similar to: Enhanced Podcasts with Ogg Vorbis (Chapter Marks)

Displaying 20 results from an estimated 1000 matches similar to: "Enhanced Podcasts with Ogg Vorbis (Chapter Marks)"

2012 Sep 18
Feedback about Vorbis Comment Chapter Extension
Hallo again! Some month ago we discussed about the Vorbis Comment Chapter Extension: I got some critics about this specification, especially from the VLC developers: see Some parts of it: <cite> This specification allows holes between chapters and allows overlapping chapters... And does not explain what to
2021 Jul 15
Podcast shownotes/Lyrics and URL/image per chapter in comments
Hi all, I am the autor of "toc2audio" software <>, to add chapters to audio files. I plan to add podcast shownotes also inside the audio file, but I wonder if there is some kind of standard beside repeating a "comment=" tag per line in the comment header. Talking about that, I would be like to be able to add and an image per audio
2021 Jul 15
Podcast shownotes/Lyrics and URL/image per chapter in comments
Hi all, I am the autor of "toc2audio" software <>, to add chapters to audio files. I plan to add podcast shownotes also inside the audio file, but I wonder if there is some kind of standard beside repeating a "comment=" tag per line in the comment header. Talking about that, I would be like to be able to add and an image per audio
2012 Jan 06
Enhanced Podcasts with Ogg Vorbis (Chapter Marks)
Hello list! Since it is more and more common these days to create enhanced podcasts (= audio files with additional chapter markers [1]), I am searching for an alternative to the currently used MP4 format. ID3 also puplished an official standard for chapters [2], but nobody seems to use and support it. Now I am trying to get something similar with vorbis audio (and maybe an additional
2013 Jul 23
On 7/23/13, Silvia Pfeiffer <silviapfeiffer1 at> wrote: > On 23 Jul 2013 15:17, "Martin Leese" <martin.leese at> > wrote: ... >> Information about Metadata >> has been collected together in the Xiph Wiki >> at: >> > > That page is a bit outdated. It has CMML in it which we
2012 Jun 05
embeding xml to ogg
On 6/4/12, Benjamin M. Schwartz wrote: > On 06/04/2012 04:08 PM, Martin Leese wrote: ... >> The optimal solution is described at: >> > > As that page says, "This page is for development of a specification for > embedding XML streams in Ogg.". "XML streams" are not simply XML > documents. They are _temporally
2007 Oct 21
OggPCM family
Erik de Castro Lopo <> wrote: > Martin Leese wrote: > > So what is "OggPCM"? I started this thread > > because I was puzzled why someone was > > changing a draft instead of the document > > itself. > > The original OggPCM was started by a person who really didn't > lnow what they were doing and wouldn't listen to
2009 Jun 28
Tidy up of XiphWiki VorbisComment page
I have been tidying up the VorbisComment page in the XiphWiki. The problem with it was that it was a mixture of proposals and discussion of those proposals. This made it difficult for implementers to see what to implement. The problem section is: This is a mess, and all I could do was add attributions to the
2013 Jul 23
Brendan Bolles wrote: > Hey everyone, according to Wikipedia's 4-year-old information, there is no > standard for putting metadata into an Ogg file. True. > That metadata must be > included in the codec. More generally, in a stream in the Ogg file. Codecs are streams, but so are things like Ogg Skeleton. Information about Metadata has been collected together in the Xiph Wiki
2018 Dec 11
New ID registration
"Kurosawa, Taku" wrote: > Hi Martijn, > > Sorry for the late reply again, > The application we are preparing this time is not exactly similar to > Replaygain. > > Replaygain as we understand is something which normalize the loudness at > content provider side, but our application takes different approach. It is > designed to normalize the loudness at player
2018 Oct 26
Proposal - Extended Channel Layouts in Opus
On 10/25/18, Rodger Combs wrote: > >> On Oct 25, 2018, at 12:47, Martin Leese <martin.leese at> >> wrote: ... >> An alternative approach is to only define >> popular layouts. For more obscure layouts, >> such as 2.1 and Mid/Side, assume that the >> person doing the encoding knew what they >> put in, and so knows what will come
2018 Oct 25
Proposal - Extended Channel Layouts in Opus
Rodger Combs wrote: > I've run into some issues using Opus with source files in channel layouts > other than the default 8. For instance, 2.1 isn't supported, so I have to > either downconvert to 2.0 or upconvert to 5.1 (which usually involves adding > empty channels, which prevents the playback device from upconverting to the > native layout). > To address this,
2013 Jul 24
[OT] Tidy of Wiki Sidebar
I have been tidying up bits of the Wiki. This one is not clear cut, so I decided to seek advice. Also, I wasn't sure where to post this question, so defaulted to ogg-dev. Should Speex and CMML be removed from the Wiki Sidebar at: ? Many thanks, Martin -- Martin J Leese E-mail: martin.leese Web:
2007 Mar 22
Code for Ambisonics
Hi, I have posted this three times to the flac-dev, vorbis-dev, and ogg-dev mailing lists. I wanted to see what code there was currently to support Ambisonics. So I downloaded the code from the xiph download page for libogg-1.1.3, libvorbis-1.1.2, vorbis-tools-1.1.1 and flac-1.1.4, but wasn't able to find anything. If it exists then I missed it, so could somebody please point me to it.
2007 Sep 26
--keep-foreign-metadata question
Not sure if this belongs here or in flac-dev. I am subscribed to both, so flop it over if fits better over there. Looking at the Changelog for FLAC 1.2.1 (17-Sep-2007), it says: "With the new --keep-foreign-metadata in flac, non-audio RIFF and AIFF chunks can be stored in FLAC files and recreated when decoding." Where can I find more detail on what is a
2009 Oct 06
Detecting FLAC file type
Shayne Wissler <wissler at> wrote: > I have a program that is given a random file and needs to determine > whether it is Vorbis or FLAC. For Vorbis, there are various places > where I can infer that I have a bad stream. But for FLAC, when I call > either FLAC__stream_decoder_process_until_end_of_metadata or > FLAC__stream_decoder_process_single, it searches the
2008 Oct 13
Support for CAF in flac command-line?
Brian Willoughby <brianw at> wrote: > Hello all, > > Is anyone here potentially up to the task of adding support for CAF > (the CoreAudio Format) into the flac command-line? ... > I've already made some recordings > that are so long that they cannot be uncompressed from FLAC to WAV or > AIFF because they would exceed 4 GB - the maximum file size for
2013 Jul 24
On 7/23/13, Silvia Pfeiffer <silvia at> wrote: > On Wed, Jul 24, 2013 at 3:59 AM, Martin Leese >> ... >>>> Information about Metadata >>>> has been collected together in the Xiph Wiki >>>> at: >>>> >> Page updated. See what you think. > > M3F is also not used anywhere
2013 Aug 09
[OT] Tidy of Wiki Sidebar
On August 9, 2013, Silvia Pfeiffer wrote: > On Thu, Jul 25, 2013 at 6:36 AM, Martin Leese wrote: ... >> Should Speex and CMML be removed from >> the Wiki Sidebar > Don't remove Speex - it's still very much in use. > > We probably want to add Daala to the list of video codecs: > > > We probably want to remove CCML from the
2009 Jul 23
Fixing ogg vorbis corruption caused by bad metadata
Erik de Castro Lopo <mle+la at> wrote: > Martin Leese wrote: >> Anyway, calling alloc()s with no corresponding >> free()s is a memory leak. Not good code. > > The alloca() function allocates space on the stack and > that allocation is automatically freed when the function > that did the allocation returns. > > The Linux man page is quite