similar to: Ogg Theora: Some questions on codec interna

Displaying 20 results from an estimated 200 matches similar to: "Ogg Theora: Some questions on codec interna"

2004 Aug 08
[fdo] Inkscape BOF @ Siggraph LOS ANGELES - MON, AUG 9, 4-5 PM
*PLEASE FORWARD* Inkscape: An Open Source Vector Graphics (SVG) Editor Overview Birds of a Feather Meeting in Co-operation with Siggraph 04 at the Los Angeles Convention Center Monday, 9 August 4 - 5 pm Holiday Inn City Center Santa Monica Room Jon Phillips + Jon Cruz ### Inkscape: Draw Freely.
2004 Aug 08
[fdo] BOF @ Siggraph LOS ANGELES - MON, AUG 9, 4-5 PM
*PLEASE FORWARD* Inkscape: An Open Source Vector Graphics (SVG) Editor Overview Birds of a Feather Meeting in Co-operation with Siggraph 04 at the Los Angeles Convention Center Monday, 9 August 4 - 5 pm Holiday Inn City Center Santa Monica Room Jon Phillips + Jon Cruz ### Inkscape: Draw Freely.
2006 Feb 28
variables internas
I've seen in the asterisk configuration the way to call some internal variables like caller-id-number, caller-id-name, language, etc. but.. What is the variable for changing the DID? Is there a manual with this details? -- Alejandro Vargas
2007 Nov 27
max() and min() functions not found
Dear List, I just installed R 2.6.1 (on Win2K) and I get a strange error in functions min() and max(): > min(1:3) Errore in .Internal(min(..., na.rm = na.rm)) : nessuna funzione interna "min" which, as you may have guessed, means 'no internal function "min" '. The same happens for max(). Maybe this is a bug in the new release, or maybe I'm missing
2015 Mar 24
Hola de nuevo, ya empiezo a ser pesado ¿no? bueno, no importa porque aprendemos todos. Eso, al menos, me parece. Hoy estuve estudiando en R el tema de la aleatoriedad. Veo que hay múltiples posibilidades pero me están chocando mucho. Encuentro que el generador de números pseudo aleatorios es más pseudo de lo que debería. Me explico, quiero generar 0 y 1 aleatorios. Estoy trabajando con una
2017 Dec 05
command line arguments are parsed differently on windows, from 3.4.3
One comment: For your R devel example you didn't use spaces in the expression, i.e. maybe that's broken too with spaces? Three questions: Does it work if you avoid spaces? Does it work if you use single quotes? Does this also occur for Rscript? Thxs Henrik On Dec 5, 2017 03:44, "G?bor Cs?rdi" <csardi.gabor at> wrote: I wonder if this is intended. Thanks,
2017 Dec 05
command line arguments are parsed differently on windows, from 3.4.3
Sorry for not reading carefully and thanks for confirming problem with Rscript too. On Dec 5, 2017 08:47, "G?bor Cs?rdi" <csardi.gabor at> wrote: > On Tue, Dec 5, 2017 at 4:40 PM, Henrik Bengtsson > <henrik.bengtsson at> wrote: > > One comment: > > For your R devel example you didn't use spaces in the expression, i.e. > maybe
2004 May 05
Using the same LDAP entry for posixAccount and
Hola Soy Maricela Debo realizar un proyecto de autenticacion de usuarios para una red interna de una empresa, esto se realizara en linux con Samba 3.0.2 y LDAP. Estube mirando este articulo porq me recomendaron usar: sambaSamAccount y posixAccount, pero tengo dudas. Queria preguntarte si me puedes ayudar: 1. El esquema jerarquico es definir el los componentes de domino y los objectclass
2018 Aug 17
Dual headed DC
On 8/17/18 11:03 AM, Rowland Penny via samba wrote: > I know you say two IP ranges, but are you also thinking of two dns > domains ? No: one DNS domain. > If you are only going to have one dns domain, then it should work, you > will just have to create the required reverse zones and you will > probably be better off using Bind9 instead of the internal dns server. Why? I'm
2008 Jan 07
Powerware 5115 on Debian Etch
I've got some strange problem with NUT on my 5115 on Debian Etch: ---snip--- $ sudo ./bcmxcp_usb -DDDDDDD -a 5115 Network UPS Tools - BCMXCP UPS driver 0.13 (2.3.0-1181) Warning: This is an experimental driver. Some features may not function correctly. debug level is '7' Can't set POWERWARE USB configuration Unable to find POWERWARE UPS device on USB bus Things to try: -
