similar to: Need some help getting up and running: Could not request certificate: Connection refused - connect(2)

Displaying 20 results from an estimated 5000 matches similar to: "Need some help getting up and running: Could not request certificate: Connection refused - connect(2)"

2011 Jun 27
Ruby script to download files without 'puppet agent'
We have often the Problem that some files need to be checked for updates faster than the cycle of the puppet agent. I try to solve this with a script which tries to download the files directly from the fileserver of the puppetmaster. So far i couldn''t get it to work. I don''t know if i got the URL right, i did not find any examples on the REST API documentation for the
2007 Dec 12
Solaris package woes
I am trying to get Puppet to push out a Solaris sudo package that I built, but I keep getting errors. I tested applying the package manually outside of Puppet and it works perfectly, but when I attempt to push it out via Puppet it fails. Puppetmaster Version: 0.23.2 [Ubuntu Linux 7.10 - Puppet built from source] Puppet client version: 0.23.0 [Sun Solaris 10 Zone - Puppet built from source] The
2012 Dec 12
Puppet Setup - Error: Could not retrieve catalog from remote server: Error 400 on SERVER: Connection refused - connect(2)
I have followed many tutorials including the ones provided by puppetlabs and I keep seeing the same issues. I began by installing puppet on machine: puppet001, and puppet master on machine: puppetMaster. The hosts files were then configured so that both machines were reachable by the machine name. The puppet.conf files were then updated, and a cert was generated and sent from puppet001 to
2012 Feb 21
file and user permissions on the puppet master, best practice
Hi all. New puppet developer. Very excited. I have the agents communicating with the puppet master. I''m wondering now about best practice for file and user permissions on the puppet master. Most of my wonder probably stems from general lack of understanding in this area. I''d like to get it right though to avoid refactoring later. 1. What''s the best practice, or your
2016 May 16
Why did samba4 remove "force security mode" and "force directory security"?
I just upgrade samba 3.6 to samba 4.3, folow the ubuntu 12.04 upgrade to 14.04. And I found out Samba 4 removed "force security mode" and "force directory security" from smb.conf. I don't understand why remove them, because I think they are irreplaceable. I need to keep some permission of the file or directory in the samba share and make sure them can't change by anyone
2012 Jan 15
puppet client server connection refused when I use puppet kick
I have very strange problem. I set up puppet client on serveral servers but have problem with one of them. When I invoke: root@www ~ # puppet agent --server --test notice: Ignoring --listen on onetime run info: Caching catalog for info: Applying configuration version ''1326444431'' notice: Finished catalog run in
2012 Nov 05
puppetdb postgresql Connection refused
Greetings, we are trying to setup puppetdb, nut our clients get the following error: Warning: Unable to fetch my node definition, but the agent run will continue: Warning: Error 400 on SERVER: Could not retrieve facts for lxa7t.unix.lan: Failed to submit ''replace facts'' command for lxa7t.unix.lan to PuppetDB at puppetdb:8081: Connection refused - connect(2) Info: Retrieving
2011 Apr 14
copying file with "source" parameter
Hi there, Just started using Puppet since yesterday, so a totally newbie question. I tried to search the answer by myself but none of the suggestions actually worked. This is how my "modules" is laid: |-- modules | |-- mySudo | | |-- files | | | `-- sudoers | | `-- manifests | | `-- init.pp The file(s), that I want to send to the client machines, is in the
2007 Mar 26
Basic help with imports and includes
Do any of you good people have a moment to help me out with my basic Puppet language skills, I''m a little new around here and getting an error I don''t yet understand. I have an RHEL4 Puppetmaster happily controlling the permissions of /etc/sudoers on an RHEL5 and SolarisX86 client. My actual environment consists of several systems in several locations. All systems need the
2008 Jan 19
mixing templates and other methods for a file''s content
Hello there, I have come to a situation where I would like to mix 2 approaches to create the contents of a file. Here is what I have: a module ''sudo'' which manages a hosts /etc/sudoers file: init.pp: class sudo { case $operatingsystem { Debian: { package { "sudo": } } } file { "/etc/sudoers": mode => 440, content =>
2007 Jun 05
custom type, recipe, how to solve this ?
