similar to: xml stream formats

Displaying 20 results from an estimated 3000 matches similar to: "xml stream formats"

2000 Aug 02
RDF Metadata Specification
I've put together the first attempt to defining an RDF metadata vocabulary for use with the CD Index/MusicBrainz/OggVorbis. If you care about metadata issues, please take a look at: I've included a section for video specific stuff, but everything that I originally had in there is being covered by the MM:Contributors section. The Contributors stuff will allow
2000 Jul 26
test stream update
Don't have too much to report, but I talked to Michael Smith about things on IRC this evening and we made some progress in compromising our visions. On the static and stream identification metadata there was a tenative decision to go with RDF, but in such as way that a limited player could choose not to support it and still be able to play the a/v data. Robert mentioned trying to work his
2000 Aug 07
full circle on the text stream format
I've come full circle on the Ogg text stream format, back to arbitrary associated xml streams. What's changed? Mostly rolling the requirements around in my head, and weighting them differently. I think we've dealt with the complexity issue; this functionality can be optional for "dumb" audio players, and possibly also for dumb video players, though there it's a smaller
2001 Jun 06
Having not been reading the list regularly for the past few months, I've been reading through for the past few days trying to catch up. I was wondering what the current state of Vorbis metadata was. Has anything been agreed upon as far as how metadata is to be stored? It seems every time this was brought up before it turned into a large debate and nothing was ever resolved. Tony Arcieri
2001 Feb 28
how much room for comments?
Hi! While writing a bug report to the Sonique authors, I also thought it might be useful to ask for a better handling of the OGG Vorbis comment tags. This lead me to the question on what could be included in the comments at all, since custom tags are allowed. The idea was, for example, to write whole song lyrics into the .OGG or maybe even a small story about how the weather was when the song
2007 Sep 09
The use for an XML based metadata format
Daniel, these are all good ideas and worth progressing. However, it may be better not to merge too many goals in one format (MPEG-7 did that and ended up as a big mess). So, I suggest to start by structuring the types of things you want - then finding out which parts belong where into existing formats such as vorbis comment, Skeleton and CMML, and only then start to develop a new format. For
2005 Oct 25
Content-Type: application/rdf+xml
Hi, I am trying to parse the response received from a rdf file using DOM. However, I am not able to get anything in the responseXML. It always returns null. Following is the content type I receive from the server. Content-Type: application/rdf+xml Can someone let me know how I can receive this as an xmlObj? Thanks in advance, Mandy. _______________________________________________
2006 Mar 27
XML Storage?
Hey Folks, Now that all the fun and games of learning Rails has almost sunk in it''s time to build something useful. I am tasked with building a system to control and search our large (and I mean large 1.5 million + and growing) photograph collection. I have been building databases for years and after thinking about the situation we decided that trying to store the
2007 Sep 10
The use for an XML based metadata format
What I've gotten out of this discussion so far: 1) we need to introduce a means in which to do captions; this could be done through adding a "caption" element to CMML, or in another time-continuous annotation format; so far I am not sure which would be the better way 2) we need a XML annotation format for audio - in particular for music - that is more structured than vorbiscomment
2001 Apr 09
Metadata streams
I was looking at the Freeamp stuff and I looked at their RDF metadata stream spec. ( I noticed on that page it says, "Furthermore, this format will hopefully be used by the Open Source audio codec Vorbis to store audio/video metadata with the audio/video tracks." Is this the metadata format planned for Vorbis? If so, how would it be embedded in the .ogg?
2007 Sep 06
Feedback on XML metadata namespace
Hi ogg-dev list, After discussing the [lack of] metadata standards on the irc:// channel yesterday I figured I had to contribute to this process. Attached is a sample XML formatted metadata sheet describing a song; and shows off other media type elements as well. How this is to be embedded in the OGG container is not my field. I have only spent a couple of hours
2008 Nov 16
[Schrodinger-devel] ogg dirac granulepos in oggz tools
On 11/14/08, David Flynn <davidf+nntp at> wrote: > Correct; there is no metadata handling capability in the current > mapping spec. I'd suggest at some point to look into separate stream solution for metadata, perhaps M3F [1]. -Ivo [1]
2007 Sep 14
The use for an XML based metadata format
I've been trying to follow the situation here, because that's one of the things I try to do in Xiph: know what's happening. There's a total of 70 messages related with recent metadata discussions. Here's what I have understood so far: * Daniel is still not trying to read and understand the _other_ metadata proposals; he makes several non-true statements regarding them. *
2000 Aug 28
xml transcript stream proposal
Ok, here's what I've been thinking of in terms of the scrolling lyrics format for Ogg. An xml stream, it matches the head-body-[body-]-tail structure I suggested for packetization. I'm happy with the lyrics aspect, and it maps cleanly onto the existing formats. I also think it will handle the talk transcript, subtitle, and karaoke requirements well. I call it a 'transcript'
2007 Sep 09
The use for an XML based metadata format
Daniel Aleksandersen <> wrote: ... > Since the URI attribute can describe locations (URLs), the format could work > as a RDF document; being an external resource describing external content. > But of course the metadata would be in the Ogg stream-container-thingy > (...somehow. help. input?) in the case of the Ogg format. As this would be XML, I
2000 Oct 27
missing def file in vorbis win32 build stuff
I was just trying to build the shared lib stuff and include it into RC4 of FreeAmp 2.1 today, but I found that the .def file for the vorbis build stuff is missing and therefore no .lib file is generated. Is there a reason for that, or is it just an omission? In any case, I will hold off on the latest and greatest vorbis stuff in FreeAmp until next week.... --ruaok Freezerburn! All else
2000 Apr 19
integer pcm decode patch
Hi! I've spent the last few nights digging into the Vorbis source and working to implement a vorbis_synthesis_pcmout_int() function that kicks out interleaved int16_t pcm data. I think its important to have this function available to make the job for people using the codec a little easier. This function abstracts out the conversion to int16_t and removes the extra overhead of moving the pcm
2009 Sep 01
Flac and lyrics
Both MPEG-4 File Format (mp4) and Matroska (mkv) have an interesting format for lyrics and subtitles. Since these container formats can contain multiple contain streams, lyrics or subtitles are just another "stream" interleaved with the rest of the data. They are synchronized by having timestamps like any other stream. The payload is just text data. If you don't care about
2006 Oct 01
Metadata & RDF
On 30/09/06, Ralph Giles <> wrote: > On Sat, Sep 30, 2006 at 12:21:53PM +0200, Danny Ayers wrote: > > > Basically I'd like to embed arbitrary (meta)data in flac files. > > I agree it would be best to define a new block type for RDF > metadata, or probably better for random attached XML data, That sounds reasonable, but... and > let the xml parser
2006 Feb 01
Parsing RDF coming from a URL
Hello, i''m writing an application that needs geocoding information for locations outside of the US. I''m using the geocoding service mappoint ='''', 80) response = mappoint.get(''/geocoder/rest/?city=Gent,BE'') logger.debug response.body and the body of the response is in the following form : <rdf:RDF