similar to: No subject

Displaying 20 results from an estimated 100 matches similar to: "No subject"

2003 Dec 23
address specified as{128,35-55,89} Is this Correct ????
The man page gives this example, however, when I attempt to use it, it seems to block the whole set? Could someone tell me what's going wrong here please. Thanks heaps.. This works, ${fwcmd} add deny log all from any to in via ${oif} This blocks the whole IP block, not just the list? ${fwcmd} add deny log all from any to{2,6-25,27-154,156-19
2004 Nov 21
[Fwd: Re: Importing into rc.firewal rules]
Hi, > On Sat, Nov 20, 2004 at 01:32:15PM -0500, Francisco Reyes wrote: >> I have a grown list of IPs that I am "deny ip from ###.### to any". Infected machines, hackers, etc.. >> >> Is there a way to have this list outside of rc.firewall and just read it in? > from man ipfw LOOKUP TABLES Lookup tables are useful to handle large sparse address sets, typically
2003 Apr 25
firewalling help/audit
Hi ! First of all, I am sorry if this is not the list for that, but I've been learning (a little bit...) a way to implement a freeBSD firewall. So far I came up with a set of rules I would like to show you for commenting. I am sure there're a lot of errors and/or stupid rules (I am not sure the rules order is good for what I need) and I would be really pleased if one could have a look
2003 May 26
Hi, secfolks. While reading ip_input.c I have met following lines: ;------------------------------------------------- /* 127/8 must not appear on wire - RFC1122 */ if ((ntohl(ip->ip_dst.s_addr) >> IN_CLASSA_NSHIFT) == IN_LOOPBACKNET || (ntohl(ip->ip_src.s_addr) >> IN_CLASSA_NSHIFT) == IN_LOOPBACKNET) { if ((m->m_pkthdr.rcvif->if_flags &
2006 Nov 11
src/etc/rc.firewall simple ${fw_pass} tcp from any to any established
Hi security@ list, In my self written, large ipfw rule set, I had something that passed http to allow me to browse most but not all remote sites. For years I assumed the few sites I had difficulty with were cases pppoed MTU != 1500, from not having installed tcpmssd on my 4.*-RELEASE, but then running 6.1-RELEASE I realised that wasn't the problem. Still failed, &
2003 May 07
IPFW Bandwidth throttling?
I am trying to limit outgoing SMTP traffic to about 14 Mbps and these are the IPFW rules I am using. ${fwcmd} add pipe 1 tcp from to any 25 out via dc0 ${fwcmd} pipe 1 config bw 14Mbit/s I've tried multiple tweaks to the pipe rule and I seem to be missing something. I only get about half the bandwidth I specify. Is this normal behavior? Is there something wrong
2007 Feb 18
Secure shared web hosting using MAC Framework
Hi all, I am looking at securing a web server using the FreeBSD MAC Framework. To make things clear I will call the hosted users "web users". Those are the issues I am dealing with: ** Network Security ** - Web users shouldn't be able to connect to reserved local ports apart from 25(smtp); 80(http); 443(https) and 3306(MySQL) Solution: run the web server and web users shell in
2003 Dec 23
How do I pass WWW (80) through the firewall on two NICs ?
I'm getting lost ... Running two NICs - no problem. But trying to screw down the rules a bit and getting lost on passing the www - or port 80, through the firewall both waqys. There are WebServers - real and virtual, on the inside interface, with their own PublicIP. I'm not using the OutsideInterface as their web address, as I'm using my own DNS etc. So, in rc.firewall, what do I
2003 Jul 16
accessing a jail via localhost
I'm facing a problem with accessing a HTTPd (Apache) jail locally. Consider this jail scenario: /etc/hosts: localhost apache /etc/natd.conf: use_sockets yes same_ports yes unregistered_only yes redirect_port tcp 80 redirect_port tcp 443 /etc/ ... ${fwcmd} add divert natd all from any to any via ${oif}(IPFW) ... rl0, my
2005 Jan 22
xen2.0.3 and aic79xx
Has anyone expirienced problems with the aic79xx controller and xen 2.0.3 (liinux-2.6.10)? I have got FC3 running and compiled xen-2.0.3 from the sources. The compile ssems to work fine but after rebooting the xen0 domain the server stops during boot at the aic79xx message - no harddisks are recognized. I''ve searched through the mailinglist up and down, asked google but
2007 Dec 24
Fwd: Re: IPFW: Blocking me out. How to debug?
