similar to: Spectrum display in Winamp

Displaying 20 results from an estimated 10000 matches similar to: "Spectrum display in Winamp"

2004 Aug 06
Frozen upper spectrum in WB VBR CNG
Hi, I've been using Speex in my voice-over-IP program on Win32, in wideband (16kHz) mode. I just starting using VBR recently and have run into something that might be a problem within Speex: If someone hasn't spoken for a little while, and the bitrate drops to very low, sometimes the high half of the spectrum becomes frozen with a looping sound. The bottom half of the spectrum is
2005 May 03
winamp plugin can't apply +'ve replaygain
I've recently encoded some older CDs to flac that ended up with a positive album ReplayGain value. (+2.0dB) Problem is they sound noticeably quieter then other albums when played through winamp. (Album mode and ReplayGain are on) When played through foobar2000 they are louder as I would expect. I did a few tests. When the Preamp is down to -24 all playback is very quiet. When I put it up
2004 Aug 06
Frozen upper spectrum in WB VBR CNG
Jean-Marc Valin ( wrote: > > > I've been using Speex in my voice-over-IP program on Win32, in > > wideband (16kHz) mode. I just starting using VBR recently and > > have run into something that might be a problem within Speex: > > Are you turning on DTX in addition to VBR? Also, what version are you > using. As of 1.0, DTX is
2002 Jul 07
winamp bitrate (kbps) display wrong
I have noticed that when playing OGGs in Winamp, the bitrate displayed is always much higher than the average bitrate of the file. This was using the plugin that comes with Winamp v2.80 (v1.2 b7) For example, the latest oggenc encoded a song to 77kbps - I verified that this matched the filesize correctly. Apart from the first and last few seconds of the song, Winamp always displays between 85 -
2004 Sep 10
plugin optimizations
Here is all-in-one patch, if this is a problem, i will try to make separated patches. Changes: plugin_common/ * FLAC__plugin_common__pack_pcm_signed_little_endian * accept FLAC__int32 *input[] * supports more channels * fixed clipping bug (BTW, random number generator in dither.c is low quality, it should be replaced, generator in replaygain is much better) *
2005 Mar 10
Winamp 0% Buffering mp3 streams
I'm new to streaming or music hearing over the wire, I still prefer my old-fashioned stereo equipment :-) But a friend asked me to setup a shoutcast server for him, so I went out and installed it, played a bit with it and didn't like it. So I looked for an open source alternative and found Icecast. Installed fine, works fine. But there is one thing which puzzles me and I hope someone
2001 Nov 01
chained files and winamp / vcedit
When I create a chained file with a mono and then a stereo substream, winamp crashes when it gets to the second stream. in_vorbis v1.16c. And when vcedit writes comments from a chained file, it only saves the first substream and throws subsequent streams away. Perhaps this is woth mentioning somewhere... Matthijs --- >8 ---- List archives: Ogg project
2003 Jan 20
Winamp Wave Out resampler (was- make lo-fi sound as good as RealAudio?
Shawn sent me a copy of the non-Direct Sound version of this output plugin, and I'm hosting it on my web site's rare software page: I've found it adds far more smoothness and clarity to various low sample-rate audio files, including an 80-minute speech I mentioned previously, due to my soundcard's approach to D-to-A conversion
2011 Sep 23
Cross Spectrum : Conversion of 2-D spectrum into a single complex array
Hi, I'm wondering why the spectrum() phase of quadrature couple isn't purely +/-pi. But mostly, I'm looking for a recommended way to take a 2-D spectrum and convert it into a single complex array. Kindly consider: # 10 Hz sine wave 10 seconds long sampled at 50 Hz deltaT = 1/50 t = seq(0, 10, deltaT) w = 2 * pi * 10 x = ts( sin( w * t ), deltat = deltaT ) y = ts( sin(
2002 Dec 11
Corrupted OGGs (Winamp or Mac OS?)
I recently ripped a bunch of tracks to ~192 VBR OGG using OGGDROP XPd v. 1.1 running on Win98 SE and they worked fine and sounded great in Winamp 2.80. I then edited the tags (also with Winamp 2.80) and copied the files over to to my Mac G4 running OS 9.0.4, where they sat untouched for about a month. Now, having copied them back to my Win98 SE machine, they won't play in Winamp,
2004 Aug 06
Icecast Station Browser for Winamp Media Library...
