similar to: how to specify the the source directory

Displaying 20 results from an estimated 20000 matches similar to: "how to specify the the source directory"

2009 Jun 10
puppet client looking for server puppet
In my puppet client I have puppet.conf defined puppet server as mypuppet server = Not sure why the puppet client puppet-test is still sending these noises to the syslog Jun 10 13:36:23 puppet-test puppetd[10863]: [ID 702911 daemon.error] Could not find server : getaddrinfo: node name or service name not known Jun 10 13:36:23 puppet-test puppetd[10863]: [ID 702911
2011 Jan 07
My external node classifier script is totally ignored
Hi, I just added an external classifier script, and things are not working as I expected to. Trying to read documentation about ext.nodes and searching the archives I couldn''t come up with any useful results. My classifier script outputs: --- YAML --- classes: - geodns::production::backend environment: production name: z01-06-02 parameters: puppet_server:
2009 Sep 29
Running puppet as non-root => getting rid of all those ownership warnings
I''m using puppet to manage configs on machines where I don''t have root access. Whenever I use a File resource where the source is a puppet:// resource, I get tons of warnings when I run puppet that look like: Cannot manage ownership unless running as root True enough, I''m not running as root, but I also didn''t specifically mention a "owner"
2012 Oct 10
Puppet client not listening on port 8139
Hi everyone, Please help, I have built a new server and installed puppet (2.6.17) running on RHEL 6.3. It seems that it is not listening on port 8139. iptables -L: Chain INPUT (policy ACCEPT) target prot opt source destination Chain FORWARD (policy ACCEPT) target prot opt source destination Chain OUTPUT (policy ACCEPT) target prot opt
2009 Jun 04
WWDC Puppeteer lunch
Reminder for Mac Puppeteers going to WWDC How about we meet for lunch at noon on Tuesday. Let''s try to get the table closet to the Odwalla refrigerator, just for reference. We can get more specific on this list on the 8th after we verify the set up. I might even get there a little earlier and put down "reserved" tags. --- Thank you, Allan Marcus Solutions Architect Central
2009 Nov 10
Puppet Not Running chkconfig correctly.
So, I noticed that when adding a service to puppet, puppet is running a chkconfig <service>. However, as far as I can tell, puppet should be running a chkconfig --add <service>, otherwise the symlinks don''t get created from the service in /etc/rc.d/rc6.d back to the service in /etc/init.d. As as a result, the service is not stopped on shut down. I must be missing something
2010 Jan 22
facter question
int he example below I run facter looking for the fact "sp_serial_number". as you can see, the command facter sp_serial_number returns nothing, but the fact is there and is returned when just running facter and grepping for the fact. Some fact seem to work and others do not. any ideas? marcuspro:~ allan$ facter --version 1.5.7 marcuspro:~ allan$ facter sp_serial_number marcuspro:~
2009 Apr 30
tweaking Passenger/Rack for performance.
so here are my unorganized thoughts on Passenger settings. * PassengerMaxPoolSize This depends a lot on two primary variables. a) How much RAM you have. b) How much resident memory is needed for your environments/modules. Only way to determine this is with tweaking, and you''ll need to be much more conservative than the suggested settings on the Passenger docs as your app takes up a lot
2009 Jun 24
how to exec a directory creation before downloading a file to that directory?
I want to create a directory and THEN get files into that directory on a client. Puppet it seems does not follow the order of commands, like below in my example. Sometimes it creates the directory, then downloads the file, and sometimes it tries to download the file before creating the directory, so the file won''t be downloaded. How can I download a file and make certain the destination
2013 Jan 22
New user learning puppet and getting error> getaddrinfo: Name or service not known
Hello everyone, I''m a new user regarding puppet but I''m skilled with linux. I have setup a puppetmaster server and also have a puppet client for testing on a different box. /etc/sysconfig/puppet has been edited to reach puppetmaster with option (I''m in Costa Rica) On the puppetmaster I was able to see the client with puppetca
2009 Sep 07
passenger-status error messages
I am getting all these messages when run `passenger-status''. Do I need to worry about this? I am using passenger 2.2.2 with puppet 0.24.8 and apache2 on ubuntu 9.04. I installed it using the wiki Thread ''Main thread'': in ''int Server::start()'' (ApplicationPoolServerExecutable.cpp:553)
2010 Jun 09
Input sought on changing default vardir on OS X.
0.25.5 changed the default vardir from /var/puppet to /var/lib/puppet and it''s caused the odd issue we have to fix in the Mac pkg preflights. After re-reading ''man hier'' I''m tempted to change the default on OS X to: /var/db/puppet instead. /var/ multi-purpose log, temporary, transient, and spool files ...
2010 Oct 15
alternate hostnames, keys, and certs
I''d like to extend my use of puppet to manage my desktop/notebook macs. As others have noted, the hostname of the mobile machines tends to change frequently, so basing the node name (in my site.pp) and the corresponding cert and private key names seems to be an issue. I seem to recall somewhat talking about this at Puppet Camp last week….. Generally my signing strategy is always to
2011 Jul 13
puppet manifest execution orders
I created manifest for our webserver. manifest included git clone, database creation and restore database etc.... How to order the installation and exec exactly Roni -- You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups "Puppet Users" group. To post to this group, send email to To unsubscribe from this group, send email to
2010 Mar 17
passenger errors
Has anyone seen this come up, I am using 0.24.8 version of puppet. I followed the directions on the wiki and installed passenger correctly from what I can tell. [Wed Mar 17 09:07:56 2010] [notice] Apache/2.2.14 (Unix) DAV/2 Phusion_Passenger/2.2.5 mod_python/3.3.1 Python/2.5.2 mod_ssl/2.2.14 OpenSSL/0.9.8g mod_perl/2.0.4 Perl/v5.10.0 configured -- resuming normal operations
2007 Nov 13
Fileserver configuration Files are created but not replaced
Hi all, I have a slightly confusing Problem with fileserving. # /etc/puppet/manifests/classes/ntp.pp class ntp { file { "ntp.conf": path => "/etc/ntp.conf", source => "puppet://$puppet_server/files/ntp.conf", ensure => present, mode => 644, owner => root, group => root, } } Creating missing Files
2008 Jan 10
Install Package only if a certain file exists.
So I can''t quite see how to do this in the existing syntax. Ideally there would be an onlyif parameter for packages, but that doesn''t seem to be the case. I could create a fact that returns true or false depending on whether the file exists, but that doesn''t feel like the right way to do it either. I could do something like: $file_exists =
2008 Apr 29
How are people using install.rb from the source distribution?
I''m looking at re-working or replacing install.rb from the source distribution to allow more flexible installations, primarily to get MacPorts and Fink packages working but to also work on automatic Mac pkg creation from source. How are people currently using it? Currently the command line options are for options like --no-rdoc, --no-man, --quick, --full, but if you want to specify a
2010 May 08
puppet and ubuntu 9.04
I am stuck with ubuntu 9.04 as puppet master server. But puppet version is old on ubuntu 9.04: puppetmaster,puppet 0.24.5-3 Would it be possible to upgrade it to the latest version, without upgrading the OS? -- You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups "Puppet Users" group. To post to this group, send email to To
2011 May 10
Puppet Master System Requirements
I''ve been messing around with Puppet on a VM on my personal desktop. It looks descent. I was wondering what kind of load this thing would have managing about 400 nodes. Does this thing require a beefy server? -- You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups "Puppet Users" group. To post to this group, send email to To