similar to: more than one instance of a service

Displaying 20 results from an estimated 50000 matches similar to: "more than one instance of a service"

2010 Nov 19
what are the constraints on the contents of 'imported ' files
I am trying to import a hash definition from a separate file but this fails whereas including the text verbatim in the original manifest works fine: class monitor ($master, $interface) { # import "masters.pp" $sensor_rule_categories = { ''dmzo'' => [scan,finger,ftp,telnet,rpc,rservices,ddos,dns,tftp,web- coldfusion,misc,web-php,x11,attack-responses,
2010 Jul 30
Parameterised Classes in 2.6.0... still no luck
I downloaded the latest version of puppet 2.6.0 today, and still can''t get parameterised classes to work. At least, I think it''s 2.6.0... the version number in the RPM spec file says 0.25.5. This simple example: /etc/puppet/manifests/nodes/pax/ node '''' { class { amodule::afunc: version => "1.0" } }
2012 Jul 01
puppet-hiera used with Parameterised class
Hi Puppet Users, For some bizzare reason I am unable to use hiera-puppet with a parameterised class. The output is: ---------------------------- root@hiera hieratest/manifests# puppet apply -e "include hieratest" Error: undefined method `catalog'' for #<Hash:0xb6c53d00> at line 1 on node hiera.localdomain Wrapped exception: undefined method `catalog'' for
2010 Dec 07
dependency loops ???
I have a dependency loop reported but I can not see how this can be: class monitor { class pulledpork ( $master) { exec { "/home/snort/bin/pulledpork -nc conf/$master/pp.conf": cwd => "/home/snort", subscribe => [File["/home/snort/conf/$master/pp"], File[ "/ home/snort/Rules/$master"] ], notify =>
2009 May 31
No more than one "instances" of a type in define()?
Hi folks, when I try to do something like: define railsproject($name, $uid, $gid, $userpass, $sqlpass) { mysql_database { "$name_staging": ensure => present } mysql_database { "$name_production": ensure => present} ....more stuff... } I get: Puppet::Parser::AST::Resource failed with error ArgumentError: Duplicate definition: Mysql_database[] is already
2012 Apr 25
Unable to import a manifest file from a different directory to the one where site.pp is located using environments
Hi List, Puppet Version: v2.7.13 Question - If I correctly setup multiple manifestdir''s in the puppet.conf file how can I import a node pp file located in a different directory tree to site.pp? My configuration information is below. In my puppet.conf file I have setup an environment called "stable", within this environment I have setup the manifestdir, modulepath and
2013 Mar 17
cloudstack_resources - invalid instance resource type
I''ve created cloudstack_resources as a module, have setup the transport.yaml and can successfully run "puppet resource cloudstack_instance" against my cloudstack environment. The following cloudstack_instance files have been created /var/lib/puppet/lib/puppet/provider/cloudstack_instance /var/lib/puppet/lib/puppet/provider/cloudstack_instance/default.rb
2010 Dec 13
monitoring contents of a directory
Hi I am using puppet to mirror a directory of files, if any of these change then processes need to be restarted. class snort { package { ["snort", "perl-Archive-Tar", "barnyard2", "perl-libwww-perl", "perl- Crypt-SSLeay"]: ensure => present; } # package user{ "snort": managehome => true,
2012 Jan 09
Manifest organization
Hello I am new to Puppet and am having a hard time relating modules and classes in configuration files to actual operating system files. For instance I saw the following example on this list: node ''somenode'' { include puppetmaster } class puppetmaster { include common include puppet include ldap_auth include iptables::disabled include httpd::ssl include
2009 Jul 08
Problems with service visibility when use notify
Hi, group! I have such strings on my Freebsd 7.0 + puppet 0.24.8 server: ===================CUT=================== define zabbix_agent_conf($zabbixserverip, $zabbixagenthostname, $zabbixagentip, $startagents="") { file { "/var/tmp/zabbix_agentd.conf": owner => root, group => wheel, mode => 444, backup
2012 Dec 26
problem with restart a service when a file changes
Hello, I have problem with my class when the archive is changed and the service is not restarted when i apply change and run the puppet agent, I have the next error: [..............] * err: /Stage[main]/Spam_rule/Exec[zmamavisdctl]: Failed to call refresh: /opt/zimbra/bin/zmamavisdctl returned 1 instead of one of [0] at /etc/puppet/modules/spam_rule/manifests/init.pp:25* [..............]