Hi oddsock et al. > a bit of free time on my hands (yes occasionally it happens) I wrote this > -> It's only for winamp > users, and it integrates the icecast YP into the Winamp Media > Library... Congratulations on - once again - a superb bit of software! Thank you for spending your Time on this! Works like a charm for me!
2004 Sep 10
[Flac-users] Winamp 2/Winamp 3 and FLAC plug-ins
I know that Winamp has its loyal following. I've never used it much. Also, I'm a novice at computer music. I've always just bought CD's and never used computer music. So perhaps I'm an idiot or just not very music-software literate, but I so far haven't been impressed with Winamp, or the FLAC plug-in. Just for one example, I've got a dual-Althlon MP 2000 system
2002 Feb 13
Comparison between Ogg Vorbis and LAME
Guys (and girls), I\'ve been testing Ogg Vorbis quality at home, and I thought I\'d share the results with you. For those who want the conclusion, Vorbis 1.0 RC3 sounds better than LAME 3.70 vbr/cbr (which I\'m told now that it\'s broken for VBR), at less bitrate, however, it\'s not perfect (and probably never will, since it\'s a lossy audio codec) and could use some
2005 Dec 01
squared coherency and cross-spectrum
Hi All, I have two time series, each has length 354. I tried to calculate the coherency^2 between them, but the value I got is always 1. On a website, it says: " Note that if the ensemble averaging were to be omitted, the coherency (squared) would be 1, independent of the data". Does any of you know how to specify properly in R in order to get more useful coherency? The examples in
2004 Sep 10
[Flac-users] Winamp 2/Winamp 3 and FLAC plug-ins
--- Paul Doland <> wrote: ... > Okay, so where am I going. Well, for one, I've installed Winamp > 2.91, the > latest 2.x release, and the FLAC plug-in for it. When I go to try to > play a > .flac file with it, all it seems to do is just convert it to a .wav > file, > and then I have to play the .wav file. I thought the whole idea of > FLAC was >
2004 Sep 10
[Flac-users] Re: [Flac-announce] Winamp not in default directory
Yup... I troubleshooted this with Chris already... seems he didn't actually install Winamp, but just created a shortcut to winamp.exe to launch the program. This means that there is no winamp info in the Windows registry, thus, the installer doesn't think winamp is installed, and it skips the Winamp plugin install. Even if I had the installer check the default install location (\program
2006 May 30
Winamp v5.22 / oddcast / aac+
Something else, Greg. Are you aware of any 3G / 2.5G (EDGE) clients for mobile phones that support AAC+ streaming? Be it java or symbian based. Thanks Alex -----Original Message----- From: [] On Behalf Of Greg J. Ogonowski Sent: Mittwoch, 31. Mai 2006 07:40 To: Ross Levis; Subject: Re: [Icecast] Winamp v5.22 / oddcast /
2011 May 10
Power Spectrum from STFT (e1071)?
Hello. Does anyone know how to generate a power spectrum from the STFT function in package e1071? The output for this function supplies the Fourier coefficients, but I do not know how to relate these back to the power spectrum. Alternatively, if anyone is aware of other packages/functions that perform short time Fourier transforms, that would also be helpful. Thanks. -- View this message in
2004 Aug 06
question about icecast & winamp & media player
Ahah! I knew I was not the only person who has experienced this with winamp. The problem here is winamp 2.7. It seems that when I tuned into my shoutcast servers (when I ran shoutcast) with winamp 2.7 the longest period I could hold a stream was a little more then an hour. No matter what I did it would bit the dust. There was some discussion about this on the shoutcast broadcaster list, but no one
2013 Dec 18
how to analysisi spectrum of a dataset with NA value
hi R users I have a large 1D dataset and some of them is NA value . I found I cound get the spectrum by such a command. ua=c£¨10£¬30 £¬40£¬50£¬NA£© spectrum(ua) and I could not use na.rm just like mean or sd function How could I get the spectrum of ua ? thank you . -- TANG Jie [[alternative HTML version deleted]]