Hi, I have a little trickky thing i wanted to do with puppet, mainly this is configuring web host on servers. I have a tree like this : NODE - WEB -APACHE - 1.x - 2.x - FTP - VSFTP - PROFTPD - STATS -AWSTATS - if FTP then configure awstats for awstats - URCHIN5 So my issue is that i want to be able to have
2007 Apr 30
Best Practice: how to organize puppetmaster directories?
Hi, While puppet creates its own directories for internal stuff (puppetca, state, etc.), there''s a fair bit of latitude given to where things like manifests and uploaded files live. I didn''t get much guidance from the docs when I first set things up so I mostly poked at things until the worked. Take a look at the following and let me know if this looks reasonable; if so, it
2011 Mar 24
err: Could not retrieve catalog from remote server: certificate verify failed
So set up new node, ran on the client puppetd --server puppetmaster --waitforcert 60 --test on the puppetmaster itself I ran puppetca --list saw the hostname and then ran: puppetca --sign and on the puppet node itself I went back and ran puppetd -tv and get the following error: err: Could not retrieve catalog from remote server: certificate verify failed warning: Not
2008 Apr 25
Certificate retrieval failed: Connection reset by peer
Hi. When registering a new client with the puppetmaster I get the following error: [root@host ~]# puppetd --server puppetmaster --waitforcert 50 --test info: Creating a new certificate request for host info: Creating a new SSL key at /var/lib/puppet/ssl/private_keys/ host.pem warning: peer certificate won''t be verified in this SSL session err: Could not call puppetca.getcert:
2011 Mar 11
failed to retrieve certificate on Amazon EC2
Hi, I''m using puppet on EC2 to setup my VMs with the following configuration: # puppetd --version 0.25.5 # uname -a Linux hostname.domain 2.6.16-xenU #1 SMP Mon May 28 03:41:49 SAST 2007 i686 i686 i386 GNU/Linux But I keep facing some timeout from puppetd: warning: peer certificate won''t be verified in this SSL session Exiting; failed to retrieve certificate and waitforcert
2009 Sep 24
puppet permissons
Today I was testing Puppet''s fileserver feature and and error came up: client> /usr/sbin/puppetd --test --verbose --server puppet info: Caching catalog at /var/lib/puppet/localconfig.yaml notice: Starting catalog run notice: //Node[default]/sudo/Package[sudo]/ensure: created err: //Node[default]/sudo/File[/etc/sudoers]: Failed to retrieve current state of resource: No specified source
2007 Dec 03
certificate issue with Branch Testing
Hello All, I''m using the "Branch Testing" approach documented at and am seeing an issue with certificates. On all clients, I can run puppetd --masterport=8141 successfully but see the following error when I run against the default (8140) port: err: Could not retrieve configuration: Certificates were not trusted:
2013 May 06
Puppermaster certificate expired
Hello, We''ve been running puppet for 5 years until the last week when the certificate on the puppet server is expired. We were looking for a procedure describing how to create a new server certificate without a need to reconfigure certificates on puppet clients (about 100 servers) but we couldn''t find anything regarding this issue within puppet''s documentation. Is
2012 Dec 05
Error: Could not request certificate: Connection refused - connect(2)
Hi all, I am new at puppet and Im using the puppet learning tutorial. I execute until Basic agent/master puppet. Everything worked ok but after 2 or 3 days, running the command "puppet agent --test", start throw the error in subject. That left me with the following questions: how to puppet agent connect to master without service started on master? If this connection is possible (
2011 Jun 17
Questions for puppet 2.6.8 client certificate management
How do I initiate a certificate request without going into non-daemon mode ? According to "Pro Puppet" book, so far the only way I know that can trigger a certficate request with puppet master is like this puppet agent --no-daemonize --verbose but doing so will break my intention of automation I need to create a puppet client package. A control-C is