similar to: Managing content of state.yaml

Displaying 20 results from an estimated 50000 matches similar to: "Managing content of state.yaml"

2007 Feb 09
Gracefully recovering from state.yaml corruption.
Hello, I have recently attempted to automatically restart my network interfaces when I update my network configuration files. During this process it seems that one out of every three or so runs will cause the state.yaml file to become corrupt. The next run of puppet will respond with messages similar to "can''t find object :nil". Deleting the state.yaml file and running
2010 Sep 02
err: Too many open files - /var/lib/puppet/state/state.yaml.tmp
I keep on getting this message: err: Too many open files - /var/lib/puppet/state/state.yaml.tmp Does anybody know what might be causing it? I''m also getting "err: State got corrupted". Everything does seem to be kind of working, but it''s sort of worrying getting these new errors. -- You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups
2006 Oct 16
Question regarding ''tidy'' type
Hello all, I am trying to use the tidy type to clean up a directory that I use for running scripts via puppet. My relevant manifest looks like: tidy { "/root/.puppet/" : age => ''30D'', path => ''/root/.puppet/'', recurse => true, rmdirs => true, type => atime, } However, when I run puppet it
2010 Oct 19
use Tidy resource to clean puppet master reports
Hi list, I was thinking of using a Tidy resource to clean up old reports on puppet master servers but it doesn''t seem to like it: [root@puppet-master-01 ~]# puppetd --test --noop info: Retrieving plugin info: Caching catalog for err: /Stage[main]/Fh_puppet::Master/Tidy[/var/lib/puppet/reports/]: Failed to generate additional resources using
2008 Oct 21
No such file or directory - /var/lib/puppet/yaml/*
Hi, I reinstalled puppet-server and am now getting these error messages from clients: err: /File[/var/lib/puppet/facts]: Failed to generate additional resources during transaction: No such file or directory - /var/lib/puppet/yaml/node err: /File[/var/lib/puppet/facts]: Failed to retrieve current state of resource: No such file or directory - /var/lib/puppet/yaml/node Could not describe /facts:
2011 Jul 06
Issue with puppet file serving api not parsing yaml content correctly
I am working on building a facter tag based node classifier similar to However, I have run into an issue where I cannot use puppet''s require file ability to push the yaml file containing the facts file to the client because it would require two runs of puppet to pickup changes. Consequently, I have written into
2013 Mar 10
hiera yaml namespace nesting
Hi, I''ve just got hiera deployed into a new puppet environment, and have defined a class as follows: modules/role/manifests/ui.pp ===================== class role::ui ( $public_hostname ) { notify {''role::ui::notify'': message => "role::ui configured for ${::data_center}; hostname: $public_hostname", } } This is then included into
2013 Jul 22
Could not intern from yaml: undefined method `intern' for nil:NilClass
Hi everyone, I''m stuck with this error trying to set up inspection reports : Could not send report: Error 400 on SERVER: Could not intern from yaml: undefined method `intern'' for nil:NilClass Earlier, I had this one : Could not run: Could not find catalog for hostname That I fixed with : catalog_cache_terminus = yaml Agent and server are running puppet 3.2.3. Full
2009 Jul 24
Tidy symlinks
So, I have a directory of symlinks that I''m managing and Tidy doesn''t seem to be doing much for me in there. Does Tidy ignore symlinks for some reason? If not, does anyone have the correct syntax? Thanks, Trevor --~--~---------~--~----~------------~-------~--~----~ You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups "Puppet Users" group. To
2012 Jul 05
hash to_yaml in erb template not giving valid yaml
Hi, I want to use a file resource to write a facts.yaml file for Mcollective. For some reason it won''t provide a valid yaml format if I dump my scope to hash and convert to_yaml. file { "/etc/mcollective/facts.yaml" : owner => root, group => root, mode => 400, loglevel => debug, #content => inline_template("<%= scope.to_hash.reject {
