Displaying 20 results from an estimated 700 matches similar to: "obtainl survival curves for single strata"
2007 Apr 02
multiple virtual host?
I am trying to serve up two applications from one box. (It''s not a
commercial system; it''s just a box on my desktop, that I''m using to test
out RoR.)
SETUP. In my httpd.conf, I''ve got something like
<VirtualHost *:80>
ServerName URL
ServerAlias URL
ServerAdmin USER@PLACE
ProxyPass /APP
2012 Sep 18
creating graphs using Rook
I m said to display graph in browser using Rook.
So i found a code i.e
library(Rook) # for web functionality
library(ggplot2) # for graphing
library(tseries) # used to grab time series from yahoo for stock symbols
library(plyr) # data tweaks
PIC.DIR = paste(getwd(), 'pic', sep='/')
# define the web page form
newapp = function(env) {
req =
2006 Nov 14
RESTful mixin, mixin repo?
I just put together a little mixin to provide pseudo-RESTful services
in camping apps. Basically, it looks for a hidden _verb field in form
posts, and sets the @method to the supplied value (e.g. put or delete
- which browsers don''t support). This lets you define put and delete
methods in your controllers. Groovy.
Is there any permanent repo of
2003 Dec 16
Help w/ termplot & predict.coxph/ns
I am fitting a cox PH model w/ 2 predictors, x1 = 0/1 treatment variable
and x2=continuous variable. I am using natural splines (ns) to model
the effect of x2.
I would like to examine the estimated effect of x2 on the hazard. I
have tried various approaches (below; let model.fit= fitted model using
coxph in survival library):
1. The simplest method appears to be using termplot(model.fit).
2015 Jul 26
[PATCH] ssh-agent: Add support to load additional certificates
Add support to load additional certificates
for already loaded private keys. Useful
if the private key is on a PKCS#11 hardware token.
The private keys inside ssh-agent are now using a refcount
to share the private parts between "Identities".
The reason for this change was that the PKCS#11 code
might have redirected ("wrap") the RSA functions to a hardware token.
We don't
2006 Jun 07
knn - 10 fold cross validation
I was trying to get the optimal 'k' for the knn. To do this I was using the following function :
knn.cvk <- function(datmat, cl, k = 2:9) {
datmatT <- (datmat)
cv.err <- cl.pred <- c()
for (i in k) {
newpre <- as.vector(knn.cv(datmatT, cl, k = i))
cl.pred <- cbind(cl.pred, newpre)
cv.err <- c(cv.err, sum(cl != newpre))
2008 Dec 04
Comparing survival curves with "survdiff" "strata" help
I'm trying to compare three survival curves using the function "survdiff" in the survival package. Following is my code and corresponding error message.
> survdiff(Surv(st_months, status) ~ strata(BOR), data=mydata)
Error in survdiff(Surv(st_months, status) ~ strata(BOR), data = mydata) :
No groups to test
When I check the "strata" of the variable. I get .
2007 Feb 20
I am trying to use tree() to classify movements in a futures contract. My
data is like this:
diff dip dim adx
1 0 100.00000 8650.0000 100.00000
2 0 93.18540 2044.5455 93.18540
3 0 90.30995 1549.1169 90.30995
4 1 85.22030 927.0419 85.22030
5 1 85.36084
2013 Dec 06
Can't seem to get modulepath attribute recognized by puppetmasterd
Warning - Puppet newby here.
I am trying to set up a puppetmaster 3.3.2 and have run into a snag right
out of the box.
I want to add a new directory to modulepath= in /etc/puppet/puppet.conf
So I added the following line in the [main] header
modulepath = /etc/puppet/modules:/opt/our-repo/puppetmaster/modules
And populated new new directory with modules I have written.
I then run
2009 Dec 20
Noob Install Failed
Happy Holidays,
I am new to RoR and have just run through the install, which well
seemed to be vaquely documented as some ''Do this'' type of thing on
the http://rubyonrails.org/download page.
download gem
gem install rails
rails path/to/your/new/application
cd path/to/your/new/application
ruby script/server
and then ( drumroll ) ....
