similar to: Import excel file

Displaying 20 results from an estimated 8000 matches similar to: "Import excel file"

2012 Oct 03
How to limit memory on a server
Hello, In our structure, users connect to a server (64GB of memory) where they launch R. How can I limit the amount of RAM that could use a user. The function memory.limit(size=...) can limit the amount of memory but I would like users can't change this option in R. Is it possible? Thank you. Cyril Hervy [[alternative HTML version deleted]]
2013 Feb 23
data.frame and import to xlsx
Hi, i have a very huge number of data with the size 2375ko, i want to import them for R to xlsx but the size of excel is limited How can i resolve this problem? And please how can i define the frame Note that i have a table rows times c(1.....100) columns WLc(200...1000) and inside S c(15,.........) the table it is full values -- View this message in context:
2012 Aug 08
Saving Splitted Series to Excel via XLConnect
Dear R Discussion List, I would like to save my data as a xlsx file. But at first I need to split it and then save each series into a Excel column. Please take a look at the following code: dados <- data.frame(matrix(c("2012-01-01","2012-02-01", "2012-03-01","2012-04-01","2012-05-01","2012-06-01",
2012 Aug 17
Appending many different and separate Excel files using R
Dear all, Good day! I have a problem in reading Excel files in R and appending them to each other. Suppose we have several Excel files in a directory with headers and want to use R to append them in a single file with an additional variable in the final file indicating from which files the data come from. As I have many Excel files and their sizes are very big I should write a loop in R to do
2013 Jan 21
Problema gWidgets & XLConnect
Hola. Tengo una especie de "poltergeist"... a ver si alguien es capaz de echarme un cable.... sucede al usar los paquetes XLConnect ( y gWidgets ( simultáneamente en R 2.15.2 (de 32 bits bajo Windows 7) ... con la versión anterior (2.15.1), en las mismas condiciones, no pasa. Caso 1: #
2012 Sep 04
How can I export a big data.frame to excel 2010 - file.xlsx?
Hi, I need some help to export a data frame with 83 rows and 1411 colums. I have used the package RODBC until now. But now, I have 1411 colums that I can't send to the old excel. If anybody knows a package to convert my data frame in xlsx tell me! Thanks for help in advance! Pamela Botrel -- View this message in context:
2012 Aug 30
segfault in gplots::heatmap.2
Hi all, I experience a segfault when calling gplots::heatmap.2(), but only when certain other packages are loaded. I am not sure for the correct place to send this bug report. Should I send it to the package maintainers directly? If R-help is the wrong place, please feel free to direct me to the correct one. I am on debian (testing) linux 64 with the binary R distribution from the
2012 Aug 30
segfault in gplots::heatmap.2
Hi all, I experience a segfault when calling gplots::heatmap.2(), but only when certain other packages are loaded. I am not sure for the correct place to send this bug report. Should I send it to the package maintainers directly? If R-help is the wrong place, please feel free to direct me to the correct one. I am on debian (testing) linux 64 with the binary R distribution from the
2013 Nov 04
Reading data from Excel file in r
Hi experts, I want to read data from an excel data like this: for the fifth column, from first row until 140 but only 1,3,5,7,.....139 (only 70 values), How can I do it in R? thanks [[alternative HTML version deleted]]
2015 Mar 26
Conectividad con Excel
Hola amigos, buenos días Esto sigue avanzando. Estoy ahora tratando de establecer la conectividad de R con Excel y he seguido dos viídeos en YouTube de una profesora llamada Bebilda que se explica muy bien. Con ambos tengo el mismo problema así que planteo uno de ellos, éste es: Pero os lo explico brevemente: Cargo el paquete RODBC >
2015 Sep 17
Fwd: Creación fichero excel con loadWorkbook
> > > Hola chic en s, > > sigo intentando crear un archivo de Excel pero no hay manera. Sigo los pasos del documento de ayuda siguiente: > > > > los pasos que hago son: > > install.packages("XLConnect") > require(XLConnect) > wb <-
2011 Aug 12
Extract named regions from an Excel file using XLConnect?
Hi Everybody In R, the XLConnect package can read and write named region to and from Excel. In order to read a named region with the readNamedRegion function you need to know it's name. You can check is a name exists with existsName, but you still have to know the name. Is there a way to actually get a list of the named regions in XLConnect sinilar to getRanges in the xlsx package. On that
2017 Sep 23
"XLConnect" packages; Excel dates read incorrectly
Hi, I tried to read xlsx files by "XLConnect" packages, but the dates are one day earlier than it is supposed to be. I moved from California to Taiwan (Eastern Asia), and it worked well in California, but not in Taiwan. Even if I adjust my Mac time to California time zone, it gives the wrong dates. I don't know which part of the setting (in RStudio or in my Mac?) I should adjust.
2013 May 20
exportar a excel
Buenos días Creo la siguiente tabla: > tapply(hogares_larioja$DB090, list(HX060=hogares_larioja$HX060, HS190=hogares_larioja$HS190, HH040=hogares_larioja$HH040, HH050=hogares_larioja$HH050, HH081=hogares_larioja$HH081, HH091=hogares_larioja$HH091), sum) y el resultado quiero exportarlo a excel (este y otros que he realizado, claro) para publicarlos. ¿Cómo puedo hacerlo?. Gracias BB
2017 Sep 23
"XLConnect" packages; Excel dates read incorrectly
Jim, I don't see how that link could be related to John's issue. Symptoms related to your link involve discrepancies of four years whereas John is seeing discrepancies of one day. John, I do not see any attached files. Regards On Sat, Sep 23, 2017 at 1:30 PM, Jim Lemon <drjimlemon at> wrote: > Hi John, > It could be due to this: > >
2012 Aug 30
segfault in gplots::heatmap.2
Hi all, I am taking this over from r-help (see I experience a segfault when calling gplots::heatmap.2(), but only when certain other packages are loaded. I am not sure for the correct place to send this bug report. Should I send it to the package maintainers directly? If R-help is the wrong place, please feel free to direct me to
2011 Sep 15
Reading Parts of Excel Files (within a sheet)
Dear R Users, I have to read data from many excel spreadsheets, all which have some frustrating formatting (lots of titles, headers, etc.). I am trying to work directly from source data and the number of the spreadsheets I would have to go through make reformatting one by one a pain. I have found lots of ways to read excel files, but my question is whether there is a way to only read
2017 Sep 23
"XLConnect" packages; Excel dates read incorrectly
Hi John, It could be due to this: Jim On Sat, Sep 23, 2017 at 1:04 PM, John <miaojpm at> wrote: > Hi, > > I tried to read xlsx files by "XLConnect" packages, but the dates are > one day earlier than it is supposed to be. I moved from California
2017 Sep 24
"XLConnect" packages; Excel dates read incorrectly
> On Sep 23, 2017, at 6:30 AM, Eric Berger <ericjberger at> wrote: > > Jim, > I don't see how that link could be related to John's issue. Symptoms > related to your link involve discrepancies of four years whereas John is > seeing discrepancies of one day. > The MS Excel starting point was off by one day. R does not repeat that error. MS claims that
2014 Aug 14
leer ficheros excel en R en Ubuntu
Hola, Pensé que esto iba a ser trivial en R, pero me estoy encontrado muchos con mi problema en internet, y que las soluciones ofrecidas no terminan de funcionar. Estoy intentando leer un fichero .xls en ubuntu con los siguientes paquetes y nada: require(RODBC) conn = odbcConnectExcel("madrid.xls") # open a connection to the Excel file sqlTables(conn)$TABLE_NAME # show all sheets df =