2013 Mar 14
Help me wrap my head around Yaml/Hiera with erwbgy/system
Trying to figure out the erwbgy/system plugin and just getting stuck.. first run it did some changes, but it ignored parameters for ntp and now its not refreshing if I update the yaml at all, Im slightly lost at what I may be missing :) hiera.yaml --- :hierarchy: - %{certname} - %{environment} - global - %{environment}/common :backends: - yaml :yaml: :datadir:
2013 Oct 14
Managing /etc/hosts without using exported resources
Hi All, I am using Puppet 3.2.4 and I''d like Puppet to manage /etc/hosts for me and add "neighbouring hosts" only to /etc/hosts. These hosts are determined to be neighbours based on where they are (city/country). For example ($::city and $::country are custom facts): @@host { $::fqdn: ip => $::ipaddress, host_aliases => [ $::hostname ], tag
2012 Jun 14
facter --yaml leaves some fields blank
Sometimes "facter --yaml" doesn''t list all the values specified on the command line. I can''t find rhyme nor reason why. Here''s a demo to show what I mean: # facter --version 1.5.7 # facter --yaml fqdn macaddress lsbdistcodename --- fqdn: lsbdistcodename: squeeze macaddress: "00:00:00:00:00:00" We had been using the above
2012 Nov 23
how to query yaml file with hiera function.
Hi guys, i have a hiera.yaml config file like this: --- :hierarchy: - %{env}/%{tmp_module_name} - %{env}/%{tmp_module_name}.common :backends: - yaml :yaml: :datadir: ''/etc/puppet/hieradata'' I also have a test/some_module.yaml file like this: --- db: root : pass port : ''3306'' I am also using the hiera function
2008 Mar 26
Node yaml cache not refreshed ?
Hi folks, When running puppetd --environment whatever, the environment is not taken into account on the puppetmaster. This bug appeared after ticket #1130 got resolved and is certainly due to caching of the node terminus. Looking through the code didn''t help me understand how this yaml cache should get refreshed. On the puppetmaster, the cache files located in
2007 Jan 15
Yaml Segfaults on ubuntu puppetd client
While running puppetd on a linux client I get the following, the actual spot that the segfault happens varies, but it always happens. This is on ubuntu with the stock apt ruby1.8.4 package. Puppet also installed from apt. Puppet version 0.18.4 It seems very likely that this isnt a bug in puppet per se, but it is tickling a yaml bug (regardless of where it fails, it is always yaml). But I
2012 Jan 25
My ENC won't work, YAML is valid AFAIK
If anyone has any ideas, please share. I''m at a loss. YAML from Puppet Enterprise 2.0.0 default ENC: ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ --- name: parameters: {} classes: - core-permissions ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ YAML from my Python ENC using PyYAML. This results in ''cannot find node''. ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ ---
2012 Dec 03
Unnecessary changes when creating facts.yaml
I have set up puppet to create a facts.yaml file for mcollective using the following line: content => inline_template("<%= scope.to_hash.reject { |k,v| k.to_s =~ /(uptime.*|timestamp|.*free|macaddress.*|ipaddress)/ }.to_yaml %>"), However, it is creating a lot of unnecessary changes by reordering the facts in the yaml output as you can see in the diff output between to
2009 Jun 24
.yaml report filenames written with wrong time
The yaml filename in the reports directory gets written with a time that is 2 hours ahead of what the actual time is. -rw-r----- 1 puppet puppet 1926 Jun 24 12:28 200906241628.yaml Inside this file, the correct time is displayed: time: 2009-06-24 12:28:15.193590 -04:00 - !ruby/object:Puppet::Util::Log level: :notice Is there anything I can do to get the correct time written? Thanks!
2012 Oct 24
Exclude or disable a class in Hiera (yaml backend)
Hi People, Let''s imagine a scenario where I have multiple nodes, a very simple hierarchy: - nodes/%{fqdn} - roles/%{role} - common So what I am trying to achieve is for instance a class ''foo'' is always included in ''common.yaml'' and all the nodes will have that class included by default, but I want a specific node to have that class excluded or