Hello all,
I am trying to use the tidy type to clean up a directory that I use for
running scripts via puppet. My relevant manifest looks like:
tidy { "/root/.puppet/" :
age => ''30D'',
path => ''/root/.puppet/'',
recurse => true,
rmdirs => true,
type => atime,
However, when I run puppet it deletes files and directories that where
accessed ( or even created ) within 30 days. Example:
# mkdir /root/.puppet
# touch /root/.puppet/new-file
# puppetd --test
info: Caching configuration at /var/lib/puppet/localconfig.yaml
notice: Starting configuration run
notice: //my_test/tidy=/root/.puppet//tidy=/root/.bluegecko/new-file/tidyup:
tidyup changed ''5'' to ''2592000 ''
notice: //my_test/tidy=/root/.puppet//tidyup: tidyup changed
''5'' to ''2592000
My goal is delete files older than 30 days, and I thought that''s what I
doing here. Is there something that I might be setting elsewhere to cause
this to happen?
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