Follow the instructions on
2010 Jun 26
boot with strata: strata argument ignored?
Hello All. I must be missing the really obvious here:
mm <- function(d, i) median(d[i])
b1 <- boot(gravity$g, mm, R = 1000)
b2 <- boot(gravity$g, mm, R = 1000, strata = gravity$series)
Both b1 and b2 seem to have done (almost) the same thing, but it looks like
the strata argument in b2 has been ignored. However, str(b1) vs str(b2)
does show that the strata have been noted
2011 May 06
coxph and survfit issue - strata
Dear users,
In a study with recurrent events:
My objective is to get estimates of survival (obtained through a Cox model) by rank of recurrence and by treatment group.
With the following code (corresponding to a model with a global effect of the treatment=rx), I get no error and manage to obtain what I want :
2013 Dec 07
combine glmnet and coxph (and survfit) with strata()
Dear All,
I want to generate survival curve with cox model but I want to estimate the
coefficients using glmnet. However, I also want to include a strata() term
in the model. Could anyone please tell me how to have this strata() effect
in the model in glmnet? I tried converting a formula with strata() to a
design matrix and feeding to glmnet, but glmnet just treats the strata()
term with one
2012 Feb 01
package sampling, function strata
Dear all,
I have to select 122 stratified random samples from a population of
>3900 cells. I have 41 strata and I have to draw a different number of
samples from them(between 2 and 8).
I have tried to apply the funtion strata following the instruction in
the manual:
strata(dataframe, stratanames=NULL, size, method=c("srswor"),
but I get the error
2006 Mar 21
RoR and Growing Pains
I have persuaded my company to move towards an RoR shop... from a PHP 5
(with in-house-built framework)... so the jump is not terribly bad. I''m
REALLY excited actually!
My problem: I am overwhelmed with all the setup Loops I have to jump
through to get RoR setup. I tried it on my current Apache 1.34 and
decided it''d be easier to make the Lighty (1.4.11) jump. So I did. I get
2010 Jul 20
Random Forest - Strata
Hi all,
Had struggled in getting "Strata" in randomForest to work on this.
Can I get randomForest for each of its TREE, to get ALL sample from some
strata to build tree, while leaving some strata TOTALLY untouched as oob?
e.g. in below, how I can tell RF to,
- for tree 1 in the forest, to use only Site A and B to build the tree,
while using the WHOLE Site C data for the oob error
2004 Jun 15
multiple error strata in aov
I am trying to perform a model 3 ANOVA for a 2 factor (say factor A and
factor B) anova in which factor A is fixed and factor B is random.
Therefore, the error term for the test of factor A should be the A:B
interaction term and the error terms for B and A:B should be the model
residual (within) term. I have tried to work out how to specify such
error strata using aov, however, I have had
2008 Jun 18
How to create strata out of the data.frame table
My data.frame table consist of 3 variables (x,y and z) where each variable
has 1000 units. I need to create 5 equal size strata according to one of the
variable (let's say x) whereas units of x variable with a higher value have
higher probability to be selected in a strata with a higher number (max
strata number is 5).
I've been trying different things so far and since I am fairly new to
2009 Jun 20
Plotting Cumulative Hazard Functions with Strata
So i've fit a hazard function to a set of data using
kmfit<-survfit(Surv(int, event)~factor(cohort))
this factor variable, "cohort" has four levels so naturally the strata
variable has 4 values.
I can use this data to estimate the hazard rate
and calculate the cumulative hazard function by
Now, I would like to plot this
2005 Jan 10
Connecting Asterisk to a Toshiba Strata system
I'm interested in setting up Asterisk as a voice mail system for our Toshiba
Strata CTX100 PBX. Our current voice mail system connects to the PBX with
four analog extensions. Does anyone have information on how to integrate
this kind of system with Asterisk? I've looked at the legacy integration
section of the Wiki, but it doesn't seem to have anything about Toshiba