similar to: default quality settings...

Displaying 20 results from an estimated 2000 matches similar to: "default quality settings..."

2002 Jun 21
special spots
can someone email me a list of special spots in quality settings, or point me to a website that tells these settings? i know i may be confusing, i'm talking about like the jump between -q4.99 and -q5 because of the whole lossy/lossless channel coupling, and filesize jump...i also know somewhere above there there is different high and low frequency cutoffs, and a point where there IS NO
2002 Aug 01
Archival quality for music
This mail depends upon the fact that I don't have a couple of good earphones ;-) I read in the site that q=6 is a very high quality, but does it contain perceivable differencies from the original? (for 95% of people, of course). I also found q=6 to produce files slightly bigger (1/10 bigger) than those produced with lame VBR q=2 (about 192 bps on average). I always thought LAME VBR q=2
2002 Jul 27
ABX at q8
Hello! First of all, 100x thanks to Monty and colleagues: you have done an excellent job! I just didn't believe my ears when I first tested Oggenc 1.0 at q0 to q1 - it sounds AMAZINGLY GOOD !!! But as HDD drives are getting larger and cheaper, most of us move toward higher quality settings ......... I use q8, because: - I was able to ABX some test samples up to q4.99 - at q8 Ogg is still
2005 Oct 25
Noisy sound quality with Blackfin in WB-mode
Hello all, I'm testing the Speex codec for my diploma thesis on a BF-533 Blackfin under uCLinux (2005R3 RC3 release). I successfully compiled the Speex (1.1.11-svn) and I can encode/decode wav-files on my STAMP-board using the speexenc/speexdec sample apps. But I encountered that the decoded file sounds strange/noisy, when compiling with "--enable-blackfin-asm" +
2000 Jun 27
masking problems in Vorbis beta?
Hi all, I just came across the following page: In the "News" section there is a fairly negative critique of Vorbis; especially it is mentioned that Vorbis "has terrible masking problems". There is also a Vorbis-encoded frequency sweep which shows strong deficiencies at high frequencies, but I suppose this is due to the quite low bitrate of the distributed
2010 Jun 14
xtable with Sweave
Hi, I'm using Sweave to prepare a descriptive report. Are at least 20 tables built with xtable command of kind: <<echo=F, results=hide>>= q5 = factor(Q5, label=c("N?o", "Sim")) ( = cbind(table(q5))) @ <<echo=F, results=tex>>= xtable(, align="l|c", caption.placement = "top", table.placement='H') @ I'm
2008 Feb 01
the "union" of several data frame rows
Hi, I have a question about how to obtain the union of several data frame rows. I'm trying to create a common key for several tests composed of different items. Here is a small scale version of the problem. These are keys for 4 different tests, not all mutually exclusive: id q1 q2 q3 q4 q5 q6 1 A C 2 B D 3 A D B 4 C D B D I would like
2005 Jul 23
Lattice: reversing order of panel placement in conditional histograms
Hi R-people, I have a question about lattice in general, and histogram specfically. How do you control the ordering of factors that controls the placement of the conditional panels. I have a dataset with factors that go 'Q1','Q2',"Q3','Q5' and of course I want the plot to place Question Q1 at the top and Question Q5 at the bottom of the graphical output.
