Displaying 20 results from an estimated 3000 matches similar to: "lm regression query"
2013 Feb 22
Help xyplot
Hi Mackay and anybody
(a) Is it possible to select randomly (let say five grids) and plot?
(b) Is it possible to plot five nearest grid in one figure?
The original question and improved codes:
#I am ploting gridded time series data. I would like the actual lat
#and lon value appear on the graph-if possible inside the graph as
#numbers. If there is also more elegant ways to plot the graphs I
2013 Feb 25
legend issues.
hello, all.
one of my students is having an issue with the pie & legend function.
this is her code. (below)
it works just fine for me.
her error is "plot.new has not been called yet". i know this means her pie chart is coming up blank so the legend will not work.
according to ?graphics this package *is* supposed to handle these functionalities. however, when i tried to
2020 Mar 17
":::" operator doesn't work with data object Ecdat:::Crime
????? The ":::" operator doesn't work for me with "Ecdat:::Crime" on
either macOS 10.15.3 or Windows 10.
????? A different but related issue is that "plm::Crime" says "Error:
'Crime' is not an exported object from 'namespace:plm'", even though
"library(plm); data(Crime); Crime" works.? I would naively think a user
2012 May 04
Off-Topic: Crime Statistics Don't Pay
WARNING: COMPLETELY OFF TOPIC -- Nothing to do with R.
I thought readers of this list might enjoy the following. The link to
the full article is at the bottom. I hope this is not "too"
Overconfidence in crime statistics doesn?t pay. In a new study, a team
of criminologists makes the case that reported crime rates should
acknowledge uncertainty in the data. The
2013 Jan 31
Help with multiple barplots
Hello: I need to create a six barplots from data that looks pretty close to what appears below. There are two grouping variables (age and gender) and three dependent variables for each grouping variables. I'm not really familiar with trellis graphics, perhaps there is something that can do what I need there, i don't know.
The thing is: I *need* these to appear on one row, with some way
2006 Jan 22
regression with nestedness
Dear R-users,
I set up an experiment where I put up bluebird boxes across an
urbanization gradient. I monitored these boxes and at some point I
pulled a feather from a chick and a friend used spectral properties
(rtot, a continuous var) to index chick health. There is an effect of
sex that I would like to include but how would I set up a regression and
look at the effect of urbanization
2012 Sep 24
Some of you have heard of CRIME, probably.
from https://bugzilla.redhat.com/show_bug.cgi?id=857051
> Adding the following line to the /etc/sysconfig/httpd file:
But there are other services but http that use ssl and are vulnerable?
What is the optimal place for setting this environment variable system wide?
I tried to set it in
1999 Apr 23
basic question about lm summaries
I'm very new to R and I'm having trouble doing something that should be
very simple (so I'm probably missing something quite obvious). When I
> lm(data$CRIME~data$INCOME+data$HOUSING)
I get the correct coefficients. However, when I try to get anything
else out of this I get a message about a missing argument, e.g.:
2002 Jan 27
EPS->LaTeX problem
I have a strange problem displaying a graph from R (1.3.1, linux) in a
LaTeX document of documentclass seminar.
I'm using graphicx to include the file:
When I do this, the entire slide (including the page number) is rotated
180 degrees. Any ideas why this happens?
The graph was created
2002 Jan 27
SUMMARY: EPS->LaTeX problem
Earlier today I posted a problem importing an R graph into a LaTeX file of
seminar class: specifically, the graphic was showing up rotated 180
degrees, along with the rest of the page it was on.
In a real victory for open-source software, I got lots of responses with
three distinct approaches, each of which appears to solve the problem. Try
getting fast, correct help from Microsoft on a Sunday
2006 Feb 05
3-dimensional table
Last week my class conducted an experiment by putting out clay
caterpillars to look at the effects of urbanization, color, and location
on caterpillar predation. There were two sites (urban, rural), three
colors (green, yellow, red) and two locations at each site (edge,
interior). The entire data set is below. I've checked out the MASS
book, Dalgaard's book, and the R-help archives
2011 Mar 14
proportional symbol map ggplot
we want to plot a proportional symbol map with ggplot. Symbols' area should
have the same proportions as the scaled variable.
Hereby an example we found on
http://www.r-bloggers.com/bubble-chart-by-using-ggplot2/ . In this example
we see the proportions of the symbols' area are different from the
proportions of the scaled variable:
crime <-
2013 Oct 28
LZ4 compression in openssh
Also nice to know that zlib at openssh.com enables the compression only
after authentication, mitigating the known problems with compression
and passwords. It is also very hard to do chosen-plaintext attacks on
the client to server side (in opposite to HTTPS where that's trivial).
And most passwords that are typed after authentications are entered
character by character, making them fall under
2003 Dec 01
Re: Asterisk European Tour: was RE: * Party in Paris
>> Amsterdam!!
> I had my laptop and suitcase stolen in Amsterdam the one time I went
> there, after hearing someone talk about how safe a city it was over
> dinner. Most importantly, also stolen was my (apparently irreplacable)
> copyleft shirt (yellow/gold with large blue backwards (C) symbol on front
> and GPL preamble on back) which no amount of effort has managed to
2006 Sep 10
formatting data to be analysed using multinomial logistic regression (nnet)
I am looking into using the multinomial logistic regression option in the
nnet library and have two questions about formatting the data.
1. Can data be analysed in the following format or does it need to be
transformed into count data, such as the housing data in MASS?
Id Crime paranoia hallucinate toc disorg crimhist age
1 2 1 0 1 0 1 25
2 2 0 1 1 1 1 37
3 1 1 0 1 1 0 42
4 3 0
2002 Mar 11
Crime Time Series
Can anyone please recommend a good site for
crime related time series?
mailto: hodgess at uhddx01.dt.uh.edu
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2011 May 22
Finding solution set of system of linear equations.
I have a simple system of linear equations to solve for X, aX=b:
> a
[,1] [,2] [,3] [,4]
[1,] 1 2 1 1
[2,] 3 0 0 4
[3,] 1 -4 -2 -2
[4,] 0 0 0 0
> b
[1,] 0
[2,] 2
[3,] 2
[4,] 0
(This is ex Ch1, 2.2 of Artin, Algebra).
So, 3 eqs in 4 unknowns. One can easily use row-reductions to find a
homogeneous solution(b=0) of:
2001 Sep 14
extremly off topic I know but since it leaked into the list anyway....
On the Bombings
Noam Chomsky
The terrorist attacks were major atrocities. In scale they may
not reach the level of many others, for example,
Clinton's bombing of the Sudan with no credible pretext,
destroying half its pharmaceutical supplies and killing
2019 Feb 16
Can we disable SSH compression by default?
Compressing data before encryption may be dangerous, for example
CRIME, BREACH and VORACLE. Can compression be disabled by default in
OpenSSH, only being enabled if user requests it?
Another scenario when SSH compression may be bad is use of commands
like tar cz | ssh root at remote "tar xz", which seem pretty common. If
SSH compression is enabled, data will be (wastefully) compressed
2008 Oct 30
A question about pairs()
Greetings R users,
I am an R graphics newbie trying to produce a custom trellis plot using
pairs() with R 2.7.2.
I have spatial data on which I run a geographically weighted regression
(gwr, using the -spgwr- package). I want to check the gwr coefficients
for multicollinearity and spatial association, following Wheeler and
Tiefelsdorf (2005), and I would like to summarize the results of this