similar to: Issue with template.pp

Displaying 20 results from an estimated 500 matches similar to: "Issue with template.pp"

2011 Mar 24
run stages in puppet 2.6
hello guys, I am trying to incorporate run stages into my puppet setup. I''ve been working with this for a few days and I haven''t quite got the hang of it yet... When I attempt my puppet run this is the error I see: ------------------------------------------------ [root@chromews21 ~]# puppetd -t err: Could not retrieve catalog from remote server: Error 400 on SERVER:
2011 Mar 16
only one puppet client fails with yum
hello list.. I am sharing a yum configuration in a class (centos.pp) between two nodes. But the yum configuration doesn''t apply at all to one node even tho it does to another identically configured node. ## packages are failing to install via yum on one ec2 aws instance and another identical ec2 instance works fine [root@kromep2 ~]# cat /etc/redhat-release CentOS release 5.5 (Final)
2008 Oct 22
LDAP Problem
I am trying to configure puppet with LDAP repository . I have set puppet schema and I have also added node definition at LDAP. Here is my configuration details . ############################################################## Puppet.conf node_terminus = ldap ldapserver = ldapbase = ou=Hosts,dc=xyz,dc=com ldapassword = secret
2016 Nov 19
kde-runtime fails to install on Custom ISO due to dependency error
Hi, I have built successfully all the dependent packages of kde-runtime. Following is the list of RPMs cloned and built from GIT:- kde-runtime-4.10.5-8.el7.centos.x86_64.rpm kde-runtime-drkonqi-4.10.5-8.el7.centos.x86_64.rpm kde-runtime-libs-4.10.5-8.el7.centos.x86_64.rpm kde-baseapps-4.10.5-4.el7.centos.x86_64.rpm kde-baseapps-libs-4.10.5-4.el7.centos.x86_64.rpm However, when we copy these
2007 Aug 07
parsing manifests in a pre-commit hook
Hello, I was wondering if there is a way to parse individual manifest files as part of a pre-commit hook in subversion. I am looking for something like puppetmasterd --parseonly, but that will work on individual files. This way I can reject a commit if it does not pass. Any ideas? TIA
2009 Jul 21
new puppet config - fileserver issue
Hi I am a newbie to puppet. I have tried an initial config serving a simple file & dir from the puppetmaster, but the client will not mount. What obvious mistake am I making, I wonder? puppetmaster is a DNS alias for osiris3. Config files: [root@osiris3 puppet]# cat fileserver.conf [config] path /data/puppet/manifests/files allow * [root@osiris3 puppet]# cat puppet.conf
2007 Oct 03
puppet exit codes and svn pre-commit hook
Hi everyone, I''m using a svn pre-commit hook to check manifests for syntax errors. I''ve recently upgraded puppet from 0.22.4 to 0.23.2 and the hook stopped working. I use the following command to parse .pp files: /usr/local/bin/puppet --confdir=/tmp --vardir=/tmp --parseonly --ignoreimport /tmp/$$.pp Now, I make a decision based on the exit code. If 0 then commit, else exit
2012 Feb 27
Tags issue
Hi , I am using tags according to environments Eg: prd_env and stg_env How do i implement a default node Eg: node default inherits basenode { tag("prd_eu")|("stg_eu")) include general } The above does not work. I invoke the puppe agent puppet agent --test --noop --server=puppetmaster.domain.local -- tags=prd_env|stg_env Any ideas how i can allow both the
2010 Dec 10
Problem with syntax checking
Hello! I''m trying to use pre-commit SVN hook for checking puppet syntax. For it I try to use some scripts from this thread: But when I try some of the scripts I see the common problem, expression like this: # puppet --parseonly --ignoreimport file.pp produces no output, but "file.pp" has a
2007 Mar 19
Parsechecking in a commit hook
This has been a much-requested feature, and is now a reality (in svn trunk): There is a new option, --ignoreimport, that will (surprisingly) ignore import statements. This is really only useful when using -- parseonly in a commit hook, and note that you''ll have to add the option to --parseonly, none of the puppet executables will add it for you. You should be able to