2011 Dec 06
module can't find other modules
I have these three modules with the following structure: |-- modules | |-- create_resources | | |-- LICENSE | | |-- Modulefile | | |-- README | | |-- lib | | | `-- puppet | | | `-- parser | | | `-- functions | | | `-- create_resources.rb | | |-- spec | | | |-- spec.opts | | | |-- spec_helper.rb | | | `-- unit
2010 Mar 18
Puppet Client using wrong environment.
Hi, I exposed few days ago this situation on the IRC, but unfortunately I haven''t found a way to solve it yet. I run the Puppet Master with multiple environments, and everything is working good but a couple of nodes that are causing me some troubles. These nodes are pointing to my production environment and I need to point them back to development to grab some changes I made. I
2007 Dec 06
order, managing one file and refreshonly
Hello! I''m quite newbie to puppet. I''ve got 3 questions: 1. I''ve noticed, that puppet apply defined classes/modules in specyfic order. I''ve got something like this im my configs: /etc/puppet/cf/manifests/site.pp: import "networks/*/site.pp" node generic_node { include "puppet" include "apt" include "debian" } ---
2008 May 06
FreeBSD and Service enabling
Hi List, I''ve tried searching for this more, but I cannot find the right documentation. I''ve setup a freebsd box as a node, with an sshd configuration module. This is its manifest/init.pp: class ssh { file { "sshd_config": path => "/etc/ssh/sshd_config", source => "puppet:///ssh/sshd_config", notify => Service[sshd] }
2011 Mar 23
way of importing .pp file or some string that contain class definition in ruby dsl
I''m finding the way to import a file or a class stored in string in ruby manifest. I have tried following code to parse the class having packages and services. pp ="development") pp.string = "class webhttpd{package { ''httpd'': ensure => installed, } service { ''httpd'': ensure => running, enable =>
2012 Aug 13
Variables and scope with inherits
I want to have a parametrized class with lookup from params.pp but I keep getting into problems. init.pp: class foo ( $bar = $foo::params::bar, $foofoo = $foo::params::foofoo ) inherits foo::params { file {''/tmp/foobar'': content => template("foo/foobar.erb"), } } params: class foo::params { $bar = true if $foo::bar { $foobar =
2011 Sep 08
Issues with environments not being respected
I''ve ran into a strange issue today while using my development environment I was receiving some errors about modules that shouldn''t have been used. After looking it looks like my agent (or master) isn''t respecting the environment I specify and is actually using the main (master) environment. This used to work and I haven''t had any changes beyond a upgrade ..
2011 Nov 18
Are tildes actually valid in templates or is this a bug?
Hi all, First off, we''re running Puppet 2.7.6 with Ruby 1.8.7 on CentOS 6.0. Now, I''m using tildes in a template to prevent newlines from appearing but ruby/puppet is choking on them. */tmp/puppet$ cat test.erb* Line 1: Line 2 will exist if running on CentOS. <% if operatingsystem == "CentOS" ~%> Line 2: Yay, we''re running CentOS. <% end ~%>
2013 Jul 29
puppet apply --hiera_config --> Error: Could not find class
Hi there, I''m running into an problem which I can resolve. It is bugging me for couple of days now. Goal: CentOS 6.4 freshly installed incl puppet 3.2.3 and I want to install puppet master, puppetdb, mod_passenger & apache with "puppet apply". So when this is complete, I should have an puppet master server running so I can create new hosts etc. So this is the command