similar to: Puppet's Search function

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2007 Jul 11
Best practise guide
Hi, I''m a new puppet user (thanks !) and I''m just looking at moving my homegrown manifest structure into something resembling the best practise guide at : It seems as if the structure here doesn''t map to the default puppet layout (and thus doesn''t work with the standard puppet config
2010 Apr 08
Puppet commands giving nothing but a stack trace
I suspect this has more to do with Ruby than Puppet, but I know little about Ruby and Google has failed me, so I''m asking here. I''m finally getting some of our older systems brought into Puppet. I installed it on several this morning without incident, but there are two (more or less identical RHEL 5.3 systems) that throw horrible errors. These systems did not have Puppet or Ruby
2008 Apr 02
Setting up PuppetShow - Puppet's Web Interface
Hello puppeters; I want to set/test the PuppetShow "Puppet''s Web Interface" with Ruby on Rails (ROR). If somebody has setup such show, please share your experiece with EXAMPLES...I''m not the please share your STEPS....I have setup the ROR environment, currently learning Rails with different frameworks....HOBO ( is great for starter
2007 Mar 19
puppet hangs while trying to restart a daemon
Hello all, puppet hangs while trying to restart a daemon when the associated config file changes, here the log: Mar 19 11:30:04 ingentTest puppetd[27390]: Starting Puppet client version 0.22.0 puppetd[27390]: Starting configuration run puppetd[27390]: (/ingenttest/qualsevolnode/guaita[guaita]/File[/etc/guaita.conf]/content) synced puppetd[27390]:
2011 Apr 14
copying file with "source" parameter
Hi there, Just started using Puppet since yesterday, so a totally newbie question. I tried to search the answer by myself but none of the suggestions actually worked. This is how my "modules" is laid: |-- modules | |-- mySudo | | |-- files | | | `-- sudoers | | `-- manifests | | `-- init.pp The file(s), that I want to send to the client machines, is in the
2010 Jun 28
Bind Module
Anyone know where I can find a good chrooted named module for centos? Named as chroot is ugly... soft and hard links everywhere... Doug -- You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups "Puppet Users" group. To post to this group, send email to To unsubscribe from this group, send email to
2008 Sep 30
something wrong with puppet client or Server
Hi All, I have running puppet client and server on solaris 10 x86. Now days some of puppet client behaviors is something weird !!! or May be i am missing something... for ex. I created class to add one line in /etc/vfstab . but puppet client did it successfully 1st time ...But .. After few days , i saw there are same line has been added more than 250 times.. [ see same line is added so many
2013 Nov 15
Upgrade from Puppet 2.7.20 to latest !!!
Dear All, I have my puppet servers and clients on puppet 2.7.20 and I am planning to upgrade to the latest version. But the problem is that I have a lot of modules (downloaded from forge and few of my own) which used by hundreds of puppet clients. I need to know 1) Will the functionality of these modules get affected after this upgrade ? 2) Other than ritual of being on the latest verison, are
2008 Feb 13
dependency to storeconfig
Hi all, I''ve noticed, that once using storeconfig, if the db (in my case mysql) is down than puppet wont start... is there a real reason for making puppet depend on the db? Thanks, Ohad _______________________________________________ Puppet-users mailing list
2008 Oct 08
Inheritance syntax question
If I try the following: class foo { define bar ($text) { file {"/tmp/foo.txt": content => $text, } } bar { "hello": text => ''Hello World'', } } class foo2 inherits foo { Foo::bar["default"] { text => ''Hello World Again'', } } I get: "Syntax error at '':''; expected
2008 Mar 22
pass Resources to a define or unsetting notify
Hi i''m trying to pass Resources (single or in an array) to a resource, so I can pass this to a notify or require. However I have some problems, when no resource should be passed. Maybe somebody can help me? thanks define gentoo::etcconfd ( $require = '''', $notify = '''' ){ file { "/etc/conf.d/${name}": owner =>
2009 Dec 13
Inherited Client and Server Apps
So, I''ve been doing something like this for applications that have a client and server component... node base_node { include syslog_ng::client }} node app_node inherits base_node { } node syslog_server inherits base_node { include syslog_ng::server } ... because I want the client portion, syslog-ng in this case to be installed on everything. However, the server node also has a
2010 Feb 02
Making the new users experience easier
Just one more email and I''ll let you go for a few hours :) One of the things I like to see in apps is that they are immediately intuitive and easy to use for new users. I think Puppet is really good here, but there''s opportunity to make everything better. We want everyone to love Puppet from their first few minutes using it, all the way through to datacenter nirvana.
2008 Oct 08
The puppet equivalent of mkdir -p
Hi all, I''d like to add a several directories and I can''t seem to do it with a single "file" directive. Say /home/jeff exists and I want to add /home/jeff/src/my/dir/path I tried: file { "/home/jeff/src/my/dir/path": path => "/home/jeff/src/my/dir/path", mode => 0755, owner => jeff, group => jeff, ensure =>
2010 Apr 12
Cron question
Hello, Why the following lines doesn''t work? cron { "app" : command => ""nice -n -10 /usr/bin/php /var/www/public_html/rotinas/rotinas.php 2>&1>> /var/log/app.log", environment => "PATH=$PATH", user => root, hour => ''*'', minute =>
2010 Jun 24
Yet more variable scoping pain.
Some days I wonder why I even bother with puppet. --- classes: - datacentre::new_york - role::appserver - elements::tfel0 environment: production: parameters: < set key/value pairs here > class ldap { < do some stuff that behaves slightly differently between different data centers > } class role::appserver { include ldap } So, I wanted to set some variables in the
2009 Jun 30
Variable named "memory" in templates
I tried to use a Puppet variable named "$memory" and access it from a template, like this: $memory = 4711 file { "/tmp/test.txt": content => inline_template("memory = <%= memory %>\n"); } One would think that my file would contain "memory = 4711" after that, but instead the memory variable seems to hold a
2010 Oct 04
[LLVMdev] way to determine which version of llvm for llvm-gcc? Xcode specifically
I'd like to know if there is a way to find out which llvm version a given version of llvm-gcc is using for code generation. Specifically, I'm working with Xcode 3.2.5's arm-apple-darwin10-llvm-g++-4.2 Calling it with --version and --verbose don't give any hints. I want to run the compiler with --emit-llvm and eventually call llc. llc isn't included in Xcode so I want to
2010 Jul 19
dsgetdcname failed: NT_STATUS_ACCESS_DENIED
Hello all. I have a Samba 3.5.4 server that we're attempting to join to an existing Windows 2008 ADS. Doing "net ads join" seems to go ok, and a follow up "net -P ads testjoin" says we're OK. However... at this point, doing "wbinfo -u" or "wbinfo -g" returns no data (the programs exit with erro code 0, and no output). Attempting to log into a
2008 Apr 18
facter confine boolean logic decisions
Hi while writing facts I heavily use confines to avoid that facts get loaded where they shouldn''t. However I didn''t yet find out how I can add a multiple decision to a confine. so normally I have confine :kernel => :linux but what when kernel can be linux or sunos? just add 2 confines? or can I nest them? something like confine :kernel => :linux||:sunos would be nice.