similar to: Another product that uses vorbis

Displaying 20 results from an estimated 500 matches similar to: "Another product that uses vorbis"

2011 Oct 11
Problems running Uru
I was able to install both Myst V as well as URU: Complete Chronicles. I had to install a few DLLs but other than that, it went pretty smoothly. I'm able to run Uru.exe using wine. It launches, and a menu screen appears. Console output at this point is: Code: wine ~/.wine/drive_c/Program\ Files\ \(x86\)/Ubi\ Soft/Cyan\ Worlds/Myst\ Uru\ Complete\ Chronicles/Uru.exe
2004 Oct 30
Myst - config [x11drv] section documentation anywhere?
Hi, I'm attempting to bring up Myst but running into some issues that are presumably graphics related. I had thought that I'd read the manual before I started asking questions here but found that the Wine Configuration File page is inconveniently missing the [x11drv] section. Is there anything written but happens to be elsewhere that I might read? The question I'm trying to
2007 Dec 16
crash running Myst
I'm trying to run Myst (masterpiece edition). By upgrading Wine to .51, I've gotten the install to finish without complaint. When I attempt to run Myst, the following is written to the terminal: $ wine Myst.exe fixme:mixer:ALSA_MixerInit No master control found on MPU-401 UART, disabling mixer wine: Unhandled page fault on write access to 0x00150000 at address 0xb7d75cbc (thread 0009),
2009 May 30
GNOME menu entries for wine run games
I have been trying to add a launcher to the gnome menu for some of my wine games, but I have found that when I add them to the menu the games complain about missing files, I assume because it is looking for the rest of the game files in the directory that the launcher is in. This doesn't happen when I run the same command within the games directory they work fine. I used to have this problem
2010 May 20
Registry key name for Myst
In the (excellent) Wine apps database, at, the instructions say to create a registry key, HKEY_CURRENT_USER/Software/Wine/AppDefaults/Myst.exe, and under it, to > create a new String Value and set it to ... "win95" ... > However, it doesn't say what name to give the key. I created one, and called it
2005 Jan 13
Myst Masterpiece Edition installer
Hi list, I've recently acquired Myst ME. The CD has a single .exe file in the root, Myst.exe, which I believe is an installer (although it could be the game .exe too). When running this exe, A file selector window pops up, with the title "Where is "Main"?", and the filetype is Director Movie. I tried with both the newest release, and the cvs version (20050111), and
2010 Nov 25
installation on another virtual disk -Myst IV
I want to install Myst IV ( I can't install in c:/... not enough of place. I have /home/isaric/Vid?os/Myst-IV on /dev/sda10 and i want to install game on. C: / do not have enough place and with l' installation of the game, I am to oblige to follow Wizard at : Code: /home/isaric/.wine/dosdevices/z:/home/isaric/Vid?os/Myst-IV but permissions are asked.
2007 Jun 20
Problem to enter in domain
I am with a problem to enter the server samba+ldap that I configured. When I go in Rwindow$ XP and I try to enter the domain, I type login and the password of root. If I type the password certain the error is ?was not possible to locate the uru?rio name?. If I type the password wrong the error is ?imperfection of logon: name of unknown user or incorrect password?. I looked for regarding the
2015 May 15
Wine release 1.7.43
The Wine development release 1.7.43 is now available. What's new in this release (see below for details): - Improved support for Shell Browser windows. - Some more API Sets libraries. - Read/write operations support with built-in devices. - Major Catalan translation update. - Support for WoW64 mode on ARM64. - Various bug fixes. The source is available from the following
2011 Sep 19
Few Questions
First of all, I am very mac illiterate as I have been using windows all my life. I am enquiring to see about getting some help on the whole wine thing. I have been looking at the wiki and FAQs but Im lost. I installed wine from sourceforge but when I go to click wineinstall in the tools folder, this is what I get: Last login: Sun Sep 18 21:31:41 on ttys000
2009 May 28
Running two versions of wine?
Is it possible to run two versions of wine on the same machine? As the latest development version (1.1.22) runs Sam & Max Season One and Myst Masterpiece Edition perfectly but doesn't run realMYST. But the stable version of wine that comes with Ubuntu 9.04 (1.0.1) can run realMYST and Myst Masterpiece Edition perfectly but won't run Sam & Max Season One. I was hoping there was a
2004 Jun 02
getting started on MacOS X
Hello - I am attempting to test rsync on a series of 8 MacOS X servers. On my initial test, I configured one machine as the "sender" and one machine to "receive." On the "sending" machine, I created an rsyncd.conf file. On the "receiving" machine, I issued the command rsync --daemon To which I got no error messages. On the "sending"
2006 Apr 12
Any case studies available for RoR implementation?
Hi, I am doing a research project on application frameworks (specifically the evaluation and selection of) and Rails is one of the key frameworks I am evaluating. Does anyone know of any case studies on RoR out on the Internet? Is anyone prepared to write up a case study for me on a project that succeeded thanks to the structure and dynamism of Rails? Only needs to be 1 page. Anyone who
2007 Mar 19
setup.exe fails on wine version 0.9.20 and later
When I try to run wine /mnt/cdrom/setup.exe on the Monopoly CD-ROM it returns "Terminated" on the console. This has happened since version 0.9.20. It worked almost perfect in wine version 0.9.19. Monopoly is a Windows 16 bit game. Any idea why this is happening now? Thanks in advance, Charlie
2007 Oct 22
Lan Kernel Problem
I'm building a Linux box to act as Proxy/Router/Firewall. I'm using CentOS 4.5, with an "old" motherboard (Asus A8V-X), and two Ethernet NIC, based on a realtek chip, that's widely supported under 2.4 and later kernel (the cards were functioning excellent in another PC whit Fedora Core 1). CentOS detects the on board LAN, but not the other two, in fact, knoppix 5.0.1
2009 Jul 13
Changing the location of Wine's My Documents?
Is there anyway to change the location of wine's My Documents folder for a single program or as an option when launching a program? As Myst 4 puts it's save game folder in My Documents which ends up in my home folder and I want it in the games folder. But if I change the setting in winecfg it is changed for all my wine programs.
2008 Aug 17
file manager over ssh
Hello. I need to copy several file from one PC to another over Internet, both using CentOS. What file manager that works over console do you recommend me? Thanks at all Best Regards
2008 Aug 22
Can't disable DirectX mouse Grab (
Hello, I've got the following problem: I'm playing myst 3 Exile in wine-1.1.2 on ubuntu 8.04 with winecfg set to emulate virtual desktop and with directX mouse grab disable (from the wineconfig graphic interface) This last point does not seems to work because when I play myst, once the mouse has entered the wine window, I then can not leave anymore : the cursor won't get out of the
2002 Nov 22
[Windows Media Player]
Greetings winers, I have resorted to wine for one reason, I found an ASF stream avifile will not play. I still believe it is a problem with the streams format but since it does work on Windows Media Player on a Windows box, I thought to give it a try. I installed wine as fake_windows and downloaded mpfull.exe from M$. It installed fine. I set the debugger and ran different incantations of the
2008 Jan 03
how to use "link_to" to deliver a parameter?
Hello, there: I wish A link to invoke such a action together with the parameter "zh_CN" "cookies/switch_language/zh_CH" to switch language sellection, and I use the following code: <%= link_to ''Chinese'', :controller => ''cookies'', :action => ''switch_lang'' %> But, how is "link_to" able to convey