similar to: Odd Error message with rare events logit

Displaying 20 results from an estimated 1000 matches similar to: "Odd Error message with rare events logit"

2012 Aug 22
Clustered standard errors in Relogit (Zelig)
How do I apply clustered standard errors (by country) when using "relogit" in Zelig? I can not find a function covering this. [[alternative HTML version deleted]]
2011 Dec 16
Error constructing probabilities in Zelig
I've run an ordered logistic regression model in R with Zelig and am looking to calculate predicted probabilities. Zelig has a series of simple one line commands to generate the information I want on first differences and so forth. Unfortunately, I keep getting an error when running the zelig function and was wondering if there was a quick alternative for generating predicted probabilities for
2013 May 17
n in pglm() and relogit()
Dear all, How do I obtain the number of countries that my panel models estimated by pglm() and relogit() (the latter one is in the Zelig library) use? I couldn't find any information on that in the help files. Thank you very much in advance. Best wishes
2011 Dec 22
Finding predicted probabilities
I ran three logit models in R with the Zelig package and I'm trying to compute the predicted probabilities for a number of different values on the independent variable. My dep variable was accepted or decline and my indep variable is bid amount, and varies. So for a bid amount of 3, what's the expected probability of winning. For a bid amount of 5, what's the expected probability of
2011 Dec 22
Error message with glm
I'm working on a logistic regression in R with the car package but keep getting the following error message. It's only and warning and not an error, but I'm just not sure how to resolve the issues. algorithm did not converge fitted probabilities numerically 0 or 1 occurred d1 = data.frame(mwin=c(mwin), mbid=c(mbid)) m1 = zelig(mwin ~ mbid, data=d1,
2011 Dec 16
Zellig Error Message
I'm trying to calculate predicted probabilities in R with Zelig and keep getting the following error. Can anyone help? > x.low <- setx(mod, type=1)Error in dta[complete.cases(mf), names(dta) %in% vars, drop = FALSE] : incorrect number of dimensions When I ran the model, I ran everything but the explanatory variable as a numeric variable. Now, I'm trying everything and no
2011 Dec 16
Incorrect Number of Dimensions in Zelig with setx()
I'm running an ordered logit in R with the Zelig package and am trying to calculate some predicted probabilities. However, I get the following error message. > x.low <- setx(mod, cars=1)Error in dta[complete.cases(mf), names(dta) %in% vars, drop = FALSE] : incorrect number of dimensions I googled this problem and couldn't find anything, minus a question by me on this same
2010 Mar 29
Question about 'logit' and 'mlogit' in Zelig
I'm running a multinomial logit in R using the Zelig packages. According to str(trade962a), my dependent variable is a factor with three levels. When I run the multinomial logit I get an error message. However, when I run 'model=logit' it works fine. any ideas on whats wrong? ## MULTINOMIAL LOGIT anes96two <- zelig(trade962a ~ age962 + education962 + personal962 + economy962 +
2009 Dec 07
zelig logit survey
When I use zelig to compute parameter estimates with "model = logit.survey", I receive the following error: Nicholas Carnes. 2007. "logt.surveyWarning message: In eval(expr, envir, enclose) : non-integer #successes in a binomial glm! I believe this is because the model is not using "quasibinomial" (see R-News 2003, Analyzing Survey Data in R, by Thomas Lumley). Is there
2008 Apr 11
Multinomial Logit Regression
Hi all, I have a dataset with a response variable with three categories (1, 2, 3) and a lot of continuous variables. I'd like to make a MLR with these variables. I've been watching the libraries nnet and zelig for this purpose but I don't understand them well. I use a training sample data to make the MLR. train.set <- sample(1:1000,1000*0.7) I have done this: library(nnet) net
2012 Jun 04
regression methods for rare events?
Ein eingebundener Text mit undefiniertem Zeichensatz wurde abgetrennt. Name: nicht verf?gbar URL: <>
2007 Jun 05
logit model interpretation
Hello everyone I appologize for my lack of experience in statistical methods. I am an R user begginer and I am running a logit model using "zelig" and "pcse" packages. I will go to the point and is that Im having problems with interpreting the results of my models.. It is really simple (I guess for the most advanced scholars) however I really dont understand how to interpret
2012 Jul 05
Plotting the probability curve from a logit model with 10 predictors
I have a logit model with about 10 predictors and I am trying to plot the probability curve for the model. Y=1 = 1 / 1+e^-z where z=B0 + B1X1 + ... + BnXi If the model had only one predictor, I know to do something like below. mod1 = glm(factor(won) ~ as.numeric(bid), data=mydat, family=binomial(link="logit")) all.x <- expand.grid(won=unique(won), bid=unique(bid))
2012 Aug 13
Using the effects package to plot logit probabilities
I'm trying to run a logit model and plot the probability curve for a number of the important predictors. I'm trying to do this with the Effects package. df=data.frame(income=c(5,5,3,3,6,5), won=c(0,0,1,1,1,0), age=c(18,18,23,50,19,39), home=c(0,0,1,0,0,1)) str(df) md1 = glm(factor(won) ~ income + age + home, data=df,
2010 Mar 10
trouble getting multinimial logit model to work properly
Greetings all, please consider the following data: #Build Data frame Slope<-c(1.291370, 12.208500, 2.110930, 0.578990, 5.019520, 0.807444, 0.554079 , 1.257080, 0.241504 , 0.184337 , 0.383044 , 0.342021) Exposure<-c(790.54, 1167.79 , 845.58 , 1082.47 , 1189.61 , 677.17 , 2058.56 , 469.09 , 112.02 , 803.31 , 254.14 ,1336.16) FwyDist<-c(11809.4222 ,10623.0458, 12279.6271,
2007 Nov 02
NAME tumblr SYNOPSIS tumblr (setup|write|read|authenticate|check-vimeo|check-audio) [options]+ DESCRIPTION tumblr.rb is a command line utility and library which interfaces to the excellent tumblr blogging platform @ tumblr.rb implements the complete restful api in both library and command line utility, doccumented in full @
2010 Jul 26
Model Fit Statistics in a Logit Model
I'm running a logistic regression model in R. I've used both the Zelig and Car packages. However, I'm wondering if there is a simple way to get the model fit statistics for the model. (pseudo R-square, chi-square, log liklihood,etc) Thanks
2004 Mar 23
New R package
Zelig: Everyone's Statistical Software Kosuke Imai, Gary King and Olivia Lau Version 1.0 (Available at A growing proportion of statisticians and methodologists from many disciplines are converging on R, a powerful statistics package and programming language. As an open source project, R is freely
2010 Dec 21
"variable lengths differ (found for '(weights)')" error in Zelig library
Dear R users, I am trying to estimate to estimate the average treatmen effect on the treated (ATT) using first the MatchIt software to weight the data set and, after this, the Zelig software as shown in Ho et al. (2007). See here for an explanation of how to apply this technique in R: I encounter a slight problem when I apply the weights that
2009 Feb 19
Zelig method setx()
Hello, I am attempting to "automate" a Bayesian normal linear regression using Zelig. Basically, I have a list containing several zelig() objects, each having a different formula, same data set, and same model (normal.bayes). My problem lies in the setx() method, where I am setting a numeric parameter to a value other than the mean. This is straightforward if I input the parameters