2010 Jul 23
Design, syntax question for passing values from node.pp
Is it possible to define variable at this level. I need to pass the monit config file name ( sometimes its monitrc sometimes in not ). Here is what I have. # /etc/puppet/manifests/nodes.pp node basenode { include postgresql include monit include wiki include apace } node '''' inherits basenode { } -- You received this message because you are
2003 Oct 23
Extended logic syntax
Hi. Can anyone help me with the following: [globals] OFFICEHOURS .................................... [internal] exten => *80,2,SetGlobalVar(OFFICEHOURS=100) exten => *80,2,SetGlobalVar(OFFICEHOURS=200) .................................... [incoming] exten => s,1,GotoIf($[${OFFICEHOURS} = 100}]?incoming-officehours:incoming-officehours-off 1. Am I using the right sytanx when
2008 Jan 17
SVN pre-commit hook
Hi is anybody using the svn pre-commit hook from with 0.24.1 . It was working fine with 0.23.1 and I like it to test stupid typos before checking in. However after updating to 0.24.1 I get the following error for the site.pp: Could not parse for environment development: No file(s) found for import of
2011 Jul 23
Node or site.pp for global variables without dynamic lookup
Hi all, I am working on rewriting my entire puppet environment and try to ''fix'' ''Dynamic lookup'' as it will be deprecated in some time, but even after reading quite some docs and on the forum, it''s not really clear to me. What I have read so far, is that each variable must be fully-qualified or parameterized in a class. As a quick
2011 Dec 15
Puppet with Ruby1.9 issue
Hi, I have a running puppetmaster with nginx and passenger and ruby 1.9.2. When i do puppet cert --trace --list . i get the following error. /usr/lib64/ruby/gems/1.9.1/gems/puppet-2.7.9/lib/puppet/application/ cert.rb:43:in `block (2 levels) in <class:Cert>'' /usr/lib64/ruby/gems/1.9.1/gems/puppet-2.7.9/lib/puppet/application.rb: 357:in `block (2 levels) in parse_options''
2008 Apr 17
looking for a way to remove module interdependencies
Hello List, i''m running into an issue with puppet where I don''t know how to solve correctly. We''re managing applications and our monitoring (nagios) using puppet using the following schema: class nagios { // ensure nrpe ist installed // export a host definition nagios::check { ''ping'': } nagios::check { ''load'': } ...
2007 Dec 13
Help me understand class namespacing
I asked on IRC but no one responded. Suppose the following: class basenode { include users include security class webserver { include apache, php } } node web1a { include basenode::webserver } Does node web1a imply including users and security specified under class basenode as well? Similarly, does this mean the same thing? class basenode { include users include security }
2011 Feb 03
Multiple external commands with puppet
Hi, I want to execute multiple sed commands using the exec commands within puppet. I can only setup one command parameter. For now i have to give a long list of commands separated with ";" in order to use the single command parameter. I know there are other efficient ways to solve this problem. But my requirement is such i need to execute multiple commands using the exec tool within
2013 Mar 20
How to make sure my common module executes before all other ones
I am running puppet 3.1.1 and have a site.pp which roughly looks like this site.pp: node basenode { include common } node ''server1'' inherits basenode { include role::appserver } node ''server2'' inherits basenode { include role::webserver } And my common module includes lots of different types of classes for creating base directories, adding in
2007 Oct 29
puppetd and self management
OS: FreeBSD 6.2-RELEASE Puppet: 0.22.4 OS: CentOS 5.0 Puppet: 0.23.2 Is it currently not possible for puppetd to upgrade itself (0.22.4 -> 0.23.2)? I tried it, and when puppetd attempted to restart itself (using the init provider), it failed to start back up. Perhaps the init provider needs to close all file handles before executing the rc.d scripts? Additionally, I had puppetd update its