2013 Mar 14
Dibujar una espiral
Hola: Estoy intentando dibujar una espiral a la que le quería colocar unas marcas equidistantes. Estoy utilizando: T = seq(0, 20*pi, length.out=1000) X = T * cos(T) Y = T * sin(T) plot(X, Y) que dibuja puntos siguiendo una espiral. Como podría convertirlo en una espiral continua con marcas equidistantes? He buscado en r-cran, y no he encontrado nada. Muchas gracias y saludos!! Griera
2014 May 19
Buen día a todos. Tengo un problema.Podría ayudarme diciendóme cómo se llama la paquetería para encontrar el comando "", lo he estado buscando para ver como escribir el comando en R y no me aparece una paquetería para ver la descripción. Saludos. [[alternative HTML version deleted]]
2006 Dec 18
creating script for init.d
Hello. I'm moving from a very old Fedora Core 1 to CentOS 4.4, what a change!! Three year ago, I wrote some script (network related) and worked very well. Now, I can put into init.d by means of chkconfig and I restarted the system, but always hang when executing my srcipt (in my new centos 4.4). There a manual for making scripts for init.d? there is some new requirement by which it does not
2011 Nov 21
[LLVMdev] Suggestions for LLVM Developer's Conference 2012
Some other suggestions: 1. It is time for the conference to go to a 2-day format next year, and perhaps have fewer parallel sessions. What was a "meeting" has become a true conference -- several hundred attendees, lots of different kinds of talks, etc. (I have to admit -- it's heartwarming to see the community has grown to this scale!) The costs will be a little higher for the
2005 Feb 15
Help with bandwith control in a firewall/bridge machine
Hello again, First, excuse me for my poor english. I''m trying now to make bandwith control in a firewall machine running Shorewall. This machine is also a bridge using bridge-utils bridge-utils-devel. It is a mandrake 10. The configuration is something like this: FTP/Webserver ------| eth0 eth1 Mailserver
2005 Feb 16
Re: Bandwith Control with a firewall/bridge
>Miguel Ángel Domínguez Durán wrote: >> Hello again, >> First, excuse me for my poor english. >> I''m trying now to make bandwith control in a firewall machine running >> Shorewall. This machine is also a bridge using bridge-utils >> bridge-utils-devel. It is a mandrake 10. The configuration is something >> like >> this: >> >>
2005 Feb 15
Bandwith Control with a firewall/bridge machine
Hello again, First, excuse me for my poor english. I''m trying now to make bandwith control in a firewall machine running Shorewall. This machine is also a bridge using bridge-utils bridge-utils-devel. It is a mandrake 10. The configuration is something like this: FTP/Webserver ------| eth0 eth1 Mailserver
2005 Feb 11
Help!!! Bandwith Control with a NAT machine
Hello everyone, First of all, sorry for my poor english. I''ve been working with this for a few weeks and I''m getting sick... I''m trying to control the bandwith in my network using the following script. The machine where the script is running makes NAT, eth0 is connected to the router and eth1 is connected to the Lan. When I run the script it doesn''t appear any
2013 Jan 15
Duda gráficos - paper="a4"
Buenos días: A ver si alguien me puede iluminar, porque ya he sobrepasado los límites de mi paciencia y de mi imaginación con este asunto: Dado un gráfico creado con un plot (y funciones auxiliares como polygon, etc.) y una tabla creada debajo de ese gráfico (creada con addtable2plot), y dados unos text situados a modo de título encima del plot y otros encima de la tabla, ¿por qué cuando trato
2013 May 21
[Bug 821] New: Rosa Summary: Rosa Product: iptables Version: unspecified Platform: All OS/Version: All Status: NEW Severity: enhancement Priority: P5 Component: iptables AssignedTo: netfilter-buglog at ReportedBy: andoandre at