>Date: Sun, 23 Dec 2007 06:04:02 -0800 (PST) >From: Nash Nipples <> >To: >Subject: Re: IPFW: Blocking me out. How to debug? > >Dear W.D. > >oh come on. i have the same problem. Which problem are we talking about? cut and paste problem. >cut and paste logic: > >#!/bin/sh >#1. count packets >#2.
2004 Feb 19
traffic normalizer for ipfw?
Hi there, Is there some way to configure ipfw to do traffic normalizing ("scrubbing", as in ipf for OpenBSD)? Is there any tool to do it for FreeBSD firewalling? I've heard that ipf was ported on current, anything else? TIA, /Dorin. __________________________________ Do you Yahoo!? Yahoo! Mail SpamGuard - Read only the mail you want.
2004 Apr 15
Policy routing with IPFW
Hi There, I've been having an issue trying to figure out a way to policy route outbound packets from a multihomed machine through the proper interface using IPFW to no avail. I've tried several different incantations of IPFW fwd/forward statements, and none of them seem to do the trick. Basically, I have a host that has multiple Internet connections. This host is running FreeBSD 4.9
2003 Jun 02
4.8-Stable DummyNet
Hi. We just opened a gaming center and have chosen to run a FreeBsd box for our firewall. IPFW is configured at it's very basic running natd through rl0 and allowing any to any connections from the lan to the outer world. Natd controls access to the lan. We have a 6.0 mb/s ADSL net connection for all the gaming clients to use, however if a gamer starts downloading a file, that file
2000 Apr 17
I can't ssem to get the the examples running. Can anyone offer a solution? Thanks in advance, and this what happens. > data(laser) > xgobi(laser) xgobi -title 'laser' -std mmx /tmp/xgobi-laserR7316S41c6 & > Neither the file /tmp/xgobi-laserR7316S41c6 nor /tmp/xgobi-laserR7316S41c6.dat exists -------------- next part -------------- A non-text attachment was scrubbed...
2004 Sep 01
IPFW and icmp
I'm not a master of the internet RFCs, but I do believe icmp messages have different types. Now to enable traceroute for IPFW, I might put in a rule like this: ipfw add pass icmp from any to me However, how would I make a rule to limit icmp messages to just those used by traceroute? Can the messages be distinguished as such? A dynamic rule that exists only for the duration of a traceroute
2012 Feb 24
Samba 3, Ubuntu 10, NAT, and firewall rules
I'm setting up a Samba 3 server on Ubuntu 10. The server will have five local shares, which it will provide to the local network (let's call that network The samba server is a slave to the local Windows AD domain -- that is, the samba server does not do its own authentication but just passes along such requests to one of several local domain controllers that actually deal
2002 Aug 28
HTB - problem with one thread
Hello, Besides a very good functionality, I have a small, yet stressing, problem. Let''s say I have a bandwidth of N bits. I have X clients, everyone with his fixed bandwidth. I create htb qdsics for each client. Each leaf has sfq queueing discipline. A sample config would be like this : tc class add dev eth0 parent 1:2 classid 1:346 htb rate 32Kbit ceil 32Kbit burst 4k
2015 May 04
Isolating a subnet on demand
I'm still confused, but in any case, there's nothing stopping "miou" from impersonating "apeliote"'s subnets in your case, unless you use StrictSubnets. Here's the easiest way to do the spoofing: In miou's own node file (on the miou machine itself), add apeliote's subnets with a Weight smaller than 10 (which is the default), so that it overrides them.
2007 Dec 13
IPFW compiled in kernel: Where is it reading the config?
Hi peeps, After compiling ipfw into the new 6.2 kernel, and typing "ipfw list", all I get is: "65535 deny ip from any to any" From reading the docs, this might indicate that this is the default rule. (I am certainly protected this way--but can't be very productive ;^) ) By the way, when I run "man ipfw" I get nothing. Using this instead: