similar to: Lock file /var/lib/puppet/state/puppetdlock

Displaying 20 results from an estimated 5000 matches similar to: "Lock file /var/lib/puppet/state/puppetdlock"

2012 May 25
err: Invalid argument - /var/lib/puppet/state/puppetdlock
I have the error err: Invalid argument - /var/lib/puppet/state/ puppetdlock appearing on one of my servers. I have plenty of disk and plenty of inodes. The daemon is not running. I run it manually using /usr/sbin/puppetd --verbose --no-daemonize --onetime --server=xxx --fqdn=yyy There is no file /var/lib/puppet/state/puppetdlock and there is a root writable directory /var/lib/puppet/state
2007 Jan 10
Problem adding facts ...
I have created my first ''fact'', first attempt at Ruby too, and configured the fileserver to server it but when a Fedora (5 or 6) client sync''s puppetd appears to hang. CentOS clients sync and use the new fact fine. Find attached the fact file and the output from ''puppetd --debug --factsync'' on a FC5 client is below. This is a 0.20.1 client and
2006 Nov 29
0.20.1 deb from the site not quite working
I''m trying to use the 0.20.1 deb from the reductivelabs site and it doesn''t seem to create the /var/lib/puppet directory even though my puppetd.conf file has: vardir=/var/lib/puppet So, when I try the second run, it fails with: Could not lock puppetd: No such file or directory - /var/lib/puppet/state/puppetdlock
2008 Aug 29
Could not call puppetca.getcert: #<Errno::EHOSTUNREACH: No route to host
Hi all puppet-Users, i try to get my first puppet installation up and running. (puppet-0.24.5, ruby-1.8.5) everything works as expected witch puppetmasterd + puppetd on the same machine. but i''ve problems connecting to the puppet-server from any client host. all i get is the error ------------ debug: Calling puppetca.getcert err: Could not call puppetca.getcert:
2010 Apr 05
Problem syncing custom fact
I am trying to get a custom fact to sync. The fact is in a module. It will sync if I run puppet with "--pluginsync" but not otherwise. I have "pluginsync=true" in my puppet.conf. Shouldn''t the command line option and puppet.conf option have the same results? -- You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups "Puppet Users" group.
2008 Dec 04
puppetmaster built via puppetd
hi, i''m trying to set up my puppetmaster infrastructure with multiple puppetservers behind load balancers in each of our datacenters. i''m using 0.24.6. i''ve read the howto on puppet scalability, and i think i''ve got the ssl config working correct, but i''m noticing that when puppetd is used to build a puppetmaster, some of the files in $vardir/ ssl
2008 May 27
Puppetting the puppetmaster problems
Hi, installing puppet at my first site was quite easy (not w/o problems, but still). At the second site, I''ve run into something more serious. First things first - I install puppetmaster on existing server, used to keep LDAP db (my puppetmaster DOES NOT use LDAP, it just tries to coexist on the same machine). The thing is, I need to puppet this baby, so I''m running into a
2009 Aug 26
storeconfigs + environments issue
Hi Guys, Im trying to turn on storeconfigs with a mysql db backend. On my testing server in our lab, i configured this successfully and can see if keeping information on all test hosts. When trying to implent the same idea onto our production puppet server, I get the following errors: Aug 26 16:35:53 opsynxsr0097 puppetmasterd[27003]: (/Settings[/etc/
2007 Sep 04
puppet ldap issue
Hi, I have run into an issue using puppet in an ldap environment and I am wondering if anyone else has run into the same issue. A number of the puppet clients in my testing environment are failing to apply new configurations because the puppet client is getting an ldap error. Currently, I am attempting to push a new bash_profile to my home directory and then set my username/group to then own the
2009 Mar 02
Certificate problems
Hi all, I''m trying to set up puppet 0.24.5 using the packages provided for Mandriva 2009.0. After installing the packages and starting the puppetmaster service for the first time, the relevant CA certificates and keys are generated automatically and placed in subdirectories of $ssldir. However, when I then run puppetd on the same machine thus: $ puppetd --server myhost.mydomain
2007 May 04
RFC: Configuration file consolidation (#206)
Hi all, This has theoretically been a high priority for a long time, and I''m finally going to get it done, I think. Here''s my plan, and I''d appreciate any comments you might have on it. Currently, sections only have meaning internally, in that one can call ''config.use(section)'' to create any directories needed for that section. Additionally,
2007 Mar 19
certificate trouble
Hi Puppet-Team, first thanks for this great configuration management tool ! My name is Matt and i am on creating a puppet plugin for openQRM. The basic framework is already existing and working well so far. Now, after having it working ok once i now ran into a problem that my puppet-clients do not get their configuration any more from the puppetmasterd. What i saw on the puppetmasterd logs is :
2007 Jun 20
0.23 question
I think that I''m running into the warning on external node support here but after a recent upgrade for my puppetmaster I get: puppetmasterd[19397]: Could not find with names, aa0-006-4 I''ve not changed puppetd.conf which contains: ldapnodes = true ldapserver = ldapbase = ou=hosts,dc=foo,dc=com I''ve not
2007 Jun 07
Puppet/webrick benchmark
We haven''t been able to use mongrel for testing yet, but in order not to waste time, we did some performance testing with 1, 2 and 4 puppetmasterd/webrick processes. Attached is an HTML page (ripped from our wiki - not pretty, but reasonably readable) which describes the method and results. If someone feels like making some nice graphs, that would be great. If not, I''ll try to
2010 Jan 18
reload/restarting puppetd after puppet.conf change
Subject basically says it all. Anyone have a good idea of how to get puppetd restarted after installing a updated puppet.conf? Using the Service types obviously doesn''t work since puppet is already running. Is there no, please reload your config on the next run option? I mean there is always some screwing with a cronjob to just restart puppet once and awhile but I dunno I was
2007 Jul 03
pupped on the puppetmaster: cert problems
I''m getting certificate errors when I attempt to run puppetd on the puppetmaster. As near as I can tell, this is because I''m using the same puppet.conf for both puppetd and puppetmasterd; but puppetmaster runs as user "puppet" and puppetd runs as user "root", yet both expect the certificates to be readable and chmod 600. I tried telling puppetd to use
2010 Feb 10
Failed to retrieve current state of resource: Error 400 on SERVER: Permission denied
Greetings, ruby 1.8.7, facter 1.5.7, puppet 0.25.2, and Solaris 10 on sun4u. From /etc/puppet/fileserver.conf, [solaris] path /etc/puppet/manifests/solaris allow * From /etc/puppet/manifests/site.pp, file { "/etc/shadow": source => "puppet:///solaris//etc/shadow", } And, ls -l /etc/puppet/manifests/solaris/etc/shadow -r-------- 1 root sys 536
2007 Nov 11
puppetrun fails: "Certificates were not trusted"
Hello all, I''ve tried to run ''puppetrun'', but there seems something unconfigured regarding the certificates. The reverse way (puppetd pulls the config from puppetmasterd) works fine. The namespaceauth.conf on the client (where puppetd runs) is configured as follows: [puppetrunner] allow * (also tried the calling host: But when I call
2009 Jun 10
puppet client looking for server puppet
In my puppet client I have puppet.conf defined puppet server as mypuppet server = Not sure why the puppet client puppet-test is still sending these noises to the syslog Jun 10 13:36:23 puppet-test puppetd[10863]: [ID 702911 daemon.error] Could not find server : getaddrinfo: node name or service name not known Jun 10 13:36:23 puppet-test puppetd[10863]: [ID 702911
2007 Jan 23
puppetd and puppetmasterd init script submission
Hey All, Id like to submit two init scripts for debian for puppetd and puppetmasterd, Which is the best to do this? Cheers B _______________________________________________ Puppet-users mailing list