2003 Mar 30
cant set up a no password login
hi have problems to get an samba server up that offers shares for all without a password heres my smb.conf file located under /usr/local/samba/lib/smb.conf [global] netbios name = DEATHB server string = Samba %v on (%L) workgroup = LANSTRIKE encrypt passwords = yes security = share [homes] browseable = no [mp3] comment = lmh path = /var/glftpd/site/mp3/lame.r3mix/ browseable = yes read only =
2011 Jul 06
Tables and merge
----- Original Message ----- From: "Silvano" <silvano at> To: <r-help at> Sent: Thursday, June 30, 2011 9:07 AM Subject: Tables and merge > Hi, > > I have 21 files which is common variable CODE. > Each file refers to a question. > > I would like to join the 21 files into one, to construct > tables for each question by CODE. >
2001 Aug 07
Some pre-RC1 listening tests
Hello everyone, ff123 compiled Monty's branch of the RC1 encoder, see his post on forum: Anyway it only supports ~128kbps mode, so I did a quick listening test with some files that bugged vorbis beta4. grace.wav - the right channel is still a bit watery, and I think this can be seen
2010 Jan 28
hist - unevenly spaced bars
I am sure this is trivial, but I cannot solve it. I make a histogram. There are 5 categories "1",...,"5" and 80 values and the histogram does not evenly space the bars. Bars "1" and "2" have no space between them and the rest are evenly spaced. How can I get all bars evenly spaced? The code: > Q5 [1] "4" "4" "4"
2000 Oct 29
'Jukebox' quality?
In light of the recent study - - posted at slashdot, I've come to realize how little I know about this whole field. So, I'm making an appeal to the audio experts here. I want 'jukebox' quality, meaning ~0 artifacts while maintaining a good compression ratio, but not quite 'archival' (read high bitrate) as I don't mind
2010 Dec 18
use of 'apply' for 'hist'
Hi all, ########################################## dof=c(1,2,4,8,16,32) Q5=matrix(rt(100,dof),100,6,T,dimnames=list(NULL,dof)) par(mfrow=c(2,6)) apply(Q5,2,hist) myf=function(x){ qqnorm(x);qqline(x) } apply(Q5,2,myf) ########################################## These looks ok. However, I would like to achieve more. Apart from using a loop, is there are fast way to 'add' the titles to be
2017 Aug 24
likert Package
R- Help Forum Working with the "likert" package and I can't figure out why my "bar" graphs are backwards (see attached). The percentages are place correctly but the bars are backwards. #Sample code # libraries library(likert) # create data band <- c("Band 3","Band 3","Band 3","Band 3","Band 3","Band
2001 Oct 15
ogg to mp3 conversion
Howdy folks, currently i am using a cygwin32 build of all tools on NT here at work. most of my cd's are ripped to ogg files, but my mp3diskman is.. well an mp3 player. ( Its a nice player!) i use: ogg123.exe -d raw -f - "filename.ogg" | lame --r3mix -r - filename.mp3 Is there a better way of doing this, for instance passing the tags through as well? I am
2006 Dec 03
passing an argument to a function which is also to be a dataframe column name
any suggestions on the following gratefully welcome, I have a dataframe, which I am subsetting via labels atpi[, creativity] where (for example) atpi =, ncol = 5, nrow = 10)) names(atpi) = c("Q1", "Q2", "Q3", "Q4", "Q5") and creativity = c("Q1", "Q3", "Q4") I want to add an extra column
2011 Sep 29
Permutations of configurations on multiple columns
Hi, I have got this start situation: structure(list(subject = structure(c(1L, 1L, 1L, 1L, 1L, 1L, 2L, 2L, 2L, 2L, 2L), .Label = c("s1", "s2"), class = "factor"), part = structure(c(1L, 1L, 2L, 3L, 4L, 5L, 1L, 1L, 2L, 6L, 6L), .Label = c("p1", "p2", "p3", "p4", "p5", "p9"), class =
2000 Jun 28
response to The r3mix review (fwd)
Yes, r3mix found a bug, no it's not a serious one. It's amazing how something small gets overblown like this. The r3mix reviewer basically just hit the known short block trigger bug when doing his tests. We've known about this bug since before the beta and haven't fixed it yet because it was considered relatively minor; [ironically] it mostly affects test samples with a single
2013 Jul 23
[LLVMdev] Question on optimizeThumb2JumpTables
In looking at the code in ARMConstantislandPass.cpp::optimizeThumb2JumpTables(), I see that there is the following condition for not creating tbb-based jump tables: // The instruction should be a tLEApcrel or t2LEApcrelJT; we want // to delete it as well. MachineInstr *LeaMI = PrevI; if ((LeaMI->getOpcode() != ARM::tLEApcrelJT &&