate: execution expired
Hi Guys, I am trying to executed sign client to server, I give the command to client #puppetd --test -d -v debug: /File[/var/lib/puppet/ssl/private_keys]: Autorequiring File[/var/lib/puppet/ssl] debug: /File[/var/lib/puppet/ssl/certs]: Autorequiring File[/var/lib/puppet/ssl] debug: Finishing transaction 23595599384520 err: Could not request certificate: execution expired Exiting; failed to
2011 Apr 04
Puppet nagios integration problem
Hi all, I''m working on setting up Puppet to write out my Nagios configs. A few weeks back I inserted a few dummy Nagios checks into my Puppet config, and the Nagios configs were written out properly. I''ve now added loads of Nagios host and service checks like this: @@nagios_service { "check_smtp_${hostname}": check_command =>
2007 Mar 22
Starting out with lots of problems.
So I am beginning the long process of learning puppet... and it seems that I am missing some vital things. My systems are RHEL-4, and i have installed the puppet/facter/puppetmasterd from''s archive. [root@canopus puppet]# rpm -qa | egrep ''puppet|facter'' | sort facter-1.3.6-1.el4 puppet-0.22.2-1.el4 puppet-server-0.22.2-1.el4 on the client I